Eternal sin

Many thanks to Damo and Sol for sharing their greater experience in the realm of the sexy spectre.

Coming from a rather sheltered background, i have to say that i've rarely come across any like-minded young attractive ghost girls and i'm somewhat ashamed to admit that i am a ghost virgin. Hopefully that will soon be remedied as this new ghost friend gives me the impression that she's mad for the cock.

Just one thing regarding ghoulish sexual etiquette. My new ghost beau died when her head was separated from her body after unwisely sticking her head out of a train window. Luckily she recovered her head at the scene but now carries it under her arm (which could prove handy). However, my question is this. Would it be seen as bad form know...pop it down her neck on a first date?
Many thanks to Damo and Sol for sharing their greater experience in the realm of the sexy spectre.

Coming from a rather sheltered background, i have to say that i've rarely come across any like-minded young attractive ghost girls and i'm somewhat ashamed to admit that i am a ghost virgin. Hopefully that will soon be remedied as this new ghost friend gives me the impression that she's mad for the cock.

Just one thing regarding ghoulish sexual etiquette. My new ghost beau died when her head was separated from her body after unwisely sticking her head out of a train window. Luckily she recovered her head at the scene but now carries it under her arm (which could prove handy). However, my question is this. Would it be seen as bad form know...pop it down her neck on a first date?

Its a touchy subject. First dates usually don't involve offering body parts, but if she is a slut then it might happen.

You sorta have to wait for her to offer you head...err....her head.
Christ told Judas to do what he "must do". I think it was planned, but Judas couldn't reconcile the action with his feelings (the demons). I'd love to read the full Gospel of Judas, but unfortunately portions of it were damaged.

The texts were written long after the actual events by second or third hand. Neither of us really knows enough about what happened to reach a truly definitive conclusion because all the evidence is so terrible.