Ethanol is retarded

I'm not against nuclear power but it's not actually any cheaper than most other fuels.
Assuming for the moment that were true, it is the clean and plentiful. I have esimated that 500 new plants can take the place of all our imported oil. And that estmate is based on 1970's era technology. If some of Damo's touted brain trust were used, that number would be reduced.

But it will never happen because the liberals greenies think its yucky. Sort of like a gay guy doesn't want a girlfriend.
Assuming for the moment that were true, it is the clean and plentiful. I have esimated that 500 new plants can take the place of all our imported oil. And that estmate is based on 1970's era technology. If some of Damo's touted brain trust were used, that number would be reduced.

But it will never happen because the liberals greenies think its yucky. Sort of like a gay guy doesn't want a girlfriend.

Nuclear power is having something of a renaissance. Although a lot of green people opposed it in the past because of the risk of a meltdown, that's virtually non-existant today. I don't think you'll have much difficulty in building new plants, you just have to find the capital, and oil can still make power cheaper.
Nuclear power is having something of a renaissance. Although a lot of green people opposed it in the past because of the risk of a meltdown, that's virtually non-existant today. I don't think you'll have much difficulty in building new plants, you just have to find the capital, and oil can still make power cheaper.
That's certaintly not true in the long run. Each new plant would reduce our dependence on OPEC. It's clean and safe. The fuel is mined right here in the US of A. Greenies hate it, and fight new plants or expansions of old ones at every turn. Any liberal who suports it is villified by the greenies. It points to their true agenda.
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We need to start implementing solutions to provide clean energy, and keep researching electric. Vertical Axis Wind mills need to be used rather than those stupid windmills they use in windfarms that only catch wind from one direction. Leno has one on top of his huge garage. He went to PacWind. They sell smaller versions for around $3,000 and can provide 500w. Thing is only 30" in diameter!
Also, it will lead to a lot of land being tilled up that could have been left in a natural state and the pollution caused from run off.

THIS IS WHY WE SHOULD NOT SUBSIDIZE THE PROCESS. Once you create a special interest it will fight to maintain its status and it will be difficult to change even if it is not the most efficient solution.

I completely agree that we should not be subsidizing the process. It only leads to corruption. That said, if Cellulose Ethanol is developed rather than the conventional ethanol, then it simply uses the non food portions of the crops.... like the cereal straws and corn stover.

This could actually lead to increased revenue for farmers and thus reduce the need to subsidize them in the first place.
I completely agree that we should not be subsidizing the process. It only leads to corruption. That said, if Cellulose Ethanol is developed rather than the conventional ethanol, then it simply uses the non food portions of the crops.... like the cereal straws and corn stover.

This could actually lead to increased revenue for farmers and thus reduce the need to subsidize them in the first place.

The ethanol subsidies have already reduced other crop susbidies to farmers.
subsidies don't lead to corruption,
and they are needed to get the industry going.
Check the Brazil story, also we all know oil enjoyed a few tiny subsidies.
subsidies don't lead to corruption,
and they are needed to get the industry going.
Check the Brazil story, also we all know oil enjoyed a few tiny subsidies.

Actually, subsidies aren't needed to get the industry going. All we need is expensive Oil, and we have that. There was a lot of things from the late 70's that had started to be researched but were dropped when the oil prices dropped. If Oil stays high, we will start to see some advances that will take us off the Middle Eastern tit. Bush would have done more for the War on Terror though to invest the dollars he spent on war, and put them into Alternative Fuels. I don't think we have to have government involvement other than to speed up the process, but that little boost comes at a price, where we have lobbyists deciding what we do, rather than the market making the decisions. Let the market do this, we'll get a better technology that way.
Yes I agree Dave. $5 gas will really start up the conservation efforts and alternatives.

It is still too cheap for people to really do anything about it.