Europeans Meeting With Iranians Sans Bush & Co.

You appear to be suggesting that the Bush foreign policy towards Iran is clever and prudent. That they are cleverly giving the Iranians diplomatic cover. If your not, then we are in agreement. I don't trust Bush at all to run our foreign policy.

I recall on FP you made a similar argument about how clever and nuanced Bush's policy towards North Korea was.

I find nothing clever about bush's foreign policy. Whatever his tactics are, I suggest we do the exact opposite. And put Republican realists like Hagel, Scowcroft, and Powell in charge of foreign policy.

Oh bugger them too!

Cypress I was at an event called "number the dead" on Fifth Ave earlier today. I went with some other CodePink girls. Medea Benjamin was there, and I was very happy to meet her and didn't expect much else. But I hung out with her, and later on, two ladies in from Boston stopped to talk to me, and they told me they were staying at the Waldorf and had no idea that Bush was going to be there, but he was as of this morning. And I was like, Bush is at the Waldorf?? Now? That's just a few blocks from here. So we went over there and had an impromptu demonstration just about 2 dozen of us, Medea included. The SS (They didn't indentify themselves, but I don't know who else they could have been) came running over and told us we had to move, but we didn't want to. One of them, and I swear this is true, was a dead ringer for G Gordon Liddy, I was cracking up. Anyway then they got some Irish charmer, uniform guy with a little more panache let's say, NYPD, to charm us into going across the street, with the basic, I wouldn't want to see you ladies in any trouble line. So we had to go on the other side, but we yelled really loud over and over, Stop the War Impeach bush. I was hoping the bastard was looking out his window, but probably not, and I don't even know that he was still in the hotel. But it was great. I am so into this group. It's a really great group of women.
Oh bugger them too!

Cypress I was at an event called "number the dead" on Fifth Ave earlier today. I went with some other CodePink girls. Medea Benjamin was there, and I was very happy to meet her and didn't expect much else. But I hung out with her, and later on, two ladies in from Boston stopped to talk to me, and they told me they were staying at the Waldorf and had no idea that Bush was going to be there, but he was as of this morning. And I was like, Bush is at the Waldorf?? Now? That's just a few blocks from here. So we went over there and had an impromptu demonstration just about 2 dozen of us, Medea included. The SS (They didn't indentify themselves, but I don't know who else they could have been) came running over and told us we had to move, but we didn't want to. One of them, and I swear this is true, was a dead ringer for G Gordon Liddy, I was cracking up. Anyway then they got some Irish charmer, uniform guy with a little more panache let's say, NYPD, to charm us into going across the street, with the basic, I wouldn't want to see you ladies in any trouble line. So we had to go on the other side, but we yelled really loud over and over, Stop the War Impeach bush. I was hoping the bastard was looking out his window, but probably not, and I don't even know that he was still in the hotel. But it was great. I am so into this group. It's a really great group of women.

Sweet! That is totally cool! I doubt if Bush could hear you. Doesn't he give instruction for the SS to turn on Fox News on the TV, before he even gets in the room?
Sweet! That is totally cool! I doubt if Bush could hear you. Doesn't he give instruction for the SS to turn on Fox News on the TV, before he even gets in the room?

I think that's Dick Cheney that came out about. Bush probably makes them leave on the Cartoon Channel or Beavis and Butthead.
I think that's Dick Cheney that came out about. Bush probably makes them leave on the Cartoon Channel or Beavis and Butthead.


Oh, that's right: Isn't the Chimp going to talk to the UN tommorow or something?

You and the girls keep giving him hell ;)
But Darla, Medea Benjamin is an ANTI-GLOBALIST. Aren't you a globalist?
What you fail to understand, as always, is that not everyone uses the word "globalist" in the same way you do. You use it to mean some sort of star chamber conspiracy of Evil Men who are bent on world domination and eating babies. Because you think of it this way, you cast "anti-globalism" as opposition to these Evil Individuals at whatever cost and by whatever expedient.

You are a fanatic.

Medea Benjamin -- whom I happen to know, slightly; we're old line socialist activists from the same region and milieu -- is not a fanatic. Therein lies the difference.