Evangelicals: You Need to Stop Believing In Stupid Things

The Jesus Freaks. Does ANY other Country in the World have 'In God we Trust' on their currency.

"July 30, 1956
A law passed in a Joint Resolution by the 84th Congress (P.L. 84–140) and approved by President Dwight Eisenhower on July 30, 1956, requires that "In God We Trust" appear on American currency.
In God We Trust - Wikipedia"

I don't think so, but one of the titles of a British Monarch is 'fidei defensor', Defender of the Faith. Interestingly, it was given to Henry V111 by the Pope, before some little Reform difficulties came up! :)
I don't think so, but one of the titles of a British Monarch is 'fidei defensor', Defender of the Faith. Interestingly, it was given to Henry V111 by the Pope, before some little Reform difficulties came up! :)

Yeah. I think the King of Saudi Arabia has a similar Title, 'Defender of the Faith' ... along with something about Mecca.
:) Just an example of the Christian Jihadis Agenda.
Your 'tolerance' mirrors the 'tolerance' of the Islamists in the Middle East. Your 'Personality Types' are IDENTICAL. :)

In 1956? Then why weren't "your kind" bitching back then? Why are you now, all of a sudden, so "insulted'?
As said, you are now "insulted" by our Pledge, our National Anthem, men in their proper bathrooms and Christians in general.
Why do you wish to destroy the greatest country on earth?
How many degrees do you have?

Go away, stupid foreigner.
BTW, I was a professional in my field and worked my way up to run a machine shop. I interviewed stupid paper (degree) carrying idiots who couldn't even center a shaft in the chuck on a lathe.
RB60: "I am saddened that having that printed on our currency is so repulsive. I hope you die from it." (Post #83)

See. Our Christian Friends say: "Jesus is Pure Love ... and if you don't believe me, I WILL KILL YOU!!!"

As our forefathers found out (the hard way), it's better if the Government stays out of 'Religion'.

What a retard. How did you get "I will kill you" out of "I hope you die from it"? Silly Jackass :rolleyes:
Christian thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament - absentee voting ballot arsonists rite Fourth Reich suicidal Islamophobia super ego pedophilia "serve the Pope or die" Christiananality master race defamation. Exposing too much master plan cognitive dissonance more perfect union ?

Who is this idiot?
Go away, stupid foreigner.
BTW, I was a professional in my field and worked my way up to run a machine shop. I interviewed stupid paper (degree) carrying idiots who couldn't even center a shaft in the chuck on a lathe.

Your claim was that I couldn't read, kid, and degrees would normally be taken as evidence that one can do that thing. The only time I ever took an IQ Test, incidentally, was when I entered the RAF, and thereafter the main good thing they could find to say about me was that I was very intelligent. I am not a believer in some people's superiority over others, however: you are, and as far as I can see from your contributions, you are claiming superiority on very poor evidence.
Your claim was that I couldn't read, kid, and degrees would normally be taken as evidence that one can do that thing. The only time I ever took an IQ Test, incidentally, was when I entered the RAF, and thereafter the main good thing they could find to say about me was that I was very intelligent. I am not a believer in some people's superiority over others, however: you are, and as far as I can see from your contributions, you are claiming superiority on very poor evidence.

Your daily posts provide plenty of evidence that a 4th grader is superior to you.
Your claim was that I couldn't read, kid, and degrees would normally be taken as evidence that one can do that thing. The only time I ever took an IQ Test, incidentally, was when I entered the RAF, and thereafter the main good thing they could find to say about me was that I was very intelligent. I am not a believer in some people's superiority over others, however: you are, and as far as I can see from your contributions, you are claiming superiority on very poor evidence.

Then why do you post such stupid shit on an American politics board? You, and your opinions, are irrelevant.
Go away, stupid foreigner. You are dismissed.
Then why do you post such stupid shit on an American politics board? You, and your opinions, are irrelevant.
Go away, stupid foreigner. You are dismissed.

I am entitled. living in a relatively free country, to do as I please, and you haven't managed to set up your Nazi regime yet, kid. As I frequently say, take your fucking jackbooted storm-troopers home and the world will happily let you all shoot one another: meanwhile, your balls-ups affect us all.
I am entitled. living in a relatively free country, to do as I please, and you haven't managed to set up your Nazi regime yet, kid. As I frequently say, take your fucking jackbooted storm-troopers home and the world will happily let you all shoot one another: meanwhile, your balls-ups affect us all.

Pure, unadulterated, leftist psychopath projection. Text book example in fact. Nice job sheepherder.