Evangelicals: You Need to Stop Believing In Stupid Things

All of our current events are built upon history, aren't they?

What is the Medieval Mabinogi?

They're mediaeval 'Welsh' stories, some of which clearly go back before we became Christian under the Roman Empire. All current events are based on what happened in the past, yes. but 'history' is the way we tell the story of the past, and it changes all the time.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

You were remarkably patient. Maybe losing yet another person who would actually engage in a discussion will be a wake-up call, although I doubt it.

Thank you.

I make every effort to give people the benefit of the doubt, but when they take such consideration as leniency, to continue offending me, they remove all doubt. It was a simple thing. Just stop talking about me. Couldn't do it. Had to come right back with the snappy double-down. So be it. Now there will be freedom to say any shallow busybody thing desired. I will never see it. It will be as rewarding as building houses of cards in a big wind. Trolls are so easily dismissed it is a wonder they persist. I was not surprised in the least. Now reduced to a fading memory.

Onward to more meaningful discussions.
Still I Rise
By Maya Angelou
"You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
’Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
Weakened by my soulful cries?

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
’Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin’ in my own backyard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise."
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Thank you.

I make every effort to give people the benefit of the doubt, but when they take such consideration as leniency, to continue offending me, they remove all doubt. It was a simple thing. Just stop talking about me. Couldn't do it. Had to come right back with the snappy double-down. So be it. Now there will be freedom to say any shallow busybody thing desired. I will never see it. It will be as rewarding as building houses of cards in a big wind. Trolls are so easily dismissed it is a wonder they persist. I was not surprised in the least. Now reduced to a fading memory.

Onward to more meaningful discussions.

Unfortunately some are much more interested in talking about others -- or you -- than exchanging ideas and opinions. You lasted much longer than most.
They're mediaeval 'Welsh' stories, some of which clearly go back before we became Christian under the Roman Empire. All current events are based on what happened in the past, yes. but 'history' is the way we tell the story of the past, and it changes all the time.

I will have to look up some Welsh history books. Some of Mr. Owl's ancestors came from that part of the world. He loves history; learning more about his ancestors' history might be something he would like. If you have any recommendations I would appreciate that.
What To Do When You Find out Someone Is Ignoring You

1. Give The Person Space.
2. Think About Why The Person Could Be Mad At You... Respect that Suffering.
3. Don't Overreact, since it's likely a first.
4. Try very hard to not Let It Consume You...
5. ....Remember there are more on the ignore list with you than there are not;)
Carry on;)

Hearing it from someone who was deeply embedded in the Evangelical culture makes the condemnation of it even more powerful. He's also brilliant which is likely why he cut the phony bible thumpers loose. Everything he says is what we all already know.

Preach to'em brother.....preach the religion of secular humanism with a major in fascism. Who the hell needs a constitution and its protection.....hell you can't even remove a political enemy via NAZI methods under the current system based upon the Judeo/Christian philosophy.

Let's all be like mother Russia, China, Cuba, and the socialist poster child nation Venezuela....who needs philosophical concepts like..... worship only the Creator of the Universe instead of the created, Love your Neighbor, follow 10 basic standard rules of morality such as thou shalt not kill, steal, covet, always respect your parents, don't take your creator Lord's name in vain...i.e., no swearing in the name of...etc., respect that which is holy, such as the belief of others and their traditions, do not commit adultery (that's a tuff one for secular perverted leftists...as we can tell by the latest headline news) DO NOT LIE or DECEIVE for personal gain......do not lust and envy for the property of others who have earned those possession through the sweat of their own brows...

Yeah.....PREACH YOUR SOCIALISM, lets all be equally LAWLESS, poor, perverted, judgmental...etc. :bigthink:

Lets sing Kumbaya in hell together...…………….RIGHT HERE ON EARTH....NOW, why wait...…..
I know, right?....

Medieval Ye olde fabricated misnomer based on an immaculate conception of:
"Originally Posted by saltydancin
setting AI back 100 years, non-entertaining fellows desperate for attention minus redeeming qualities seldom found in my master's posts but concern is not warranted"
as this is Christian Nation SCOTUS plagiarism lynching enforcement Christiananality pedophilia since didn't post the quote nor write it; but so goes cognitive dissonance of that master plan of a not so master race for Evangelical jihad profit.
I will have to look up some Welsh history books. Some of Mr. Owl's ancestors came from that part of the world. He loves history; learning more about his ancestors' history might be something he would like. If you have any recommendations I would appreciate that.

Is that the 2nd Mr. Owl? I hope the first one died a slow, horrible, lingering, painful death.
Still I Rise
By Maya Angelou
"You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
’Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.

Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.

Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
Weakened by my soulful cries?

Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
’Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines
Diggin’ in my own backyard.

You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I’ll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history’s shame
I rise
Up from a past that’s rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.

Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that’s wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise."
