That's quite an ironic question coming from someone who doesn't know Jade yet viciously launched an uncalled-for personal attack on him merely for pointing out the meaning of the word "evangelical." Why do you have such animosity towards a fellow Xtian who you do not know? Rather than maybe enlightening him on what *you* think the word "evangelical" means, you said this "You're an idiot, always have been and always will be. Climb back under the (you know who's) skirt and go away. You're nothing but an irrelevant twit." Is that what your church teaches you to say to other ppl, especially a fellow Christian?
I willingly admit to having animosity towards anyone who wants to insert his/her religious beliefs into our government and public life. I don't want Muslim laws, I don't want Christian laws, I don't want Hindu laws. I want secular law only.
Maybe you should ask him that same question. Why does he constantly scorn Evangelicals?
Your animosity is obvious. A number of our laws are based on Christian laws, "thou shalt not kill" for one. Should we change that? What would be your "secular" interpretation?