Evangelist Claims Second Amendment Is ‘In The Bible’

So post the scripture that supports this asinine evangelical claim.. Waiting. Meanwhile, 23 prominent Christian leaders have denounced Trump.

I don't recall claiming that such a Scripture exists, so your wait is fruitless.

The notion that you attach any gravitas to "prominent Christian leaders" is laughable. I suspect you only reverence the Religion of Peace,

In his deranged rant Feuerstein declares:

… if some bad guy tries to do something, he’s gonna get filled full of a bunch of .45 caliber freedom seeds.

Now, for all of you people that are telling me, “Josh, I thought you were a Christian! Why are you condoning violence? I mean, why are you carrying a gun? How can you be pro-Second Amendment?”

Well, let me tell you, the Second Amendment’s actually in the Bible. Yeah. Think about it. Even God understood that He had to give His angels weapons because you don’t defeat evil with tolerance and understanding. So for all of you people that are saying we need peace, well peace only prevails when the good guy has the bigger weapons.


WTF. He's got quite a few followers of that craziness right here on JPP.
I don't recall claiming that such a Scripture exists, so your wait is fruitless.

The notion that you attach any gravitas to "prominent Christian leaders" is laughable. I suspect you only reverence the Religion of Peace,

Its all over the news.. Prominent Christians have denounced Trump. He's completely devoid of ethics or principles.

Mueller Witness Is Convicted Pedophile With Shadowy Past - Bloomberg


Mar 14, 2018 - Washington (AP) -- How did George Nader — Lebanese-American ... and Kirill Dmitriev, a Russian banker close to President Vladimir Putin.

Trump Posed in Photo With Pedophile George Nader for $189,000 ...


2 days ago - Middle East lobbyist George Nader is now assisting the Mueller ... President Donald Trump posed for a photo with convicted pedophile George Nader, ... One was in the Seychelles, attended by the Putin-linked Russian ...
Well, you appear to be an illiterate halfwit who is paying someone to write down his babblings, so it seemed obvious. Still, some of the concentration camp guards loved good music, so perhaps it is just your senility! :)

Got him pegged, all right.
This evangelical prophet who claims the second amendment is in scripture is on par with Jerry Falwell, Jim Baker, Pat Robertson and the rest of the Rapture Ready Scofield heretics.

You sound like a fundamentalist.

Would you like to burn those people at the stake?
Bible is written in parables that lend themselves to many interpretations. It is vague enough that you can tease anything out of it to support your cause. How many Christian sects "know" what the bible says and it supports them, only them. Like Serpent handlers...its in the bible. The bible is a good door stop.

In his deranged rant Feuerstein declares:

… if some bad guy tries to do something, he’s gonna get filled full of a bunch of .45 caliber freedom seeds.

Now, for all of you people that are telling me, “Josh, I thought you were a Christian! Why are you condoning violence? I mean, why are you carrying a gun? How can you be pro-Second Amendment?”

Well, let me tell you, the Second Amendment’s actually in the Bible. Yeah. Think about it. Even God understood that He had to give His angels weapons because you don’t defeat evil with tolerance and understanding. So for all of you people that are saying we need peace, well peace only prevails when the good guy has the bigger weapons.


A crazy dunce, trying to make excuses, and pulling the crazy out of his ass. Not only does he not make sense, but the bible considers showering a person with bullets to be among the greatest of evil sins. The only time its permissible is when life is on the line, and you only need to shoot once. It's not justified in that sense, but it isn't damning either, due to the circumstance. A person breaking into your house, or robbing a store is not acceptable reason to shoot them. If people don't know how to deter with a gun, and can only kill, maybe they shouldn't have them. You can't drive a car, if you can't provide evidence you can handle a vehicle. The shoot first, figure things out after, crowd need to have their capabilities, and mental judgment tested.
A crazy dunce, trying to make excuses, and pulling the crazy out of his ass. Not only does he not make sense, (1.) but the bible considers showering a person with bullets to be among the greatest of evil sins. (2.) The only time its permissible is when life is on the line, and you only need to shoot once. It's not justified in that sense, but it isn't damning either, due to the circumstance. A person breaking into your house, or robbing a store is not acceptable reason to shoot them. If people don't know how to deter with a gun, and can only kill, maybe they shouldn't have them. You can't drive a car, if you can't provide evidence you can handle a vehicle. The shoot first, figure things out after, crowd need to have their capabilities, and mental judgment tested.

1. Does the Bible mention what caliber bullets that had back then? What propellant did they use? I thought the Chinese first experiment with gunpowder wasn't until around 850 A.D?
2. And it mentions how many rounds to fire? Was Jesus packin' too, or was that mentioned later in the New Testament?
why do you let government do it, then?

Thomas Paine "All institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish appear to me to no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind and monopolize power and profit." He understood it. Recent churches like Scientology and Mormonism show that so clearly . The older ones are no different.
Thomas Paine "All institutions of churches, whether Jewish, Christian or Turkish appear to me to no other than human inventions set up to terrify and enslave mankind and monopolize power and profit." He understood it. Recent churches like Scientology and Mormonism show that so clearly . The older ones are no different.

what does that have to do with the question i asked?