Even liberal women prefer Trump-supporting men for sex

I'm curious why anyone gives the training wheels troll, the time of day. Normally internet tough guys don't admit to people, that they wimp out at a drop of a pin, by banning everyone that might confront them. I think a cookie, and a book about the joys of masturbation is the best thing we could give him.
I'll just leave this here.


This hilarious and insightful article above goes on to suggest that in part, happiness levels are lower because women are now doing housework AND having a job, but now take the following into account as well:


See how stupid you women are? You want to be "strong, fierce, and independent," but in reality, you end up less feminine, less attractive, and more stressed out. The first article speculates this is in part because of an increased overall workload, and yet if men pitch in, men become less attractive to women and get less sex. Damned if we do, damned if we don't. We either help and become beta pussy kept men like cypress, or we don't help and the wife continues to be unhappy.

You were happiest standing by your man making us sandwiches. Us men always knew what was best for you girls, but you had to ignore us. You are not rational thinkers, only ruled by your emotions. This is why you'll always be miserable and unhappy if you deviate away from traditional values.
And the women and men of GBA's town rejoiced, as the bells rang out in celebration and the villagers danced in the streets! "Our children! They're saved!" they cried in joy.

Of course you're not; what woman/man would want such a low-level troll for a spouse?

My free-wheeling single days are far in the past, but even we crones have our memories. Hot and not had nothing to do with politics; it had everything to do with a guy who gets turned on when his woman is turned on.... and who knows how to get the fire lit. Nice try though.

Why would children need to be saved?
I never liked liberal women enough to bed them. Too much emotion and drama...

Two of the hottest girls in my high school, out of a large graduating class of 400, I knew personally from various school and church activities. Both were very aloof towards me then, to the point where I never entertained asking either out for a date. This was well before my political awakening and the liberal vs. conservative question never came up. Back then it was more to do with social status, and both these gals lived in the wealthier side of town and therefore I could never afford to go out with them even if they were interested. Both I have been in contact with through FB now and both are liberal.

Monica is tall, blonde, Northern Italian ethnicity, NY art world sophisticated. After she discovered me on FB she confronted me with my conservative political leanings and I confirmed that, yes, I am and have always been conservative in almost any way. I haven't heard from her since. To closed minded, just like before. Last week I found out that her son was killed by that terrorist truck driver in NY recently.

Andrea is slender, Jewish ancestry, dark eyes and hair. I fell in love with her immediately when we met in the 2nd grade. In high school she had the most gorgeous lips and eyes. It wasn't until well after HS that I mustered the courage to ask her out. During our one date and I found out that we had absolutely nothing in common. She didn't even eat meat, and didn't appreciate me ordering a seafood dish. I never asked her for a second date. Years later she found me on FB and we are friendly with each other, still have little in common, however we do share a similar sense of humor. She's divorced, working as a elementary school teacher, and lives in an apartment in Southern New Hampshire. The social status of our childhood has been flipped...