Even Sarbanes and Oxley are Critical of Sarbanes-Oxley

If I may argue on Dano's behalf he is not being a hypocrite. Yes, in this thread his initial post was only two lines but a majority of posts are not and agree or disagree with him he will spell out his positions.

A large majority of uscitizens posts are of the one to two line variety and that is what Dano commented on.

Not hypocritical imho.

Verbosity is often a way to cover for other shortfalls.
I try to be brief.
Dano is like Dixie he thinks the more words you type the smarter you are.

WRONG, Increased verbosity is not related to increased intelligence.
Take my first wife for instance never shut up , but was dumb as a rock.
Of course I married her so I was not too bright at the time either ;)
Dano is like Dixie he thinks the more words you type the smarter you are.
WRONG, Increased verbosity is not related to increased intelligence.
Take my first wife for instance never shut up , but was dumb as a rock.
Of course I married her so I was not too bright at the time either ;)
Yeah but buddy, your one-liners aren't smart, they're just some stupid thing like:
"Huh-huh Dano and don't forget about those bushies." ;)

Flag and charver can do one-liners and come across smart, you don't. That's just reality.

You say your wife never shuts up, but you don't either, every thread you have to chip in your useless bit.
Dano is like Dixie he thinks the more words you type the smarter you are.
WRONG, Increased verbosity is not related to increased intelligence.
Take my first wife for instance never shut up , but was dumb as a rock.
Of course I married her so I was not too bright at the time either ;)
Yeah but buddy, your one-liners aren't smart, they're just some stupid thing like:
"Huh-huh Dano and don't forget about those bushies." ;)

Flag and charver can do one-liners and come across smart, you don't. That's just reality.

You say your wife never shuts up, but you don't either, every thread you have to chip in your useless bit.