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Thanks for admitting you can't prove your lie.
Thanks for proving you can’t prove it’s a lie!
Anyone can manipulate anything. Didn't say he manipulated dems though, said he manipulated info.
Then you submit that Dick Cheney was smarter than everybody in Washington, the White House, the congressional intelligence committee, the congressional Armed Services committee, British intelligence, the CIA, the FBI the majority of Democrats in Congress, the total American news media, the United Nations, and even the Secretary Of State Colon Powell who later voted for Obama twice, right? Cheney was/is so fucking brilliant that he had them all believing Saddam had WMD and it turned out to be just a fucking "Dick Cheney Lie”, right? Then you’re saying Dick Cheney is the most brilliant bastard in the world, right?
Oh! That’s right, you’re a brain-dead lefty that only can repeat leftist talking points, huh?
Credit where credit (or blame) is due. Not good. I asked for "talking points" I was acused of using in the prior post. Total fail on your part.
Success & failure on a political forum is absolutely in the eye of the beholder Goober! It’s always instigated by political bias, denial and bigoted self-imposed stupidity. I will admit you are a master of all three.
Still don't see how this works, huh? So sorry, but you made the statement, the onus is indeed upon you, and you only, to provide proof of YOUR statement. Repeated for the comprehension disabled; The Military Industrial Complex. Both sides do the bidding of their (same) masters.
What God died Goober and anointed you the “rule maker?” If you could prove me wrong you’d already have done it, but you only prove your stupidity and incompetence therewith.
No need to address it, I agree with you completely. Pull your head out of your ass and wipe the shit out of your eyes, so you can see the truth.
”TRUTH?” now that’s funny I don’t care who ya are! Y’all fucking leftist wouldn’t know truth if ya fell over it! You sit in front of your government provided TV and watch the “Ed Show” & “Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC and beat-off!