Every Fiber Of My Being Screams Trump* Is A Crook.

dear fucking idiot liar

the American people LOVE Obama

they hate trump

the people actually VOTED FOR OBAMA TWICE

trump lost the peoples vote by 3 million living breathing Americans votes

fuck you very much

Oddly enough BO and DJT are tied as most admired. Trump rising bo falling.
Fail again
Not "Americans"...but his sycophants pretend to know. They think he is telling them to jump...

...and they waiting eagerly for him to tell them "how high" and "where do you want me to land."

So in a sense, it is not even clear to them.

And former President Obama was so much better at the dais than Trump could ever be.

MAGA what the left can never provide
What did you rightys do to Hillary for a long time? You were not even satisfied when she proved you were wrong charging her over and over. The innocent till proven guilty died in the hands of rightys,. Why should Dems honor what you guys use as a weapon? If Repubs cared about the truth and justice they would not have a corrupt thief in the highest office in the world.
Principles have been seen as tools of the weak by the right.


Why do you hate the very principal that our Judicial system is based on and why do you hate America??

I've asked this before, of JPP snowflakes, and evidently you're all to big of traitors to America, to answer.

Hello Woko Haram,

Too much feels, not enough logic.

This thread is not about logic. That is well covered in other threads. This is about intuition.

It's harder to explain.

Let's put it this way.

How do you feel about Bill Clinton?

Multiply whatever feelings you may have about him by ten. No. Make that a hundred. That would describe my impression of Trump.
Hello Celticguy,

Yet, oddly enough, americans kn ou w exactly what he's saying.
By contrast americans rarely absorbed anything BO said beyond the odd "if you like your insurance you can keep your insurance" which he knew to be a lie before it came out if his mouth.
Reagan was faulted in this way yet became known as the Great Communicator.
You lefties seem to have forgotten the lessons FDR gave in speaking to people.

Americans knew what Obama was saying. Obama is a very good speaker. Republicans didn't get it because they shut their ears, or only heard what they wanted to hear.

Trump always has to have something sensational to say. Everything is the greatest, the biggest, the most amazing, blah blah. And most of the time it's total baloney. Biggest inauguration is a prime example. Total BS. That's part of what sets my intuition off. Everything is fake with him.
but your Moscow mitch isn't going to hold a trial with witnesses and documents idiot

Which has nothing to do with your new found intelligence, regarding innocent until proven guilty.

You should give a reward to who ever it was that took the time to educate you. :good4u:
Hi Frank,

Not "Americans"...but his sycophants pretend to know. They think he is telling them to jump...

...and they waiting eagerly for him to tell them "how high" and "where do you want me to land."

So in a sense, it is not even clear to them.

And former President Obama was so much better at the dais than Trump could ever be.

What a stark difference between the eloquence of the latest Republican Presidents compared to the most recent Democrats.

Obviously, Republicans prefer the dumbed-down talk.
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