Every Fiber Of My Being Screams Trump* Is A Crook.

In America, guilt is the burden of proof awarded to the prosecution, not the defense. So far leftist prosecutors are ZERO for EVERY ATTEMPT.

Interpretation: “Trump has outsmarted Satan’s demons on the left hell bent on destroying him.” Those same demons that claim he hasn’t the intellect to be our President. If that’s true, what does it say about the leftist demons that fail to torment him?

When I want to watch the champions of lying, I just watch leftist media, CNN & MSNBC, or read the leftist post here.

Actually, he makes HIMSELF, not spokes-persons, more available to hostile media and answers their absurd and hostile questions, than any President in my lifetime, I’m 84 years old!

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects” is guaranteed by the 4th amendment to our Constitution. Thereby Trump’s taxes are as secured as yours are, by law! It is the duty of the IRS to examine tax filings and prosecute any and all criminal filings, so what’s the problem?

“Fake” according to who? Bearing false witness is sin in biblical terms and slander in constitutional law!

Trump is hated by the corrupt Washington D.C. status quo crooks, their big government supporters, Neo-cons, RINOs, leftist progressives and their national media propaganda machine, because he’s not one of them. He’s wrecking their racket! He’s exposing their corruption! He’s showing them how to create a tremendous economy that serves every citizen. They hate him because he’s hell bent on getting America out of stupid never ending wars. They hate him because he’s standing up to the likes of China and shaming the Europeans into doing their fair share of policing the world. They hate him because blacks, Hispanics, Asians & women have the lowest unemployment rate in the history of the country. They hate him because he’s a soaring success! If he stay’s the course in his next 4 year term, he’ll be the best President of my lifetime, I’m 84 years old.

I'm younger than you...only 83. Trump is without a doubt...THE WORST PRESIDENT AMERICA HAS EVER HAD DURING MY LIFETIME...and as you know, about one-third of all the presidents America has ever had...have served during our lifetime.

Trump is disgusting...an insult to our Republic.
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Hello Nordberg,

Well said.

Besides all the facts of the case, and there is so much it can quickly become more than a sound byte (thus making such higher consideration off limits to shallow minds,) my intuition tells me Trump is a very bad man. He is a conniving conman. Big warning sign completely ignored by his fans: He called the media the enemy of the people. Hello. If Obama had called Fox News that, half the nation would have been screaming foul.

He is not sincere. He talks like a used car salesman.

He is a show man. He has this Elvis-like cult following and they don't really know why they favor him (many do not really like him,) but they do favor him because they can't resist. They like to have a smooth-talker lie to them. Not me. My inner being rejects this kind of con.
I'm younger than you...only 83. Trump is without a doubt...THE WORST PRESIDENT AMERICA HAS EVER HAD DURING MY LIFETIME...and as you know, about one-third of all the presidents America has ever had...has served during our lifetime.

Trump is disgusting...an insult to our Republic.

only an idiot could forget Carter's presidency.......unlike the late 70s, the country is in great shape, unlike Carter, Trump succeeded over Iraq.........the only thing bad about Trump's presidency is that demmycrats hate him.......and the other half of the country thinks that's a good thing.......
only an idiot could forget Carter's presidency.......unlike the late 70s, the country is in great shape, unlike Carter, Trump succeeded over Iraq.........the only thing bad about Trump's presidency is that demmycrats hate him.......and the other half of the country thinks that's a good thing.......

You did it again. None of your post is true.
Hello Celticguy,

Still does not address YOUR declaration of proof before and not now.
Just admit to yourself you were not so confident as you professed to be. Not me or anyone else, to thy self be true.

I'll tell you what I am admitting to myself, and to the whole world.

Try that BS on somebody else. I'm not buying it.

A President is held to a higher standard. We are talking about the President here. I get tired of this argument that a private citizen is not required to testify in his own defense at a criminal trial. That's BS for this. This is the President. He is a public citizen. The first citizen. And this is not a criminal trial. The Senate could actually require him to take the oath, if they had a backbone.

I feel like he owes it to us to take the oath, be sworn in, take the stand, stand up in front of the American people and explain himself. Straight talk. Sworn testimony. No BS, no tweets. I want him to look us in the eye, swear to the truth and tell us what happened. And I want all his staff that had anything to do with this to testify too. We are the American people. We deserve this. He owes it to us.

Bill Clinton did that much. Why can't Trump even do what Clinton did?

What is he hiding? That's what I want to know.

Enough of this withholding evidence and 'just take my word for it' in a tweet. That's BS. You're willing to buy it, we are not.

And if you Republicans argue against this then you are just trying to let him off easy. You are willing to accept that he is probably dirty and you're just looking the other way. Part of the cover-up. Afraid to require him to testify. We are not going to accept that. We are not going to stand for that. You can pull all the cheap tricks you want. Either he owns up to what he's done to everyone's satisfaction, including the Democrats, or we find out he abused his powers and he needs to go. And if you Republicans can't accept this and prove that he is on the level and you let him off the hook then we are *so* voting him out in November it is going to make your heads spin as much as your BS propaganda.
Hello Celticguy,

Bubba knew he was going to have to admit his lie to keep his job because he DID lie, under oath.
Trump has a phone call that in no way is a quid pro quo, and those supposedly being squeezed did not acknowledge being squeezed nor were they as any suggestion was after the fact.
Its a sad, bad joke

The joke is Republicans believing the BS.
Hello Celticguy,

I'll tell you what I am admitting to myself, and to the whole world.

Try that BS on somebody else. I'm not buying it.

A President is held to a higher standard. We are talking about the President here. I get tired of this argument that a private citizen is not required to testify in his own defense at a criminal trial. That's BS for this. This is the President. He is a public citizen. The first citizen. And this is not a criminal trial. The Senate could actually require him to take the oath, if they had a backbone.

I feel like he owes it to us to take the oath, be sworn in, take the stand, stand up in front of the American people and explain himself. Straight talk. Sworn testimony. No BS, no tweets. I want him to look us in the eye, swear to the truth and tell us what happened. And I want all his staff that had anything to do with this to testify too. We are the American people. We deserve this. He owes it to us.

Bill Clinton did that much. Why can't Trump even do what Clinton did?

What is he hiding? That's what I want to know.

Enough of this withholding evidence and 'just take my word for it' in a tweet. That's BS. You're willing to buy it, we are not.

And if you Republicans argue against this then you are just trying to let him off easy. You are willing to accept that he is probably dirty and you're just looking the other way. Part of the cover-up. Afraid to require him to testify. We are not going to accept that. We are not going to stand for that. You can pull all the cheap tricks you want. Either he owns up to what he's done to everyone's satisfaction, including the Democrats, or we find out he abused his powers and he needs to go. And if you Republicans can't accept this and prove that he is on the level and you let him off the hook then we are *so* voting him out in November it is going to make your heads spin as much as your BS propaganda.

So now he's required to PROVE he's innocent, instead of Congress doing it. :palm:


Which is the very foundation of our Judicial System.

Why do you hate America??

By the way; you're entire screed reeks of entitlement, on your part.

Impeachment is not exactly a trial. I suppose even rightys have noticed that Moscow is going through a process of creating the rules they will go by. Does anyone think he will have a fair and open process? The Dems did. Trump had all the chance in the world to bring in witnesses and testify himself. He chose not to. Now Reds lie and say he was stopped from presenting them.
I'm younger than you...only 83. Trump is without a doubt...THE WORST PRESIDENT AMERICA HAS EVER HAD DURING MY LIFETIME...and as you know, about one-third of all the presidents America has ever had...have served during our lifetime.

Trump is disgusting...an insult to our Republic.

I'm still 83 Frank. I'll be 84 May 26, if God wills.

We stand at totally opposite opinions related to Trump Frank. I can't remember a better President than Trump when his actual deeds are reflected. Best economy ever. Lowest black, Hispanic, Asian & women unemployment ever. Standing up to China, North Korea, NATO slackers, appointing constitutional savvy judges, securing the southern border in the face of obstructionist democrats & and lying leftist media. Trump is anti-socialism, pro Constitutional Republic and anti-middle eastern never ending wars. Trump is the first politician of my lifetime who's not a phony lying pompous ass. Trump says what he thinks and doesn't give a flying bleep who likes it. Trump is a "Middle America" hero, the working folks friend who's caused America's enemies, (foreign & domestic), respect and fear him. Trump has exposed and identified the treasonous FAKE NEWS media CNN & MSNBC. What's not to like about Donald J. Trump, Frank?