Every House Democrat set to vote on expanding voting rights in sweeping bill

Biden at 61% approval
Millions of Americans NOW vaccinated, with virus control NOW within sight, thus saving millions of American lives
Covid relief on the way

Sure Jethro, just sit back and observe. There is no place for you in this sociery anyway. :)

You dont seem to understand Lequisha. Either way,...I thrive. If leftist policies work and do well,....I win too,...right along with you. " They wont though Lequisha. " If they crash and burn,.....YOU take the fall. I win either way...;)

By Emily Singer -February 22, 2021 9:30 AM

House Democrats announced universal support for a bill that would block GOP efforts to make it harder to vote.

House Democrats on Monday announced that every single member of their caucus is supporting H.R. 1, a sweeping pro-democracy bill that expands "access to the ballot box" and works to "reduce the influence of big money in politics," according to the bill's text.

"House Democrats are united in our steadfast commitment to advance transformational anti-corruption and clean election reforms by swiftly passing H.R. 1," Rep. John Sarbanes (D-MD), the original sponsor of the bill, said in a news release. "Our historic reform effort will end decades of dysfunction in Washington, return power to the people and build a more just, equitable and prosperous country for all Americans."

H.R.1, officially titled the "For the People Act," mandates that:

Published with permission of The American Independent Foundation.


Unfortunately, I don't think this can reach individual states' legal burden to run their own elections. Ga. is about to make it virtually impossible for thousands of people to vote. I don't see the Feds changing that.
Again the Dems have to fix a Repub mess and the rightys still can not learn. The real dumb ones like stone think the Dems cause the messes. He knows no history. The reds rewrite history every day to say what they want it to.
You do not know shit, Stone.

Stop hoping for failure.

You dont GET ME still. I am actually all for the D's retaining the house in 22. I'll even help make it happen. Thats how confident I am of the fall we are going to take. Wont hurt me,...Im set up for life. Sometimes it takes hitting bottom to finally see what exactly is up. And in the unlikely event our country does flourish under leftist control.......I STILL WIN. :cool:
You dont seem to understand Lequisha. Either way,...I thrive. If leftist policies work and do well,....I win too,...right along with you. " They wont though Lequisha. " If they crash and burn,.....YOU take the fall. I win either way...;)

Sure bitch, and trump will be inaugurated on March 4th. You don’t know shit, which is glaringly obvious.
Im actually glad about this. The D's are in complete control now. Let them run the country right into the dirt with them in total control. You KNOW they will. :laugh: No way to blame anyone else but themselves,.... NO EXCUSES. When the dust settles there will be nowhere to run for them...... ;) :cool:

History in fact proves the Democratic Party keeps saving this nation from failed right leaning economic ideas

But you guys hate history

And math

And science
Again the Dems have to fix a Repub mess and the rightys still can not learn. The real dumb ones like stone think the Dems cause the messes. He knows no history. The reds rewrite history every day to say what they want it to.

But I told you I am ALL FOR D control. How can THAT be wrong? :laugh: Galt is alive and well.....
History in fact proves the Democratic Party keeps saving this nation from failed right leaning economic ideas

But you guys hate history

And math

And science

Wait,.... so now you guys are AGAINST me supporting Democrats? Are you FUCKERS all crazy?
Biden at 61% approval
Millions of Americans NOW vaccinated, with virus control NOW within sight, thus saving millions of American lives
Covid relief on the way

Sure Jethro, just sit back and observe. There is no place for you in this sociery anyway. :)

And then comes real infrastructure building

Which every time In history it’s done with skill it massively growths the economy

Soon the Republican Party will die if it does not completely change its entire platform
You dont GET ME still. I am actually all for the D's retaining the house in 22. I'll even help make it happen. Thats how confident I am of the fall we are going to take. Wont hurt me,...Im set up for life. Sometimes it takes hitting bottom to finally see what exactly is up. And in the unlikely event our country does flourish under leftist control.......I STILL WIN. :cool:

Stone, you said you KNOW "the outcome."

You would have done much better by simply saying, "Okay, you are correct. I do not know. I am guessing."
Stupid fucking racist

Or shitty Russo bot hole

Did you call Lequisha racist when he used a well known racial slam against white people by calling me Jethro? Of course you didnt! For the record,...I responded to "Jethro " by calling him Lequisha. NOT the other way around. So you can blow me old hag. NO MORE will open racists like BAC or the others get a free pass without being called out for their bullshit. I used to just blow it off like "who gives a fuck, their idiots anyway" but I see now it only encourages their terrible racist behavior.
But your cracka spawn and grandspawn will be living in a world not to your liking :)


I highly doubt that old fake jew. Matter of fact,....I KNOW it wont go that way. ;) And you? You will be rotting in a hole somewhere. :laugh: Such a jealous jealous LITTLE man you are.
Psssst.....Guno. When you see that big headed fucker Yakub, be a good boy and slap him across the face for me will ya?! My TRICKERATION has been befuddling that dumb bastard for years! :laugh: Oh,..... and make up another batch of bean pies while your at it!
I am excited about the Dems proposal to guarantee that no one is deprived of their vote by requiring a finger print before voting, thus preventing others from voting in your name........