Everyone Has A God... What's Yours?

Here is my argument.... Every human ever born on this planet, has a God. It is inherently impossible for humans to exist without a God. A noted psychiatrist once said, "If God didn't exist, man would have to create one." It is my contention, that every person has a God, although this might be unclear, even to them. The purpose of this thread, is to explore this argument further, by examining what we believe in, have faith in, what it is that we worship as our God, whether we profess to believe in a Deity or not.

Christians will say, their God is the one in the Bible, Muslims will say, theirs is the one in the Quran. Buddhists worship their God, Hindu's worship theirs.... These are traditionally recognized Gods of worship, but there are many others that often go overlooked.

The God of Science, for instance.

Science finds many followers of faith, who will claim they "don't believe in God", but the faith in the universal physics of Science, is their God of Worship. They rely on scientific theories and methods, just as a Christian relies on Scriptures, it is really no different. They claim the difference is faith, but they have faith in the principles of the universe, methods, and theories.

Another good example of an overlooked God, is the God of Self. People who proclaim themselves to be Atheists, are simply stating their belief and faith lies with the God of Self. They worship their own superior intellect and judgement, they have faith in what they believe, just as strongly, if not more-so, than newly-saved Southern Baptist zealots... they are "on fire" with the Spirit of Self... they want to tell the world about the glorious message of Self. Just as the new Christian can't wait to share Jesus' message with you, the Atheist can't wait to tell you he doesn't believe in God, thus lauding his chosen God of Worship, the God of Self.

There are plenty of other Gods... The God of Work... The God of Liberalism... The God of Worldly Possessions, also known as the God of Stuff. The point is, we all have a God, even when we don't admit we do. This is precisely because it is part of our human condition, a vital necessity in human beings, to worship something.
Dixie, Dixie, have you not learned yet that there is only 2 absolute frules for humans ? You are born and you die. No Ohter rules allpy to all humans , there are always exceptions. I have no God, and I tell very few people that because of the prejudice against Athiests.
The body of a hot broad is my god.

Much better than a retard fairy tale about some guy getting xified and coming back from the dead then coming back again sometime soon to save u. LOL
The body of a hot broad is my god.

Much better than a retard fairy tale about some guy getting xified and coming back from the dead then coming back again sometime soon to save u. LOL

LOL, I can see you are used to being disappointed by your "God" then BF ;)
Dixie, Dixie, have you not learned yet that there is only 2 absolute frules for humans ? You are born and you die. No Ohter rules allpy to all humans , there are always exceptions. I have no God, and I tell very few people that because of the prejudice against Athiests.

(I am assuming "frules" is a typo, and you meant "rules") Humans have a number of rules... as a rule, all humans must have nourishment to live... and, because of this... as a rule, all humans must evacuate the waste material. As a rule, all humans must have air to breath, they can not arbitrarily disobey this rule and breath water as they see fit, they have an absolute rule that must be followed in order for the human to live. As a rule, a human requires sleep, and simply can't survive indefinitely without it. So we see, your premise is false, humans do have a number of absolute rules, and they must be followed, we have no arbitrary choice, and there are no exceptions... all humans have to eat, shit, breathe, and sleep.

Humans also have a built-in characteristic to worship something greater than self. All humans do this to some degree, whether they realize it or not, you are no exception. Remember, the rule is, all people have to eat, regardless of whether they think they are eating or not... some people are fed through intravenous tubes... some people eat nutritional supplements or drink energy shakes... some people might even eat their own shit, but regardless, all people must eat.

It's easy to claim you have no God. In fact, it's easy for humans to say anything they wish, after all, there is certainly no rule that humans must always tell the truth and be honest. There is also no rule that says, whatever you believe, it's automatically the correct answer, because you are a human who makes your own rules. There are facts of reality, and myths of non-reality, and we can't arbitrarily change these things, just because we are humans. As a rule, we must accept the properties of the universe and reality in which we live.

As I stated earlier, even an Atheist has a God. We must all have a God, whether we recognize the God or not, is another matter. If you were open and honest enough to discuss what motivates you, what you believe in greater than self, what you put your faith in, we could find out what your God is. The problem is, you don't want to be candid about this, you've managed to build up this myth of no God, and you are afraid of having your flimsy justifications destroyed.
No Dixie, they can be born and die within minutes , and never eat, etc....
As I said always exceptions.
some people might even eat their own shit, but regardless, all people must eat.

...You might even know some of them in the retarded people school you attend.
I have no God, and I tell very few people that because of the prejudice against Athiests.

My guess is, you are not afraid of prejudice as much as you are afraid of the truth. You simply lack the motivation to prove your beliefs, or refute the arguments against them, so you choose to live in denial, it's just easier that way. I understand this, it's also a part of the human condition.

I have always wondered, all religious convictions aside, how any intelligent person could ever conclude there was not a superior intelligent designer of our universe. It baffled people like Einstein as well, he is quoted as saying... "God doesn't roll the dice." Sir Iasic Newton, the Father of the Scientific Method, was also a profound Biblical scholar, who's interpretations of several books, are still the basis for modern Protestant understanding of the Scriptures. Still, the Atheist Science Believers will insist there is no "God", and we all evolved from a single cell.

I will allow you this... You can live and survive without professing to believe in a God. You are living proof of this. You will not die because of it, you will continue to live and exist. It doesn't prove there is not a God, or that you don't believe in some God, only that you need not profess such a belief to exist and live. This is not some huge revelation we haven't known, it's commonly referred to as, Free Will. It is the basis of faith, and is brilliantly designed to require belief in something. It is what distinguishes us from the rest of the living creatures on this planet.

Knowing and understanding this, is important. A man who honestly has no beliefs in anything greater than himself, who honestly thinks there is not a purpose in his life, that he was born, will live, and will die, and there is nothing meaningfully significant about that, is a man who will die an insignificant person. There doesn't seem to be an exception to this, it's fairly universal.

This doesn't mean a person has to publicly profess a belief in a "God." I want to make that clear, we have already determined, professing your beliefs in a "God" are not required to have belief in something greater than self. I would love to see the list... Great Godless Men of History... I bet it's fairly short.
Knowing and understanding this, is important. A man who honestly has no beliefs in anything greater than himself, who honestly thinks there is not a purpose in his life, that he was born, will live, and will die, and there is nothing meaningfully significant about that, is a man who will die an insignificant person. There doesn't seem to be an exception to this, it's fairly universal.

So all you have to do to be significant is to profess belief in God ? Get real dude. If I do die an insignificant person I will still be ahead of you . At least I am just insignificant and not an insignificant asshole ;)
God is a concept made up by people who had no way to understand the world around them.

It was an attempt to make order out of chaos.

Now that we have a much better understanding of how the world works and why ,the need for God will slip away if man lives long enough.

I say let people believe what they Need to believe to be happy as long as they dont force it on others.

This has been the harm God based religion has done to the earth and other humans.

You want to keep your God myth?

Then Quit trying to control and kill people for it!
Oh and btw Dix, I am not worried about dying and being insignificant. Millions do it each year, whether they believe in god or not.
It beats the heck out of dying and being significant in a bad way.
I think of this as the distraction that Buddha speaks of, or of the "false gods" that were spoken of in the Bible. Those things that reach an almost, or a positively, religious aspect in the life of a person regardless of belief in a Deity.

Each person has those things which are more important to them than life itself. Mine would be my family...
Is that the same as a god though Damo ? In combat one can put their own life at risk to save a buddy. Does that make that buddy a god ?

Just because I would die trying to save a grandchild, does that make them my gods ?Or if a soldier dies in bush's war does that make Bush a god ?
Is that the same as a god though Damo ? In combat one can put their own life at risk to save a buddy. Does that make that buddy a god ?

Just because I would die trying to save a grandchild, does that make them my gods ?Or if a soldier dies in bush's war does that make Bush a god ?
Nah, the god thing I believe would be if they reached a proportion that it became detrimental to life. Such as a Gambling "addiction" that destroys a life.

Do some people worship money? I would say that they do.

Do you have something of this effect? Dunno. But that is what I think Dix is going for here.
yeah, I think that is where he is going as well. Heck I don't worship money, sports figures, etc. I have no heroes or gods.
Knowing and understanding this, is important. A man who honestly has no beliefs in anything greater than himself, who honestly thinks there is not a purpose in his life, that he was born, will live, and will die, and there is nothing meaningfully significant about that, is a man who will die an insignificant person. There doesn't seem to be an exception to this, it's fairly universal.

So all you have to do to be significant is to profess belief in God ? Get real dude. If I do die an insignificant person I will still be ahead of you . At least I am just insignificant and not an insignificant asshole ;)

No, I didn't say that, you are misquoting me. In fact, I stated very clearly, we have proof that you can live and exist and never profess a belief in any God. There are certainly many people, who profess belief in God, and who never become significant people. You are trying to apply reverse logic to what I said, and reverse logic hardly ever applies to anything.

What I said is worth repeating... A man who honestly has no beliefs in anything greater than himself, who honestly thinks there is not a purpose in his life, that he was born, will live, and will die, and there is nothing meaningfully significant about that, is a man who will die an insignificant person.