Everyone Has A God... What's Yours?

God is a concept made up by people who had no way to understand the world around them.

This is what you claim, but have nothing to prove it. The Mayans used to make sacrifices to the Sun God, to insure the sun continued to rise the next day... I don't recall any Mayan sacrifices taking place lately, I wonder why? Could it be, when we finally understood the sun was coming up whether we made sacrifices or not, it just became less important? You can claim that belief in God as made up to explain the unexplained, but you can't logically justify why belief in God still exists, even after the unexplained is fully understood.

It was an attempt to make order out of chaos.

It was a pretty good attempt to have lasted for all of mankind's history.

Now that we have a much better understanding of how the world works and why ,the need for God will slip away if man lives long enough.

Can you explain why there are more believers in God today than ever before in the history of the Earth? It would seem to me, if your premise is correct, there would be less and less each year, as people began to "understand" things. This is not happening, and I don't believe it will happen, unless it's during the tribulation in the End Time.

I say let people believe what they Need to believe to be happy as long as they dont force it on others.

Really? So, that's why you've proclaimed God a myth?

This has been the harm God based religion has done to the earth and other humans.

You just stated that God based religion was formed to bring order to chaos... now you seem to be contradicting that point, and saying we would have been better off in chaos.

You want to keep your God myth?
Then Quit trying to control and kill people for it!

Gee... will you let us keep our God myth if we stop trying to control and kill people for it? By the way... where did this killing take place? Who is being controlled at this moment, by people who believe in God?
No, I didn't say that, you are misquoting me. In fact, I stated very clearly, we have proof that you can live and exist and never profess a belief in any God. There are certainly many people, who profess belief in God, and who never become significant people. You are trying to apply reverse logic to what I said, and reverse logic hardly ever applies to anything.

What I said is worth repeating... A man who honestly has no beliefs in anything greater than himself, who honestly thinks there is not a purpose in his life, that he was born, will live, and will die, and there is nothing meaningfully significant about that, is a man who will die an insignificant person.

Do we all truely realize the contributions to others lives we have made in our lifetime. A bit of help and kindness can turn a person from crime or desperation into a good person, who might one day accompolish great things.

A person or descendant therof whose life I saved in Nam might become president or invent a revoloutionary device/product to cause vast significant changes in the world.

I am pretty much an average guy with no big notable achievements in my life and am content to die with no hope of life after death, etc....
To me death is death, the ultimeate end. I have seen no evidence to the contrary.