evince = Desh

I had not remembered seeing it.

I once raised my hand in a class and asked what nomenclature was.

Some people were aghast.

I said thank you and went on with my day.

I saw others get a little light in their eyes.

Some people forget that learning anything anytime is a good thing.
Some people forget that learning anything anytime is a good thing.

This is not always the case.

For example, my dreadful mate was none too pleased when he woke up, after several cold drinks had been taken the night before, to learn that some other dreadful mates had spray painted his ballbag gold.

Moreover his missus wasn't too pleased to learn that her husband's equipment had, apparently, been auditioning for a part in a James Bond film.

Think on.
This is not always the case.

For example, my dreadful mate was none too pleased when he woke up, after several cold drinks had been taken the night before, to learn that some other dreadful mates had spray painted his ballbag gold.

Moreover his missus wasn't too pleased to learn that her husband's equipment had, apparently, been auditioning for a part in a James Bond film.

Think on.

Could be he just skipped the learning part when he got drunk with these mates. I bet he was fully aware of past experiences where ones balls were in danger in this company.
Could be he just skipped the learning part when he got drunk with these mates. I bet he was fully aware of past experiences where ones balls were in danger in this company.

How dare you cast those kinds of aspersions on my closest acquaintences. :mad:

Actually, you're probably right. :D
So were you the holder of the sprayer?

I swear on the life of our own dear Queen that i was merely a bystander and had no hand in either the spraying nor, thankfully, the balls.

It was his own fault for passing out in a pub. That is not the done thing round these parts.