Just because the Fallacy fallacy is my favorite fallacy
It seems to be. You've committed it numerous times throughout your comments that I've skimmed over.
and like most of your fallacy claim you're misusing it
He used it correctly. You are just illiterate in logic.
I'll respond to this one BS point of yours. The fallacy fallacy isn't "you used the wrong fallacy therefore you're wrong".
Yes, it quite literally is. That's one specific way that the Fallacy Fallacy can be committed. There are other ways, however.
Its a call on the pretentious notion that just because an argument contains a fallacy it's wrong. Which is what you've been doing.
Any argument that contains a fallacy is void. An argument cannot contain errors yet simultaneously be a valid argument.
I think what you're attempting to get at here is the incorrect notion that "an argument contains a fallacy, therefore the conclusion of that argument MUST be False". This would indeed be one form of the Fallacy Fallacy. Here's an example:
1. If Jane has a cat, then Jane has a pet
2. It is not the case that Jane has a cat
3. Therefore, it is not the case that Jane has a pet
1. If
A, then
2. NOT
3. Therefore, NOT
In this example, the argumentation is void. It is invalid, as it contains a formal logic error (Denying the Antecedent). Now, even though the argumentation contains a fallacy, the conclusion of the argument (that Jane does not have a pet) could still very well be true.
But regardless, since the argumentation used to reach that conclusion is invalid, one would still need to replace the invalid argument with a valid argument of some sort. For example:
1. Jane does not have a pet.
2. Therefore, Jane does not have a pet.
1. NOT
2. Therefore, NOT
Here, I am using my conclusion as a predicate. I simply have faith that Jane does not have a pet. This is formally valid argumentation, as the conclusion follows from the predicate.
I like to describe the Fallacy Fallacy as "an error of logic about an error of logic", as that's what the fallacy's very name spells out.