Evolution vs Creationism---Is there a God? Or is it all just random chance?

That is exactly the reply I would expect from someone who is in denial that there is a higher authority than man. Many things test us on our desire for something, why not the creator? All I can say is if I'm right you lose everything and I gain everything but if I'm wrong I lose nothing.

I agree; but my comment is more like:

If I'm wrong, then I've just wasted my time; but if you're wrong, then you're just wasted.
Now you are playing the let's be asinine non believers game. you do realize everything you mentioned is a part of man's evolution. Why does it bother you non believers so much that we believe in a supreme being? I believe it's fear you may be wrong so you must deride our beliefs to try to allay your fears!

It seems to boil down to their fear of the unknown and a need to have everything laid out in black and white.
If you see derision towards you in my post that's on you. I'm merely questioning the existence of an arbitrary game-playing god who uses us for his amusement. I'm more of a pan-theist than an atheist. "If one god is real, they all are."

I can't speak for other non-Xtians, of course, but personally I don't care what someone believes as long as they don't use that belief to justify being an asshole.

No one has suggested that it's for GOD's amusement, except for the non-believers.
I'm shocked. Not. Things sure have changed since I was a kid. Back then (R)s were generally devout church-attending ppl, same with (D)s. Yet the (R)s supported the sciences and scientific R&D and voted for ppl who would toss funding towards universities and other institutes doing research. There was no debate about evolution vs creationism in mainstream culture. In fact, I did a science report assignment in 5th grade on the evolution of the horse to much acclaim (I got an A on it, lol). The year was 1963.

Here so we are in the 21st century. Still no flying cars or ppl living on the Moon. Now we have otherwise intelligent, at least partly-educated people trying to convince us that science is bullshit and creationism is just as valid as anything else. That's fine, as long as they keep it out of our schools.
We can do that, but it would be better done in a different thread, eh?

I see the world as a bit more nuanced perhaps than you do. There are more than just two choices, Satan or God. There is 1) no one at all, 2) all of the gods mankind has created, 3) self-worship, 4) Trump worship, 5) born fine the first time, 6) hero worship, and 7) who gives a shit? lol
Maybe it's more like this.

No doubt in my mind that sone sense of intellegent design is behind all this. Does it use sone sense of evolution as part of it ? Sure, why not ?

No problems with that philosophically. It parallels my own personal belief. It just isn’t science. Not that your or mine philosophical or religious beliefs are wrong. They just aren’t science.
I believe that God created the beginnings of life on this planet and watched his creations evolve. When man came on the scene he created Satan to tempt man. And here we are today.

Satan was already created before the Earth existed.
Matter in the Universe was created as a equal and opposite reaction to Satan and a third of the Angels trying to overthrow YHWH.
The theory of evolution isn't about things just randomly happening. This argument is only made by people ignorant to how evolution works.

sorry dude......if you don't realize that evolution depends on random shit happening randomly, then YOU don't understand how evolution works.......
If I believed that there was such a being, which I do not, I would agree with you that you are correct. His tool is squatting in our White House at this present time. That you all worship a lying, cheating, bullying, cruel, and stupid man and believe that a god lifted him up to the highest office in the land shows how very clever Lucifer is. He has cloaked your eyes with dollar signs and false pride.

Trump wants to save unborn children from death at the hands of liberal abortionists? Obama want's to butcher them in mass? And Trump is the Satanist? LOL come again?
Religious Views on Evolution

Many Buddhists see no inherent conflict between their religious teachings and evolutionary theory.

The Catholic Church generally accepts evolutionary theory as the scientific explanation for the development of all life. However, this acceptance comes with the understanding that natural selection is a God-directed mechanism of biological development and that man’s soul is the divine creation of God.

United Methodist Church
In 2008, the church’s highest legislative body passed a resolution saying that “science’s descriptions of cosmological, geological, and biological evolution are not in conflict with [the church’s] theology.”

Southern Baptist Convention
In 1982, the Southern Baptist Convention issued a resolution rejecting the theory of evolution and stating that creation science “can be presented solely in terms of scientific evidence without any religious doctrines or concepts.”

United Church of Christ
The United Church of Christ finds evolutionary theory and Christian faith to be compatible, embracing evolution as a means “to see our faith in a new way.”

While all of the major movements of American Judaism – including the Reconstructionist, Reform, Conservative and Orthodox branches – teach that God is the creator of the universe and all life, Jewish teachings generally do not find an inherent conflict between evolutionary theory and faith.

While the Koran teaches that Allah created human beings as they appear today, Islamic scholars and followers are divided on the theory of evolution. Theologically conservative Muslims who ascribe to literal interpretations of the Koran generally denounce the evolutionary argument for natural selection, whereas many theologically liberal Muslims believe that while man is divinely created, evolution is not necessarily incompatible with Islamic principles.

The Eastern Orthodox Church
Is divided in two large categories, which might be labeled as compatibilism and dualism. On the one hand, compatibilists hold that evolutionary science and theology are compatible and view them as complementary revelations of God. On the other hand, dualists hold that evolution can be incompatible with faith. They usually argue either that evolutionary science is philosophically based on a kind of naturalism or that God's specific revelation is infallible and therefore trumps the findings of human reason in the case of any conflict between them.


Large numbers of Republicans do not believe in evolution.

Let's cut through the BS.. I'm an old earth creationist...

The account in Genesis is what I am referring to when I define "creationism"