
I used the word "bigot" to describe those who are "obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices".

If you feel the shoe fits, then wear it proudly; otherwise, just stick with the subject at hand.
Thank you

It doesn't fit me. As always, I search for the truth without prejudice.
The first thing that came to mind reading the story is of those who speak at AA meetings. We hear about how wrong they were when they drank and how, after seeing the "light", they found the correct way.

(Excerpt)...he was busy contemplating queer theory, marching in gay rights rallies and urging young people to celebrate (not just accept) their same-sex attractions......I had never met anyone so sure of himself. (End)

After his "conversion" (Excerpt)....he said that he was “repulsed to think about homosexuality” and that he was “going to do what I can to fight it.”........(End)

My point is, just like the person who gives up alcohol, they were right when they were drinking and they are right now. They are never wrong at the moment.

And let’s not forget the attention. Again, like many a converted drinker, the typical loud mouth was always right then and after a conversion, guess what, once again the center of attention telling people how right they are now.

As for his homosexuality I think it had more to do with getting attention (friends, family, public rallies, etc) than actually being a homosexual. After the “newness” wore off he switched sides and put himself back in the limelight.

Personally, I would put any credence on anything he says.
It doesn't fit me. As always, I search for the truth without prejudice.

You may claim that you are "searching for the truth"; but your past postings have shown that you are highly prejudicial and reject anything that does not fit into your view of what should be; in regards to homosexuality.
You haven't offered anything other than opinion.

But unfortunetly for you, my "opinion" is shared by what appears to be an increasingly larger and larger segment of the population.
And then; there is the fact, that my "opinion" is in line with numerous scientific and medical studies.
I don't believe, nor have I seen anything that would lead me to believe, that anyone "CHOOSES" to be a homosexual.

really? this guy claims it. he says he engaged in homosexual behavior, thought he was homosexual, then realized he is not. according to this person, you can in fact choose.
really? this guy claims it. he says he engaged in homosexual behavior, thought he was homosexual, then realized he is not. according to this person, you can in fact choose.

Which goes right back to my comment that this is akin to me "choosing" to be classified as beige, instead of white.
Did you read the story? He realized that he was straight while a writer at XY magazine. If he wanted to fit in he would have stayed gay.

The gay friend that interviewed him believes he is no longer gay~ of course others now want to say he was never gay...what ever fits the the agenda.

sexuality can be chosen. imo.

In fact many in the transgender community push for just that kind of understanding- The point they wish to make, however, is that those choices are driven by preference. I posted a psychiatric link to a noted psychiatrist who thinks the greatest disservice to homosexuality has been this intolerance towards helping homosexuals who do not wish to prefer homosexuality-but want help overcoming that preference. The years lost in research and therapy can never be regained. Yes, folks, there really are a large number of homosexual persons who would like to change their sexual preferences and who believe that it can be accomplished.
really? this guy claims it. he says he engaged in homosexual behavior, thought he was homosexual, then realized he is not. according to this person, you can in fact choose.

Surely yurt is not as stupid as this post indicates.
So you choose to be a hetrosexual.
Just curious; but what homosexual behavior did you experiance that made you "choose" your decision?

when you can't debate, ad hom all the way. i never said "I" chose. we are talking about the guy in the OP and the fact that some do choose. you can get pissy and personal if you want, but it doesn't bolster your argument.