Excuse Me, But Israel Has No Right To Exist

Israel is at peace with most of the larger Middle Eastern powers. Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia. The major one that is still saber rattling is Iran, but they don't share a border with Israel so they can't do much about it outside of supply their satellite state Syria and Hezbollah. But those aren't large enough to do much but harass Israel.

Ironically this situation is a reverse of what it was 50 years ago (when Iran was pretty much the only power friendly with Israel).
Well that's because Iran was a U.S. proxy in the Cold War back then under the Shah.
true...but we are now 70+ years on now and many people born in israel are born there through no fault of their own. So shit is fucked. Just like you watermark wouldn't deport all the illegal immigrant babies in our country, you can't really deport the illegal jew babies in israel.

Also some of israel exists because of the 6 day war in 1967. You go to war with people and lose, you are going to lose land. People like to pretend that nation states have some inherent right to exist but at the end of the day that's not how it works. As much as israel doesn't have the right to exist, you can say the same for any other nation, including conquered and eradicated ones. Global politics is might makes right. That's just the reality.

So here is where we stand now:

- Many people are in israel for a generation or two and are israeli citizens through no fault of their own

- Parts of israel exists because other nations decided to throw down, but they lost. Sucks for them.

- Many other nations have seized territory, including the USA, and pretty much every country in europe. It's hypocritical for so many nations to condemn israel when they themselves have expanded their own borders through force.

- Israel has nukes and a fervent belief god gave them that land. How do you like dem apples?

In conclusion, we can talk hypotheticals all day long, but the reality on the ground is israel isn't going anywhere, exists now, and they have most of the leverage. Sucks for the palestinians? Yup. But that's life.

Most excellent post. :good4u"

I may just have to request to have my groan/thanks feature reactivated; especially since Leo / Bucky has been reined in.
Kinda shows you how weak the Arab countries are when Israel has the size, population, GDP and military might of New Jersey and yet the entire combined strength of the Arab nations and Iran hasn't been able to defeat them.

However Grind your point has two edges. Why can't the Palestinians keep what land they have and wrest back what Israel has taken at the point of a gun? Might makes right, right?

Commenting on your second offering.
They could try; but I think that's how they lost some land the last time that was attempted and this time it may turn out even worse, for them.

I read an article that Israel captured so many Russian made weapons, during the 6 day war, that they opened manufacturing sites that produced bullets, shells, etc. to use with those captured weapons.

I particularly liked the comments of how the Arabs took off their sandals, boots, and shoes, so they could run away faster in the sand.
I doubt that. The U.S. gives around 3.5 billion in foreign aid to Israel annually. That's mostly for defense. That is a significant sum but it only represents around 1.2% of Israel's GDP. The U.S. would intervene if a major power attacked Israel but in terms of regional power Israel has proven quite capable of defending itself by itself. No nation in the ME has the military capability to defeat Israel. Israel has the military capability of both Saudi Arabia and Iran combined and they have the GDP to sustain that level of military preparedness even without U.S. aid.

Their jet Pilots are awesome.
Imagine flying a jet and having to stay within the boundaries of such a small area.
Kinda shows you how weak the Arab countries are when Israel has the size, population, GDP and military might of New Jersey and yet the entire combined strength of the Arab nations and Iran hasn't been able to defeat them.

However Grind your point has two edges. Why can't the Palestinians keep what land they have and wrest back what Israel has taken at the point of a gun? Might makes right, right?

Sure they can try. But throwing rocks at tanks usually isn't an effective military strategy
I doubt that. The U.S. gives around 3.5 billion in foreign aid to Israel annually. That's mostly for defense. That is a significant sum but it only represents around 1.2% of Israel's GDP. The U.S. would intervene if a major power attacked Israel but in terms of regional power Israel has proven quite capable of defending itself by itself. No nation in the ME has the military capability to defeat Israel. Israel has the military capability of both Saudi Arabia and Iran combined and they have the GDP to sustain that level of military preparedness even without U.S. aid.

But for the Americans this nazi state would be the international pariah it deserves to be, and the world would abolish it at once, at whatever cost: it is utterly evil.
There are constant delegitimization campaigns by the west and Israel on Palestine. A precondition to any peace treaty should be a cessation of delegitimization campaigns against the Palestinian state. Palestine has a right to exist.
There's a large swath of the Sahara those squatters can settle.

Textbook example of a delegitimization campaign against Palestine. There is only one Palestinian state in the entire world, and it's surrounded on all sides by enemies. The Palestinians must maintain constant vigilance.

The Israeli's can go to one of the hundred or so Western states in the world easily. Why are they so greedy, that they have to take the Palestinians only state?