Executing people under the age of 18?


You would have thought that, entering the 21st century, the United States would have been civilized enough to abolish the death penalty in it's entirety.

But even abolishing the death penalty for children under the age of 18, caused outrage. Even today in Mississippi, I constatntly here "Yep, we need to bring back hangin!", "Nawp, we need to bring back torture!". WTF? Whenever the supreme court abolished that, the United States was well on its way to being the only nation in the world that practiced it. In fact, Iran and China abolished the execution of people under the age of 18 before the United States.

What is wrong with America? This land sickens me.

It is so terribly funny that the warmongers who cast the barbarians in Iran as something that needs to be exterminated, are so much more simialar to them in belief that us civilized Americans.
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I am against capitol punishment. I don't think we are competent enough or qualified to make a decision about ones life in our country. Weather a minor should face capitol punishment is a old debate. IMO, a young mind has a better chance of being rehabilitated.
You guys probably don't hear the stuff as often, or at all, like I do. But shit, it's disheartening to hear about Mississippians some times. They're like 18th century people with 21st century technology.
I am against capitol punishment. I don't think we are competent enough or qualified to make a decision about ones life in our country. Weather a minor should face capitol punishment is a old debate. IMO, a young mind has a better chance of being rehabilitated.
When so many were suddenly released because later evidence showed them to be innocent of the crimes it is clear that we do make mistakes. Killing an innocent would be a terrible thing to condone just so we could continue to effect the "ultimate punishment" on the perpetrator of a crime.

We must know our own limitations, there is nothing worse than taking all ability to prove yourself innocent away from somebody when they just may be.
Capital punishment saves us money by not feeding, clothing and giving luxaries to rapists and murderers for 50 years.
Capital punishment saves us money by not feeding, clothing and giving luxaries to rapists and murderers for 50 years.

Capital punishment is more expensive than life imprisonment. And, WTF, is this some sort of Machiavallean bullshit?

Ignorant fool. You're a perfect example of the average American citizen who has been brainwashed and brutalized by our violent culture.
Shooting someone in the head is MORE expensive than keeping them alive for 50 years? You are an idiot....
I'm a staunch supporter of the death penalty, but in no circumstances do I believe someone not old enough to buy a pack of smokes could be old enough to get the death penalty.
Before calling me a troll, maybe you should take a look at yourself. I make a point and you run away from it and call me a troll.