Executing people under the age of 18?

Well, basically, we are all made of the same stuff, RAW. I am thankfull that nature has given me a (relatively) normal chemical balance in my brain. But people who go out there and murder, there is clearly something wrong with them, and they are sick, like someone with any other illness. While I think they should be incapacitated with prison so that they can't hurt anyone more, I don't think that they should be given any cruel and unusual punishment for something that is a problem with nature. In time, maybe we can fix the problem, and maybe we can't. But I still don't support cruelty.

And you may say "But murder is cruel!"

And yes it is. But that doesn't lesser the burden we should aspire to of treating everyone without cruelty.
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I said "Ok, are you a convict or something? Because you sure are standing up for these criminals." And you said "why?"

I already said why. It's because you take the criminals side on this issue and treat the people who are for the death penalty like idiots. Pay attention troll.

"Dude, seriously, you are probably a 12 year old with too much internet access privilidiges."

Judging on how you've been acting, I could say you are probably a 30 year old virgin living in his parents basement.

"So let's murder innocent people, KingRAW!"

Just because a few innocent people have went to jail doesn't mean the death penalty should be abolished. There are a lot more monsters in jail than innocents so quit putting the spin on things.

I said "The following should get the death penalty....Murderers, rapists, child molesters, violent gang members, drug dealers, armed robbers" and you said "why?" Do I really have to explain why monsters should be killed or are you just being a troll?

I said "Yeah, providing them with TV, food, clothing, excersise yards etc at the expense of taxpayers is sure showing them." and you said "Providing them with legal representation, appeals... that's a joke! No one should have legal representation and appeals!" You completely ignored my point. Troll.

I said "Then how bout we change the idiotic process. That's what I've been trying to say this whole time. Our legal process is a joke!" and you said "Why?" Maybe because our legal system is a joke. The trial takes forever and the lawyers put the spin on things and focuses on the dumbest things. But I was actually reffering to spending millions of dollars on the convicts after the trial by keeping them in jail for 50 years.
Look, you wanna spend billions of taxpayers dollars on keeping monsters alive for 50 years? Fine. I think that's stupid and think it's a waste of money. When someone is proven guilty of a really bad crime, then they should be put to death right away instead of years and years of legal procedures and other bs. It's just idiotic to me.
I said "Ok, are you a convict or something? Because you sure are standing up for these criminals." And you said "why?"

I already said why. It's because you take the criminals side on this issue and treat the people who are for the death penalty like idiots. Pay attention troll.

"Dude, seriously, you are probably a 12 year old with too much internet access privilidiges."

Judging on how you've been acting, I could say you are probably a 30 year old virgin living in his parents basement.

"So let's murder innocent people, KingRAW!"

Just because a few innocent people have went to jail doesn't mean the death penalty should be abolished. There are a lot more monsters in jail than innocents so quit putting the spin on things.

I said "The following should get the death penalty....Murderers, rapists, child molesters, violent gang members, drug dealers, armed robbers" and you said "why?" Do I really have to explain why monsters should be killed or are you just being a troll?

I said "Yeah, providing them with TV, food, clothing, excersise yards etc at the expense of taxpayers is sure showing them." and you said "Providing them with legal representation, appeals... that's a joke! No one should have legal representation and appeals!" You completely ignored my point. Troll.

I said "Then how bout we change the idiotic process. That's what I've been trying to say this whole time. Our legal process is a joke!" and you said "Why?" Maybe because our legal system is a joke. The trial takes forever and the lawyers put the spin on things and focuses on the dumbest things. But I was actually reffering to spending millions of dollars on the convicts after the trial by keeping them in jail for 50 years.

My guess is a high school freshman. Maybe a sophomore, more likely a freshman.
I already said why. It's because you take the criminals side on this issue and treat the people who are for the death penalty like idiots. Pay attention troll.

How do I "take the criminals side"? There are a lot of criminals who support the death penalty. I don't think they should be executed, but that clearly doesn't mean I think it's A-OK to murder people a lot. This is the disgustingly worst form of an ad hominem attack.

Judging on how you've been acting, I could say you are probably a 30 year old virgin living in his parents basement.

Of course.

Just because a few innocent people have went to jail doesn't mean the death penalty should be abolished. There are a lot more monsters in jail than innocents so quit putting the spin on things.

No, if we just took people out of the courtroom and shot them, without appeal, we'd be killing a lot innocent men. 120 since 1970, to be precise.

Do I really have to explain why monsters should be killed or are you just being a troll?

What purppose does killing them serve, RAW? If you can't even answer that, then why do you support killing them?

I said "Yeah, providing them with TV, food, clothing, excersise yards etc at the expense of taxpayers is sure showing them." and you said "Providing them with legal representation, appeals... that's a joke! No one should have legal representation and appeals!" You completely ignored my point. Troll.

It costs just as much to kill them as to not. It wouldn't be justifiable to kill them just to shave off 0.00000001% of the budge anyway. That would be machiavallean bullshit.

Maybe because our legal system is a joke. The trial takes forever and the lawyers put the spin on things and focuses on the dumbest things. But I was actually reffering to spending millions of dollars on the convicts after the trial by keeping them in jail for 50 years.

Tell me of a way to cheapen the automatic appeals process to cost less than the normal appeals process used during life sentencing, and you will be a genuis. Do you honestly think there aren't people who've been trying to do that? But you can't reverse an execution, RAW, you've gotta be careful about it.
Look, you wanna spend billions of taxpayers dollars on keeping monsters alive for 50 years? Fine. I think that's stupid and think it's a waste of money. When someone is proven guilty of a really bad crime, then they should be put to death right away instead of years and years of legal procedures and other bs. It's just idiotic to me.

The cost to keep prisoners in jail represents an insignifigant amount of our budget. It certainly isn't "billions".

You're the one that wants to spend millions putting them to death, and can't even explain accurately how to cheapen the process with executing innocent people.
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Let's see.....You are found quilty of manslaughter. You are sentenced to death. (Later that afternoon he gets shot in the head by some official) How the hell is that more expensive than keeping them alive for 50 years!
The cost of innocent lives is totally innumerable, one innocent is priceless.

If we followed your plan we already know that about 10% of those convicted of a capital crime were innocents that would be dead. Each and every one of them is a travesty of justice beyond measurable cost.
Look, you wanna spend billions of taxpayers dollars on keeping monsters alive for 50 years? Fine. I think that's stupid and think it's a waste of money. When someone is proven guilty of a really bad crime, then they should be put to death right away instead of years and years of legal procedures and other bs. It's just idiotic to me.
It would be idiotic to assume the perfection of a system that produced 10% failure rate.