Experts Rip CDC for Redacting All 148 Pages of Information on Myocarditis After COVID

I'd hoped you wouldn't be one of those types that resorts to base insults when you get irritated by someone who disagrees with you, but apparently not. Anyway, welcome to getting a spot on my thread ban list.

I get irritated by nitwits who don’t do their homework. Do yours and we won’t have a problem.
You're suggesting the CDC is covering up their crimes against humanity? That little maggot fauci needs to be brought to justice but he won't.

I wouldn't use those epithets to describe Fauci, but I certainly think that he's been involved in a lot of criminal things, starting with his work on alleged treatments for AIDS. Robert Kennedy Jr. wrote a good book on him:

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health | Amazon

I bought a copy, quite good.
I get irritated by nitwits who don’t do their homework. Do yours and we won’t have a problem.

I'd argue that I do my homework just fine, and I'm a stickler for others doing theirs. But when someone gets down to the level of base insults, I find it's best to just thread ban them. I may still interact with them in other people's threads, but in my own threads, I know I won't have to see such vitriol from them anymore.
I'd argue that I do my homework just fine, and I'm a stickler for others doing theirs. But when someone gets down to the level of base insults, I find it's best to just thread ban them. I may still interact with them in other people's threads, but in my own threads, I know I won't have to see such vitriol from them anymore.

Pally boy, when you post conspiracy ridden sites that post propaganda and misinformation like the one you did, you have failed that first test of “doing your homework”. You shoot your credibility all to hell. And you want congratulations and accolades for that? Fuck that, pal. You deserve derision for posting such garbage.
Pally boy, when you post conspiracy ridden sites that post propaganda and misinformation like the one you did, you have failed that first test of “doing your homework”. You shoot your credibility all to hell. And you want congratulations and accolades for that? Fuck that, pal. You deserve derision for posting such garbage.

If I insulted people every time they posted from a site that I believe had propaganda and misinformation, I'd be quite foul mouthed. We clearly have different ideas as to what constitutes propaganda and misinformation. The way to get somewhere productive is to try to figure out why we disagree. Insulting your ideological opponent is the opposite of that.
I agree. You rightys should refuse any vaccinations. They are part of a nefarious plot to kill American citizens. Not sure why they want to do it, but apparently they do.
If I insulted people every time they posted from a site that I believe had propaganda and misinformation, I'd be quite foul mouthed. We clearly have different ideas as to what constitutes propaganda and misinformation. The way to get somewhere productive is to try to figure out why we disagree. Insulting your ideological opponent is the opposite of that.

Suck it up, pussy. You didn’t do your homework. A few seconds search of your source revealed it for what it was. A few minutes of additional research of different sites demonstrates how bogus your reference is. You failed to do that as well. Sheer intellectual laziness.

In these cases, myocarditis is easily treated with NSAIDS and is in HIGHER incidence in COVID patients than in vaccinated ones.

Now, you know the truth. So, learn your lesson and don’t post this kind of bullshit in the future.
The facts are that there is a tiny increased risk of myocarditis in teenage males with the mRNA vaccine. VERY small risk.

If myocarditis is such a small deal, why do you suppose they redacted the 148 pages of the CDC document in their entirety?

In point of fact, there's already plenty of evidence that Myocarditis causes a lot more problems then the CDC wants to admit:

The risk of myocarditis is MUCH greater in that same group if they contract COVID.

Show me solid evidence that the Covid virus even exists and you could start a case. Or any other virus for that matter. I've discussed the lack of evidence that viruses exist in a thread here at length:

Settling the Biological Virus Debate |
What kills me is that when it comes to Covid, we're dealing with the broken clock syndrome. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

So all the anti-gov't/conspiracy fringe groups out there get it right with regards to the increasing cases of cardio/respiratory failures being reported in relatively healthy and/or young people a year or two after the vaccine mandates. This way, the real science can be ignored by the MSM, left & right pundits, etc. Sad.
The facts are that there is a tiny increased risk of myocarditis in teenage males with the mRNA vaccine. VERY small risk. The risk of myocarditis is MUCH greater in that same group if they contract COVID.

Also, it’s treated with NSAIDS (ibuprofen) with excellent outcomes.

Learn what 'fact' means, Sock. It does not mean 'fiction'.
I found it ironic that you have me on ignore and yet you've participated in so many of my threads anyway. Anyway, for anyone reading this, one might wish to wonder, how does Althea know that the source is "bogus"?

Attempted force of negative proof fallacy. He doesn't have to prove anything is bogus. He can simply not accept the source given as valid. It is up to the one giving that source reference to justify it.
My point, fuckwit, is that all your conspiratorial garbage regarding COVID is just that.

You rely on a site that was possibly the MAJOR SOURCE of COVID disinformation. Then, expect reasonable people to blindly accept that bullshit.

Myocarditis in people contracting COVID was multiple times more than those receiving the vaccine. Was that in the article?

Those myocarditis cases were also easily treated with NSAIDS with great outcomes, ie no damage.

You are making shit up again, Sock.
Pally boy, when you post conspiracy ridden sites that post propaganda and misinformation like the one you did, you have failed that first test of “doing your homework”. You shoot your credibility all to hell. And you want congratulations and accolades for that? Fuck that, pal. You deserve derision for posting such garbage.

The Democrat party is a conspiracy, Sock. It is YOU posting propaganda and misinformation. You cannot project YOUR problems on Phoenyx or anybody else.
I agree. You rightys should refuse any vaccinations. They are part of a nefarious plot to kill American citizens. Not sure why they want to do it, but apparently they do.

There is no vaccination for Covid in the U.S., Sock. The Pfizer and J&J shots are a treatment, not a vaccine. They are designed to cause the body to manufacture Covid virus.
Suck it up, pussy. You didn’t do your homework. A few seconds search of your source revealed it for what it was. A few minutes of additional research of different sites demonstrates how bogus your reference is. You failed to do that as well. Sheer intellectual laziness.

In these cases, myocarditis is easily treated with NSAIDS and is in HIGHER incidence in COVID patients than in vaccinated ones.

Now, you know the truth. So, learn your lesson and don’t post this kind of bullshit in the future.

Fiction isn't going to work, Sock.
If myocarditis is such a small deal, why do you suppose they redacted the 148 pages of the CDC document in their entirety?

In point of fact, there's already plenty of evidence that Myocarditis causes a lot more problems then the CDC wants to admit:

Show me solid evidence that the Covid virus even exists and you could start a case. Or any other virus for that matter. I've discussed the lack of evidence that viruses exist in a thread here at length:

Settling the Biological Virus Debate |

You lost that argument long ago.
What kills me is that when it comes to Covid, we're dealing with the broken clock syndrome. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Cliche fallacy.
So all the anti-gov't/conspiracy fringe groups out there get it right with regards to the increasing cases of cardio/respiratory failures being reported in relatively healthy and/or young people a year or two after the vaccine mandates. This way, the real science can be ignored by the MSM, left & right pundits, etc. Sad.
There is no science here. No theory of science has even been mentioned.