exposing tekkychic bullshit

she starts a thread to expose some supposed GOP racism and hatred, halfassed demands that mainstream republicans decry the 'extremism', and bans several supposed people from the thread.

hey tekky, the link from your thread about people carrying guns near the president, including someone with a 'military style' rifle?


you realize that the picture in the article shows a BLACK MAN carrying that rifle, right?
yeah because you guys NEVER start threads and then ban people from them huh.

The only person I EVER banned from a thread was myself.

it was a protest joke about the whole practice
Um when I was talking about mainstream repubs decrying the extremism I was not talking about anyone on this site; you all aren't the m/s repubs I'm looking for.

I'm looking for Romney, Gingrich, Rubio, etc.

YOU? what do I care what you think?
The groupthink on that thread is pretty indicative of what the board is about these days.

You're such a rebel Onceler. A singular mind among sheeple. One true man. The Marlboro Man, if such a thing were still in style, and really, among the discerning does a man of such character ever go out of style?

We bow before you.

JPP's David Broder.

Truly, we are not worthy.
You're such a rebel Onceler. A singular mind among sheeple. One true man. The Marlboro Man, if such a thing were still in style, and really, among the discerning does a man of such character ever go out of style?

We bow before you.

JPP's David Broder.

Truly, we are not worthy.

Hey, thanks for the props!

You guys do mindlessly follow each other though. It's a classic sort of echo chamber at times; not sure how you find it interesting.
the calls of racism are bullshit.

Why? Tekky merely c/p'd the stories. She didn't even say anything about them being racist comments until two posts ago, and even then she was referring to the news reports.

That said, singing "Bye Bye Black Sheep" isn't racist?
Why? Tekky merely c/p'd the stories. She didn't even say anything about them being racist comments until two posts ago, and even then she was referring to the news reports.

That said, singing "Bye Bye Black Sheep" isn't racist?
and has been said many times before, judging an entire political party based on the idiocy of a very small group of individuals is exponentially increasing the idiocy. like your bullshit gun nuts comments, or zappas coward comments, or anyone elses retarded comments on gun threads.
Methinks the number of racists in the Republican Party is far more than "a very small minority". I'd say its at least 70% on this forum and probably 90% in that video.
When you have a thread named after you you always know that you are winning and getting under some douche's skin.
Why does anyone think that the GOP has the market cornered on racism?

I don't think racism is party-specific. I certainly see plenty of it on "both sides," and it doesn't seem tied to ideology.
Why does anyone think that the GOP has the market cornered on racism?

I don't think racism is party-specific. I certainly see plenty of it on "both sides," and it doesn't seem tied to ideology.

GOP runs its policies on racism, dude. Look at the voter id laws. Look at the last repub convention - and how very white it was. Look at their stance on immigration.

The racists in the democratic party aren't setting its agenda.
GOP runs its policies on racism, dude. Look at the voter id laws. Look at the last repub convention - and how very white it was. Look at their stance on immigration.

The racists in the democratic party aren't setting its agenda.

tc, what other policies are based on racism? While the demographics of this country are changing fast the majority of this country is still white so because the GOP attracts a lot of white voters that makes them racist? And how is being against amnesty for illegals racist? Look at the Democrats complaining about more H1-B visas which go to mostly minorities. Is that racist?
and has been said many times before, judging an entire political party based on the idiocy of a very small group of individuals is exponentially increasing the idiocy. like your bullshit gun nuts comments, or zappas coward comments, or anyone elses retarded comments on gun threads.

I think there was a question in Howey's post you forgot to answer:

That said, singing "Bye Bye Black Sheep" isn't racist?

There ya go...now you can take another shot at it.
tc, what other policies are based on racism? While the demographics of this country are changing fast the majority of this country is still white so because the GOP attracts a lot of white voters that makes them racist? And how is being against amnesty for illegals racist? Look at the Democrats complaining about more H1-B visas which go to mostly minorities. Is that racist?

The dems actively work for diversity at their conventions - delegate counts include that 50% are women, for example.

I think the fact that so many women and people of color want to be delegates for dems and not repubs speaks volumes about how the parties are perceived.

Seriously? You think repubs would be against amnesty if all the immigrants were from Norway? Everything the repubs do works against the interest of minorities.

You ask me what other polices are based on racism; how about you give me examples of polices that are meant to reach out and include minorities? I gave you several examples of policies that are inherently racist. Please, point out the repubs big tent and where it's actually been successful.

Sure there are non-racists in the republican party ... that's their idea of minority...

Hell, look at anti-Sharia bills - any proposed by Democrats? those are not only stupid, they are racist. Ok, anti-muslim, but repubs don't think whites can be muslim, so they are racist.
Look at the Democrats complaining about more H1-B visas which go to mostly minorities. Is that racist?

There's nothing racist to that and you know it. First, your assumption that H1-B visas go to mostly minorities is bullshit. I wouldn't venture to call the thousands of eastern Europeans and whites from other countries granted these visas "minorities".

While the H1-B visa program is an excellent theory, in practice, it allows US-based employers a skill set of highly qualified employees they're able to hire at less than the going rate - at the expense of American workers trained in this country.

A few years ago, the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer informed hundreds of tech workers at its Connecticut R&D facilities that they'd soon be laid off. Before getting their final paychecks, however, they'd need to train their replacements: guest workers from India who'd come to the United States on H-1B visas. "It's a very, very stressful work environment," one soon-to-be-axed worker told Connecticut's The Day newspaper. "I haven't been able to sleep in weeks."


Yet if tech workers are in such short supply, why are so many of them unemployed or underpaid? According to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), tech employment rates still haven't rebounded to pre-recession levels. And from 2001 to 2011, the mean hourly wage for computer programmers didn't even increase enough to beat inflation.

The ease of hiring H-1B workers certainly hasn't helped. More than 80 percent of H-1B visa holders are approved to be hired at wages below those paid to American-born workers for comparable positions, according to EPI. Experts who track labor conditions in the technology sector say that older, more expensive workers are particularly vulnerable to being undercut by their foreign counterparts.

Like I said, it's a slippery slope. Unfortunately, the tech industry isn't what it was pre-bust. Open the jobs up to foreign nationals, any foreign nationals, after all positions have been filled by qualified Americans.

I will give you credit, though. Your indirect comparison of these workers to Hispanics is hilarious.