exposing tekkychic bullshit

There's nothing racist to that and you know it. First, your assumption that H1-B visas go to mostly minorities is bullshit. I wouldn't venture to call the thousands of eastern Europeans and whites from other countries granted these visas "minorities".

While the H1-B visa program is an excellent theory, in practice, it allows US-based employers a skill set of highly qualified employees they're able to hire at less than the going rate - at the expense of American workers trained in this country.


Like I said, it's a slippery slope. Unfortunately, the tech industry isn't what it was pre-bust. Open the jobs up to foreign nationals, any foreign nationals, after all positions have been filled by qualified Americans.

I will give you credit, though. Your indirect comparison of these workers to Hispanics is hilarious.

Here you go. You still going to tell me the majority don't go to minorities (granted these numbers are several years old, maybe you have more updated numbers)? And if one doesn't like Hispanics because they are racist why would they like Indians?

The dems actively work for diversity at their conventions - delegate counts include that 50% are women, for example.

I think the fact that so many women and people of color want to be delegates for dems and not repubs speaks volumes about how the parties are perceived.

Seriously? You think repubs would be against amnesty if all the immigrants were from Norway? Everything the repubs do works against the interest of minorities.

You ask me what other polices are based on racism; how about you give me examples of polices that are meant to reach out and include minorities? I gave you several examples of policies that are inherently racist. Please, point out the repubs big tent and where it's actually been successful.

Sure there are non-racists in the republican party ... that's their idea of minority...

Hell, look at anti-Sharia bills - any proposed by Democrats? those are not only stupid, they are racist. Ok, anti-muslim, but repubs don't think whites can be muslim, so they are racist.

I have no idea the delegate count for the Republicans but I saw plenty of women at the convention.

I think the issue of immigration is simply a matter of votes to both parties. One side thinks they can get votes with it so they fight for it the other side thinks it hurts them electorally so they fight against it. It's just raw politics imo.

I think free market policies that promote growth and prosperity benefit minorities. Included in those policies are tax incentives that target hard hit (largely minority) areas. The biggest issue though to me is education and allowing competition in schools including school choice is the biggest benefit to (poorer) minorities. Leaving millions of minority children in failing public schools is a large contributor to them being left behind economically. That is where change needs to occur and supporting the status quo as the Democrats do does more damage than good.
Here you go. You still going to tell me the majority don't go to minorities (granted these numbers are several years old, maybe you have more updated numbers)? And if one doesn't like Hispanics because they are racist why would they like Indians?


Yeah...those numbers aren't relevant since only 65k visas were granted last year.

I'm aware a lot of Indians are given these visas. As far as this question:

And if one doesn't like Hispanics because they are racist why would they like Indians?

It's got nothing to do with race, it's got to do with money. Tata, the biggest employer of the Indians, is an Indian-owned company. It's able to pay their employees brought to this country far less than American counterparts but far more than they can earn in India. And enjoy the massive tax breaks that come with it. It's a win-win.
By the way, why do people get upset when they are thread-banned? Never bothered me. Plenty of other threads on this board.
Why don't we just stop arguing? We are all terrible people, there it is settled! I hope we can all sign a peace treaty like these tough men! Sorry tekkychick but I don't think you can be included since you are not member of the man race (I am not too sure though).

yeah because you guys NEVER start threads and then ban people from them huh.

The only person I EVER banned from a thread was myself.

it was a protest joke about the whole practice

The puss Right fights information. That's a fact.
Ban "I Love America' from EVERY thread. He/she is only here to troll and not debate. I'm on the fence with the moron moderators.
Ban "I Love America' from EVERY thread. He/she is only here to troll and not debate. I'm on the fence with the moron moderators.

Agreed dude. The moron moderators are Libertarian idiots. They allow people like Fox News cults to spew their Fox News idiocy on this board all the time. We need some real board mods to step up and kick the idiots out. We need more people who don't like either party but actually support one of them to post.
The dems actively work for diversity at their conventions - delegate counts include that 50% are women, for example.

I think the fact that so many women and people of color want to be delegates for dems and not repubs speaks volumes about how the parties are perceived.

Seriously? You think repubs would be against amnesty if all the immigrants were from Norway? Everything the repubs do works against the interest of minorities.

You ask me what other polices are based on racism; how about you give me examples of polices that are meant to reach out and include minorities? I gave you several examples of policies that are inherently racist. Please, point out the repubs big tent and where it's actually been successful.

Sure there are non-racists in the republican party ... that's their idea of minority...

Hell, look at anti-Sharia bills - any proposed by Democrats? those are not only stupid, they are racist. Ok, anti-muslim, but repubs don't think whites can be muslim, so they are racist.

Hey sister, I am pretty sure I have already told you this but Cawackoff is a moron, you arfe wasting your breath talking to him
Ban "I Love America' from EVERY thread. He/she is only here to troll and not debate. I'm on the fence with the moron moderators.

I think it's cute that you think people come here to "debate". You probably think the televised debates are actual debates

Here is your idea of a "debate"

You spout off some lame assertion based on a faulty premise, call it a fact and demand that everyone disprove it.

Are you here to change people's minds? Is anyone going to change anyone's minds? I have been on message boards for years and trust me, nobody is looking for "debate"
she starts a thread to expose some supposed GOP racism and hatred, halfassed demands that mainstream republicans decry the 'extremism', and bans several supposed people from the thread.

hey tekky, the link from your thread about people carrying guns near the president, including someone with a 'military style' rifle?


you realize that the picture in the article shows a BLACK MAN carrying that rifle, right?

I know some don't like Cawacko, but to me he's ok. Even when we disagree, he's not nasty.

God, I hate drunk posting then waking up 1) hung over and 2)
hoping I didn't post something really really stupid.

I can't see what Dune writes but I'm going to guess what he said is not something I would show off to the family. Eh, such is life on an Internet chat board. :)
I have no idea the delegate count for the Republicans but I saw plenty of women at the convention.

I think the issue of immigration is simply a matter of votes to both parties. One side thinks they can get votes with it so they fight for it the other side thinks it hurts them electorally so they fight against it. It's just raw politics imo.

I think free market policies that promote growth and prosperity benefit minorities. Included in those policies are tax incentives that target hard hit (largely minority) areas. The biggest issue though to me is education and allowing competition in schools including school choice is the biggest benefit to (poorer) minorities. Leaving millions of minority children in failing public schools is a large contributor to them being left behind economically. That is where change needs to occur and supporting the status quo as the Democrats do does more damage than good.

Yeah and we saw plenty of black faces too.
