‘F—k Your Thoughts and Prayers’

Truth Detector

Well-known member
This is what Democrats and their media acolytes think of the citizens of these United States. They are so messed up in the bead and suffering from a severe case of stupid, they think the guns are the problems as they, the Democratic Party of Lying Jackasses, release criminals to prey on innocents in the streets of our cities and they DEFUND the police who are the only thing protecting us.

You have to be a mentally challenged, uneducated dumb fuck to vote for these morons.

The usual trolls have all been banned. They merely litter threads with ignorance and stupidity.

‘F—k Your Thoughts and Prayers’: Lawmakers Vow Action After 3 Killed in Mass Shooting at MSU

Following a late Monday night shooting that killed three Michigan State University students and injured five more — mere miles from the state’s Capital of Lansing — Democratic lawmakers are vowing to deliver more than empty words in order to prevent another tragedy.

“F—k your thoughts and prayers,” reads the opening line of a late-night statement from House Majority Whip Ranjeev Puri (D-Canton).

“ … Thoughts and prayers without action and change are meaningless. Our office will continue to work tirelessly to pass common sense gun reform immediately. We will not stop until our students can attend school without fear, our communities can attend places of worship in peace, and our society is safe from senseless gun violence.”

What we know about McRae

Officials are now combing through McRae's social media accounts and online writings for any extremist views, including indications of misogyny, satanic musings, possible conspiracy theories and signs of isolation, sources said.

McRae served 18 months of probation after pleading guilty in 2019 to a weapons charge for having a loaded weapon in his vehicle, according to the state's Department of Corrections.

McRae agreed to plead guilty to the lesser misdemeanor charge, and prosecutors dismissed the felony charge.

Anthony McRae, who had a history of mental health issues

Dewane said McRae was able to legally purchase, possess and own a firearm after he was discharged from probation. That appears to be true under state law.

If he had been properly convicted of a felony, it would have been illegal for him to own a gun.

Soft on crime DA's are the reason this predator was able to buy a gun and murder people with it.

Blaming the gun is moronic.
“ … Thoughts and prayers without action and change are meaningless. Our office will continue to work tirelessly to pass common sense gun reform immediately. We will not stop until our students can attend school without fear, our communities can attend places of worship in peace, and our society is safe from senseless gun violence.”[/size][/i]

I look forward to the implementation of the TSA style security at all of our educational institutions
Thoughts and prayers without action and change are meaningless

The problem is there is no action on the part of leftist Democrats and the idiot constituents that elect them. They think banning guns is a solution. It's laughably stupid and will only make law aboding citizens MORE vulnerable to the thugs and criminals Democrats refuse to incarcerate.

I wish you weren't a simple-minded moron. Really I do.
Here's how much he cares about the people in East Palestine:

Today, President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. declared that a major disaster exists for the Oglala Sioux Tribe and ordered Federal assistance to supplement the Tribe’s efforts in the areas affected by severe winter storms and snowstorm from December 12 to December 25, 2022.

It's cold and snowy on the res and Biden makes sure they get money for something...

But nothing for those Whites living in East Palestine, they get kicked to the curb...
"Fuck your thoughts and prayers" seems like a pretty reasonable statement to me.

Given that we're all inhabitants of a heavily armed psychotic nation,

I very seriously believe that it should replace "In God We Trust" as our national motto.

I really like that idea on several levels.
"Fuck your thoughts and prayers" seems like a pretty reasonable statement to me.

Of course it would. You're the definition of moron.

Given that we're all inhabitants of a heavily armed psychotic nation,

It's lie filled moronic statements like this that make you the definition of a moron.

very seriously believe that it should replace "In God We Trust" as our national motto.

I really like that idea on several levels.

Of course you Marxist morons on the left think that way. I suggest you move to Cuba. Much safer there comrade. :palm:
You misspelled "I" race hustling caricature of ignorance and stupidity. :palm:


"Fuck your thoughts and prayers" seems like a pretty reasonable statement to me.

Given that we're all inhabitants of a heavily armed psychotic nation,

I very seriously believe that it should replace "In God We Trust" as our national motto.

I really like that idea on several levels.

Oh course you do you're a fucking retard
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