Dude. Pay attention and learn to read. I am not responsible for your comprehension problems.
The guy i replied was suggesting we make the restrictions and access EQUAL across things. So that does not mean if you some SOME gun restrictions they are equal to the types of restrictions for other things. Currently in most US States it is easier to get a gun than it is ...
We're going to need a "stupid translator for this moronic word salad. Have you ever tried to buy a gun? Only morons who don't own a weapon or what they are bloviating about think it is easy.
WTF does equal access across things mean halfwit? Good lord. You really are a witless dumbass.
So i am just agreeing with him.
Of course, you are; you're a clueless halfwit of the same low IQ caliber.
Lets sync up the background checks, and other requirements so that getting a gun is as regulated as these other things...
More word salad. Synch up with what? As what "other things?" Most of what you type is senseless gobbledygook.
- Gun: You don’t need a knowledge or proficiency test. You usually don’t need a license or permit to buy a gun, unless you live in one of 13 states (and D.C.) that force you to get one. And there’s no probationary period after you get a gun.
There isn't a state in the Union that doesn't require at least a week's waiting time.
As for knowledge or proficiency? Do you stupidly believe that a criminal will see that law and say, "oh darn it, I have to get lessons." You really are THAT fucking stupid.
What part of laws only affect the law abiding are you too stupid to grasp?
- driver’s license - Submit proof of your identity. Pass vision and written tests. Drive around a couple of weeks on your learner’s permit. Then pass the driving test. Depending on the state, it takes completing all that to get your first ever driver’s license. Also, some states, like Maryland, put you under a probationary status for a few months when you get your driver’s license.
Because you are dumb, ignorant and don't know what you are emotionally babbling about, you won't be able to purchase a gun without a drivers license. The rest of your screed is meaningless drivel.
- A passport -: You have to prove you’re a citizen, submit paperwork and a photo and usually wait about six weeks to get your hands on your first U.S. passport.
Again, you've never tried to buy a gun so you make these moronic statements in a vacuum of the facts. You have to show a driver's license, fill out an intrusive questionnaire, wait two weeks typically for the background check and lay down a substantial amount of cash to buy a gun dipshit.
- Cold medicine - There’s a limit on how much of some cold medicine you can buy every month. That’s because the active ingredient in those cold medicines is pseudoephedrine. It’s also a key ingredient in making meth. So, the feds want to make sure the medicine isn’t used for something else.
Do you think that has stopped the manufacture of meth dipshit? Were you born stupid? Or just work real hard at it?
- A divorce - In some states, waiting for your divorce to be final will have you cooling your heels for up to six months.
See above halfwit.
- A pet - In most cases, you must be 21, show ID and you may be asked to provide personal references. In some cases, the adoption agency may do a home check before handing over the pet.
See above halfwit.
So like the other poster said lets sync up these things so gun access faces equal weight times and restrictions and proof of competency, etc.
The "other" poster stated we need to regulate access. So I'll ask you, another halfwit, what additional "regulations" will prevent loons from getting guns and using them to kill people?
As indicated above, you don't know the laws given your asinine statement above. We already have universal background checks, have to provide ID and have waiting times up to two weeks, before we can obtain the weapon. So what, IN ADDITION to that, would prevent these CRIMINALS from .....wait for it....BREAKING OUR LAWS.