F*ucking Scum


Well-known member
This human piece of sh*t raped two people the day he killed my friend and the other cops. And some people in Oakland had a rally for this f*cking guy? I love Oakland but this city is beyond FUBAR. It is a sad place.

Cop-killer raped 2 on day of attack, police say

The man who gunned down four Oakland police officers had robbed and raped two women at gunpoint earlier the same day as they set up a food cart in East Oakland, police said Monday.

Authorities are not sure whether Lovelle Mixon, 26, shot the two motorcycle officers who pulled him over on a March 21 traffic stop because he feared police would link him to the rapes. Mixon fled after the initial shootings to his sister's nearby apartment, where he killed two more officers with a high-powered rifle before being shot to death.

But Officer Jeff Thomason, a spokesman for Oakland police, said, "This goes into the mind-set of Mixon that day, when he brutally murdered four police officers. It clearly shows he destroyed many lives."

Police said earlier that Mixon was tied through DNA to the Feb. 5 rape of a 12-year-old girl in the East Oakland neighborhood where Mixon lived and where the officers were shot to death. The department was notified of the genetic match in that case the day before the killings.

On Monday, investigators said a state laboratory had confirmed that Mixon's DNA matched that of the man who raped two women the morning of March 21.

The victims were attacked at 5:40 a.m. as they set up a cart from which they sold food to day laborers at High Street and International Boulevard, police said.

Thomason said Mixon approached the women, ages 21 and 23, and pulled a handgun - possibly the semiautomatic pistol used to kill the two motorcycle officers seven hours later, police said.

Attacker fled after assault
Mixon robbed the women, then forced them at gunpoint to walk four blocks to 45th Avenue and San Leandro Street, where he raped them, police said.

He fled after the assault, and the women called police.

Mixon was on parole at the time of his death, having served time in prison after being convicted in 2002 of assault with a deadly weapon during a robbery in San Francisco.

Since shooting the police officers, Mixon has been linked to a Feb. 21 home-invasion robbery in Modesto in which a gun, cash and gems were stolen. Mixon and another man ransacked the house, pistol-whipped a man and assaulted a woman, authorities say.

Mixon is still being investigated in as many as five other rapes committed in his East Oakland neighborhood in the months before the officers were shot. All the victims of those rapes were attacked in the early-morning hours.

Investigators have suggested that if Mixon committed the string of sex crimes, it may explain why he opened fire on motorcycle officers Sgt. Mark Dunakin, 40, and Officer John Hege, 41, after they pulled him over at MacArthur Boulevard and 74th Avenue.

Irregularities with license
The officers were about to arrest Mixon during the stop after they discovered irregularities with his driver's license.

Mixon fled to his sister's apartment on 74th Avenue. About two hours after the first shootings, he fatally shot two members of the Oakland police SWAT team, Sgts. Ervin Romans, 43, and Daniel Sakai, 35, with an assault rifle when the team stormed the apartment. SWAT officers then shot him to death.

Sgt. Dom Arotzarena, president of the Oakland Police Officers Association, said Monday that the latest information shows what kind of person officers were dealing with that day.

"It doesn't change what happened," he said. "All it says is, to his supporters - this is who you're supporting. Congratulations for supporting a monster.

"It doesn't really matter, though, because in the end, it doesn't bring the guys back."

Maybe this will finally get police officers to start testing rape kits within the year?

Shut up Watermark. WTF does that have to do with anything? I like you but that was fucking stupid. I'd love to see you say shit like that when your buddies get fucking murdered.
Shut up Watermark. WTF does that have to do with anything? I like you but that was fucking stupid. I'd love to see you say shit like that when your buddies get fucking murdered.

Your buddies got murdered?

If they had tested his rape kit sooner, none of this would have happened. They had the DNA evidence ready to convict him for almost a year and sat on it.
Your buddies got murdered?

If they had tested his rape kit sooner, none of this would have happened. They had the DNA evidence ready to convict him for almost a year and sat on it.

Yes, John Hege. He was one of the cops who pulled this scum over. I've known him since I was 12 years old.
Well that's awful. I'm sorry for you Caw.

Thanks. When its someone you know you take a different view of events than if you had no personal involvent and that does have the potential to cloud one's judgement. However I still see nothing redeming about this guy who supposedly raped multiple women and who killed these four cops. And while the OPD are definitely no angles, there is rightfully distrust of them in the community, I don't understand the neighborhood holding rallys for this killer.
Thanks. When its someone you know you take a different view of events than if you had no personal involvent and that does have the potential to cloud one's judgement. However I still see nothing redeming about this guy who supposedly raped multiple women and who killed these four cops. And while the OPD are definitely no angles, there is rightfully distrust of them in the community, I don't understand the neighborhood holding rallys for this killer.

I'd never celebrate a killing. That's disturbing beyond belief. They should be ashamed of themselves.
does it surprise you? Oakland is such trash. I'm surprised san fran even wants the bridge up connecting them to that p.o.s. city.
LOL Oakland does have the A's which is a redeeming quality (and I'm sure there's some Raiders fans out there)...

Man I love the A's but Oakland's about to lose them too. If ever a city needed a baseball stadium downtown to help revitalize itself it is Oakland and did the city ever fail on that front.
Man I love the A's but Oakland's about to lose them too. If ever a city needed a baseball stadium downtown to help revitalize itself it is Oakland and did the city ever fail on that front.

The Colliseum rocks, because of how enormous the foul territory is. It is a unique and interesting feature. Anyway, I like the A's, because they are a fun team to have in the Western division, and they have the best colors in baseball.

I didn't know Oakland was at risk of losing them, though. I have heard that the Giants plan to move outside of the city limits of San Fran, however.
The Colliseum rocks, because of how enormous the foul territory is. It is a unique and interesting feature. Anyway, I like the A's, because they are a fun team to have in the Western division, and they have the best colors in baseball.

I didn't know Oakland was at risk of losing them, though. I have heard that the Giants plan to move outside of the city limits of San Fran, however.

A double rape and the murder of a policeman soon disappears under the vital discussion of a football (hockey/baseball/basketball/who cares) team.
Sad reflection of a sad society.
LOL Oakland does have the A's which is a redeeming quality (and I'm sure there's some Raiders fans out there)...

There are some really great areas in Okland. Richmond and Oakland went through some spiffing up back in the early 90's. Have not been there since, but I imagine the recession will take a pretty big toll on the effort to remake their image.
A double rape and the murder of a policeman soon disappears under the vital discussion of a football (hockey/baseball/basketball/who cares) team.
Sad reflection of a sad society.

Excuse me, but I already suffered through a 12-page discussion of the incident where BlackasCoal explained to us in great length how police are all bad people and deserve to die, just like the cops in the story.

I have no desire to rehash that nonsense. I've earned a conversation about sports in Oakland.
Excuse me, but I already suffered through a 12-page discussion of the incident where BlackasCoal explained to us in great length how police are all bad people and deserve to die, just like the cops in the story.

I have no desire to rehash that nonsense. I've earned a conversation about sports in Oakland.

Then start a new thread.
The Colliseum rocks, because of how enormous the foul territory is. It is a unique and interesting feature. Anyway, I like the A's, because they are a fun team to have in the Western division, and they have the best colors in baseball.

I didn't know Oakland was at risk of losing them, though. I have heard that the Giants plan to move outside of the city limits of San Fran, however.

Actually with their new ballpark I don't think the Giants are going anywhere. (The San Francisco 49ers have talked about leaving S.F. for Santa Clara). The A's had a deal (for awhile) with the city of Fremont to build a new stadium that was to be named Cisco Field. That has fallen through though. Right now the A's lease at the Oakland Coliseum runs through 2012 I believe.
Actually with their new ballpark I don't think the Giants are going anywhere. (The San Francisco 49ers have talked about leaving S.F. for Santa Clara). The A's had a deal (for awhile) with the city of Fremont to build a new stadium that was to be named Cisco Field. That has fallen through though. Right now the A's lease at the Oakland Coliseum runs through 2012 I believe.

Oh, my bad, I was thinking about the 49ers. How's that scheme going for them so far?