Facebook post


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I’m guessing this is the right forum for a post such as this. I’m sharing a post I stole and put on Facebook last night and the responses to that post in the comments as they come in. It’s why I do what I do and am hesitant to completely give it up.



For Teacher Appreciation Week, I'd love for former students to REPLY to this post and tell me what you are doing (school, job, career, family, etc..). Or a funny story from our time together. Even if you know that I know all about it - I want to hear from you!

(Steal this teachers)🍎😊

I stole this like the post says to...I didn’t know there was such a thing as teacher appreciation week. 🤷🏻*♂️
Well army for 9 yrs after high school. Now work at a Co-OP and a EMT fulltime. I remember you taking me coon hunting for the first time. Never got anything but a flying squirrel. I remember when we first started and I was like what was that smell? You replied ahhhh that's the smell of fresh protein! (Dogs) ����
I’m a Directional Driller and use Algebra 2 and Trigonometry every single day. Honestly never thought I’d use it as much as I do.
Registered nurse in an OR/day surgery. Thanks to you I never had a problem passing dosage calculation tests in nursing school! I remember teasing you I might not make it to the bathroom with the emergency bucket (had plans of pouring apple juice in it) but you already knew that and said ok well just rinse the juice out when you’re done ��you busted my bubble lol. Oh and I just mentioned you at work the week I went on maternity leave when I seen someone using a zebra fine point pen! (I think that’s the brand?) I said that’s the ONLY pen my high school math teacher would ever use!
when I was in 7th grade the teacher assigned us a project........"what do you want to be and what do you have to do to get there"......we had to choose a career, interview people working in that career and research the skills required and the education requirements, etc.....I picked "lawyer" and here I am fifty+ years later.....
Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
Keep sharing your wonderful memories from your students;)
Secretary/Technician/Co-Owner of Ben Owens Heating and Air! And full time Mom to so many kiddos!! You were a role model who taught me that there are still good people out in the world!! Thank you for being an Awesome Teacher!! ��
I’m guessing this is the right forum for a post such as this. I’m sharing a post I stole and put on Facebook last night and the responses to that post in the comments as they come in. It’s why I do what I do and am hesitant to completely give it up.



For Teacher Appreciation Week, I'd love for former students to REPLY to this post and tell me what you are doing (school, job, career, family, etc..). Or a funny story from our time together. Even if you know that I know all about it - I want to hear from you!

(Steal this teachers)����

I stole this like the post says to...I didn’t know there was such a thing as teacher appreciation week. ����*♂️

What's up LR!

Thought you may appreciate this. Years ago I volunteered with an organization called Junior Achievement and they sent people from the business community to volunteer at local schools. I did it for five years. I taught an economics class (really focusing on personal finance) for seniors once a week at a local low income high school. The teacher told me maybe a quarter of his class would go to college and of that group maybe a quarter would go to four year University's and the rest to local JC's. So I felt this could be valuable info for these kids.

I'd spent much of my life as a student so I must admit it was weird now being in front of the class. And I didn't know what the kids thought or if they were even really paying attention. But what moved me the most is after class when kids would come up and ask questions and want to talk. Clearly they had been listening and were interested in learning. Right there I understood the satisfaction teachers have knowing they've made a difference in someone's life. It was pretty cool.
What's up LR!

Thought you may appreciate this. Years ago I volunteered with an organization called Junior Achievement and they sent people from the business community to volunteer at local schools. I did it for five years. I taught an economics class (really focusing on personal finance) for seniors once a week at a local low income high school. The teacher told me maybe a quarter of his class would go to college and of that group maybe a quarter would go to four year University's and the rest to local JC's. So I felt this could be valuable info for these kids.

I'd spent much of my life as a student so I must admit it was weird now being in front of the class. And I didn't know what the kids thought or if they were even really paying attention. But what moved me the most is after class when kids would come up and ask questions and want to talk. Clearly they had been listening and were interested in learning. Right there I understood the satisfaction teachers have knowing they've made a difference in someone's life. It was pretty cool.

Great to hear from you Cawacko. We’ve been slowly coming out of hunkering down (that’s how SE Okies say “sheltering in place”) and getting back to the new normal. You have just described the great satisfaction most teachers seek. While the biggest challenge in all of this for me has been taking care of church business and maintaining Christian responsibilities while not being able to physically assemble on Sundays, what I miss the most is teaching. I have set up the online stuff (I made sure the last math book system we adopted offered distance learning, online instruction for the kids mainly for kids that get suspended) for my students and text or call them two or three times a week and monitor their progress, but it isn’t the same for them or for me. It certainly isn’t ideal. That classroom interaction is so important for most people...teachers and students alike.

On that note, I see that colleges are very concerned about their enrollment for just that reason. Most students seem to be very reluctant to do online classes only. I personally know a few that are going to work for a year rather than take online classes. Of course kids on scholarships don’t likely have that option.
Get back to us in lunchroom lady appreciation week.

I’ll tell you that I am so proud of our lunchroom lady. While continuing to supply meals for the kiddos all of her help quit once they found out they were either going to be paid whether they continued to work or not or that they could draw unemployment. While she pretty much had the same option, she has kept plugging. About 8 of us teachers volunteer to help her and deliver the meals throughout the week, but she is the real trooper.

One more thing....if it were up to me those who quit wouldn’t be rehired for next school year. But that’s just me.
I can remember most of teachers in school asking me “So what do you want to do when you get out of prison?”.

I’ve had a few former students wind up in prison, but not many. I could have not predicted every one of those. I’ve had 2 commit murder and I predicted both would. Never had two students that I watched more closely while they were in school.
I’m a superintendent for a tank company now. I do remember you had to go to grannies house and build a paddle and bring it back to your house to give me 3 swats in the middle of your kitchen for me skipping school. All for me to play baseball that day. Good times.
This one became a teacher then a colleague...

Normally, I’m one building over to the west of you in the first classroom on the right past the water fountain. ��