FACT: The war in Iraq has made AL Queda Stronger!

Then why did you mention Iraq being the second most holy Muslim land?

Because when you said you wanted permanent american military bases in Iraq, you need to be aware of how inflammatory that will be seen by many arabs. In particular, the shia.
Also, Dixie, you didn't address your apparent contradiction between "bringing the troops home", and establishing "permanent military bases in Iraq".

Depending on the day of the week, you've held both positions.

We currently have about 150,000 troops in Iraq, most are combat forces. As soon as the Iraqi military and security are strong enough and capable enough to defend Iraq from the radical fundamentalist element who doesn't want to see democracy work there, we will begin to withdraw combat forces from Iraq.... (i.e. "bring home the troops"). In virtually every conflict the US has ever won, we have kept a contingent of US military presence there, and Iraq will likely be no different. I'm sorry if your pinhead liberal brain can't comprehend the difference between combat troops and military presence, but I would suggest you take a gander at Germany and Japan, and understand that WWII has been over, and our troops "returned home" many years ago, although we maintain a military presence in these countries to this day.

Let me tell you what isn't going to happen, just so you know.... The US is not going to abandon Iraq and bring all the troops home, removing every American boot from the middle east, as alQaeda would like for us to do. That isn't going to happen, and it doesn't matter who is elected president or what party controls congress. You can rant and rave, protest and complain, bluster and rally, burn effigies of Bush and Cheney, cry and moan, make up lies and propaganda until your eyes bleed... America is not going to abandon Iraq and withdraw all its forces. You may as well get used to this reality and stop trying to fool yourself into believing there is another possibility, because there isn't.
well if we just pull out and leave it as is... it would make AQ twice as strong as they are now, and make this so called recruitment tool twice as strong
Then why did you mention Iraq being the second most holy Muslim land?

Because when you said you wanted permanent american military bases in Iraq, you need to be aware of how inflammatory that will be seen by many arabs. In particular, the shia.

Here's the deal.... I don't give a fuck how inflamatory it is! I thought it was pretty goddamn inflamatory to fly commercial airliners into buildings on 9/11, and I really couldn't care less about what radical fundamental Muslims think of our actions. In fact, I hope the fuck they ARE inflamed! The more inflamed the better! Let's go ahead and inflame as many radical nut jobs as we can, into joining the Jihad, as soon as possible! I'd rather get them all on board with their fanaticism right now, and take care of them in my generation instead of my grandchildren's. We should send out letters of encouragement to all potential alQaeda recruits, to go join the movement now... today... this second! Don't wait! We don't want to change your mind, we don't want to use diplomacy, we want you to sign up and commit yourself to blowing up innocent people in the name of Jihad, because this way, we can isolate and eliminate you from our midst, most efficiently.
Here's the deal.... I don't give a fuck how inflamatory it is! I thought it was pretty goddamn inflamatory to fly commercial airliners into buildings on 9/11

Iraq didn't have anything to do with that.

In fact, Saddam considered al qaeda a threat to his regime.
The more inflamed the better! Let's go ahead and inflame as many radical nut jobs as we can, into joining the Jihad, as soon as possible! I'd rather get them all on board with their fanaticism right now, and take care of them in my generation instead of my grandchildren's. We should send out letters of encouragement to all potential alQaeda recruits, to go join the movement now... today... this second! Don't wait! We don't want to change your mind, we don't want to use diplomacy, we want you to sign up and commit yourself to blowing up innocent people in the name of Jihad, because this way, we can isolate and eliminate you from our midst, most efficiently.

So you support the terrorists? You think the more Al-Qaeda operatives we have the better?

One question: why do you hate our troops?
al quada is in iraq because we are there. By that thinking it would be safe to say they are going to go whereever we are. iraq is as good a place as any to fight them.

i would add to dixies suggestion that they not only all join up with the jihadists but they should all go to iraq.
al quada is in iraq because we are there. By that thinking it would be safe to say they are going to go whereever we are. iraq is as good a place as any to fight them.

i would add to dixies suggestion that they not only all join up with the jihadists but they should all go to iraq.

al quada is in iraq because we are there. By that thinking it would be safe to say they are going to go whereever we are. iraq is as good a place as any to fight them.

What is this? Reason number 5,239 for your war?

After telling the Iraqis we were going to bring them peace, democracy, and reconstruction, you want to tell them now that were going to use their country as a battlefield to fight al qaeda, and a flytrap to encourage more jihaddists to come to iraq and blow things up?

I think you just made an enemy of probably 23 million iraqis, if that's your stated policy.
well if we just pull out and leave it as is... it would make AQ twice as strong as they are now, and make this so called recruitment tool twice as strong

And staying in there and killing people in Iraq is not making them stronger ?
AQ had no real presence in Iraq before we invaded......
The intelligence source quoted is probably a clinton hold over. Kinda like wilson was.

The cause for the increase in islamists is the liberal media and its portrail of what's going on in iraq. That and the stupid democrats. They do nothing but embolden the islamist at every turn.

OMG.... for your sake tell everyone you were joking.....
well if we just pull out and leave it as is... it would make AQ twice as strong as they are now, and make this so called recruitment tool twice as strong

What on God's green earth are you talking about? Al Qaeda loves the fact that we're occupying Iraq, and they're still high-fiving each other about Bush's decision to invade and occupy.

A more prudent move, would be to redeploy our troops out of Iraq's civil war, and base them in Kurdistan, Kuwait, and Qatar. And from there, lauch air strikes and covert ops whenever an al qaeda threat is identified in Iraq.

BTW: that's exactly how we got Zarqawi.
What on God's green earth are you talking about? Al Qaeda loves the fact that we're occupying Iraq, and they're still high-fiving each other about Bush's decision to invade and occupy.

A more prudent move, would be to redeploy our troops out of Iraq's civil war, and base them in Kurdistan, Kuwait, and Qatar. And from there, lauch air strikes and covert ops whenever an al qaeda threat is identified in Iraq.

BTW: that's exactly how we got Zarqawi.

I understand your position right up to the last paragraph then I have to disagree, I think that air strike was all a ruse. Doesn't it strike others as strange that they had the chance to take this guy alive and extract a lot of intelligence from him but instead they preferred to just go in and kill him, and then it turns out he was out walking around after the bombing attack and he died amost immediately after being strapped to the gurney. I think they caught al Zarqawi, tortured him until he was near death and decided to cover their asses by taking him back to the bomb site. There is no way he was in the path of that bomb and was then found walking around. That whole episode stinks in my book. But who's to question it, he was a dirty terrorist not worthy of a second look.
I understand your position right up to the last paragraph then I have to disagree, I think that air strike was all a ruse. Doesn't it strike others as strange that they had the chance to take this guy alive and extract a lot of intelligence from him but instead they preferred to just go in and kill him, and then it turns out he was out walking around after the bombing attack and he died amost immediately after being strapped to the gurney. I think they caught al Zarqawi, tortured him until he was near death and decided to cover their asses by taking him back to the bomb site. There is no way he was in the path of that bomb and was then found walking around. That whole episode stinks in my book. But who's to question it, he was a dirty terrorist not worthy of a second look.

Prak, honestly, I've seen no hard facts or evidence that there was any conspriacy to kill - rather than capture - zarqawi. No harm in speculating, but I tend to be more convinced by facts and evidence.

Zarqawi was a dirt bag, and good riddance. Capturing him would have been a plus, as you say.
Prak, honestly, I've seen no hard facts or evidence that there was any conspriacy to kill - rather than capture - zarqawi. No harm in speculating, but I tend to be more convinced by facts and evidence.

Zarqawi was a dirt bag, and good riddance. Capturing him would have been a plus, as you say.
I think getting burned attempting to capture people and having them slip out tends to make people more likely to ensure an end than attempt a capture if capture is unlikely.
And staying in there and killing people in Iraq is not making them stronger ?
AQ had no real presence in Iraq before we invaded......

Damn, they sure learned their way around fast! In any event, I fail to see the flaw in a strategy to draw alQaeda to the deserts of Iraq to die in a war they supposedly don't give a shit about. In fact, I think it's rather brilliant, if that is the case. Here, we have a terror organization spread out all over the world, and rather than us having to chase them down in every corner, they are coming to us voluntarily in Iraq! I think that is fantastic! And if there are any more rag-tag Iraqi dissidents out there, pissed off that their Saddam gravy train is up, I would encourage them to join alQaeda and let's take care of their heavenly virgin needs as well.

Let me be perfectly clear, I have had it with the leftist mamby-pamby rhetoric about creating more terrorists. As far as I am concerned, I want every fucking potential terrorist, who even has an inkling of an idea that they support Jihad, to come on out of the woodwork's now. If there is anyone out there that alQaeda can possibly convince, I want them to do so now. If you and your democrat liberals believe in them so much, you are welcome to go join the fucking Jihad as well, I want everyone who supports their ideology, recruited and ready to die for the cause... NOW! ASAP! I have no interest in trying to win their hearts or minds, I have no interest in trying to better understand their plight, and I had just as soon have them reveal themselves now, so we can deal with them and get it over.

Liberals answer seems to always be... RUN! HIDE! APOLOGIZE! Anything but FIGHT! You want to try to fight a PC war like a bunch of nitwits, and you are fighting with the politically corrupt, who will exploit you like the idiots you are, and laugh at you while they do it. So what if we cause more of the nut jobs to get worked up? It's not like the nut jobs are not going to eventually have to be dealt with, it's not like this can be all worked out with a little cash in the right place, there is no other option except to defeat the radical Islamofascists before they defeat us. Whether it's in Iraq or Afghanistan, whether it is pissing them off more or not... I don't really give a flying fuck.

Let's also be clear about this... There are 6 billion Muslims in the world, and the vast majority of them, do not condone or agree with the Islamofascists. This is not a war between religions at all, in fact, it is a historic opportunity for Muslims and Christians to unite in common good over common evil. It's also an opportunity for the rest of the civilized world to stand together in defiance of terrorism.
Damn, they sure learned their way around fast! In any event, I fail to see the flaw in a strategy to draw alQaeda to the deserts of Iraq to die in a war they supposedly don't give a shit about. In fact, I think it's rather brilliant, if that is the case. Here, we have a terror organization spread out all over the world, and rather than us having to chase them down in every corner, they are coming to us voluntarily in Iraq! I think that is fantastic! And if there are any more rag-tag Iraqi dissidents out there, pissed off that their Saddam gravy train is up, I would encourage them to join alQaeda and let's take care of their heavenly virgin needs as well.

Let me be perfectly clear, I have had it with the leftist mamby-pamby rhetoric about creating more terrorists. As far as I am concerned, I want every fucking potential terrorist, who even has an inkling of an idea that they support Jihad, to come on out of the woodwork's now. If there is anyone out there that alQaeda can possibly convince, I want them to do so now. If you and your democrat liberals believe in them so much, you are welcome to go join the fucking Jihad as well, I want everyone who supports their ideology, recruited and ready to die for the cause... NOW! ASAP! I have no interest in trying to win their hearts or minds, I have no interest in trying to better understand their plight, and I had just as soon have them reveal themselves now, so we can deal with them and get it over.

Liberals answer seems to always be... RUN! HIDE! APOLOGIZE! Anything but FIGHT! You want to try to fight a PC war like a bunch of nitwits, and you are fighting with the politically corrupt, who will exploit you like the idiots you are, and laugh at you while they do it. So what if we cause more of the nut jobs to get worked up? It's not like the nut jobs are not going to eventually have to be dealt with, it's not like this can be all worked out with a little cash in the right place, there is no other option except to defeat the radical Islamofascists before they defeat us. Whether it's in Iraq or Afghanistan, whether it is pissing them off more or not... I don't really give a flying fuck.

Let's also be clear about this... There are 6 billion Muslims in the world, and the vast majority of them, do not condone or agree with the Islamofascists. This is not a war between religions at all, in fact, it is a historic opportunity for Muslims and Christians to unite in common good over common evil. It's also an opportunity for the rest of the civilized world to stand together in defiance of terrorism.

It's too bad you don't more about the history of things, you might even be interesting to talk to if you had a few facts straight. You write "I fail to see the flaw in a strategy to draw alQaeda to the deserts of Iraq to die in a war they supposedly don't give a shit about." One could say the same thing about the US forces in Iraq too couldn't they? In fact, the latter claim might be more appropriate since bin Laden has publicly expressed dismay that no body came after him after the bombing of the USS Cole. In fact, one of the things that he hoped he would attain after the attack on the WTC was a response so that he could drag the US into the same kind of war that he always believed he won against the Soviets. He didn't get the war he wanted in Afghanistan, but he seems to have been very fortunate to get the war he wanted in Iraq, and he seems to be making the best of it. Now this isn't just my own uneducated and over the top speculation. In a National Geographic Special on bin Laden he says this to a British journalist who was the last person to speak with him before 9-11. He told the journalist how disappointed he was in the US response to the Cole incident and says that he has something else planned that the Americans will be unable to ignore. So who trapped who in what desert???