Failing and Desperate, Republican Party Facing Certain Death

Bingo! Education is paramount to immigrants, anti intellectualism and attack on education is the hallmark of the trumpsters, blaming their lack of education on "for'ners" who they accuse of taking jobs they themselves are not qualified to do, due to lack of their education

No more will they get jobs simply because they are white and christian (privilege) , that horse left the barn and not coming back

Interesting that immigrants in LA are suing the liberal dominated LASD for such poor performance. How could that happen in an area where people supposedly care about education?
WTF moron rednecks like you don’t know anything about our history or values and contribute the least to our national productivity and are the biggest drain on our social welfare system. Don’t know our values? Holy Shit you might try learning something about American values first as aspiring to be a welfare mooching uneducated peasant redneck has never been one of them.

You know what we like about immigrants? Unlike you semi-literates they not only work, they can adapt to change and don’t freak out cause life isn’t what it was like in 1832.

I mean you do realize what a hopeless loser you have to be that your skill set and cultural values are so pathetic that you have to be worried about being displaced by immigrants?

The bigotry is strong in this one. And look at all the thanks you get for spewing all that bigotry. Very telling.
Bingo! Education is paramount to immigrants, anti intellectualism and attack on education is the hallmark of the trumpsters, blaming their lack of education on "for'ners" who they accuse of taking jobs they themselves are not qualified to do, due to lack of their education
No more will they get jobs simply because they are white and christian (privilege) , that horse left the barn and not coming back

If these whitie righties are so fearful of losing status, they might want to emulate the immigrants. Work hard, make sure that your kids do too, insist on education, the higher the better, don't just walk around saying "America is the land of opportunity" -- live it.
The end of the bible thumping party of mutant crackers

Republicans know that the demographic tide is against them, and so they claw onto power by any means possible. While both political parties gerrymander, Republicans tenaciously fight to keep their rigged districts. They generally oppose campaign financing reforms and persistently push for voter restrictions that target demographic groups unlikely to support them.

Actually real Christians are a lot more rare in this country. We have so many cafeteria style, and those that are only shitting themselves. You just have to listen to them speak, and after awhile you probably hear 4, or 5 things contradicting their Christian claims. Many support the death penalty, or think clothing, and feeding the poor just encourages them to be lazy. NEWSFLASH: Poor people aren't seagulls. Guns are not a God given right either, wannabes.
Actually real Christians are a lot more rare in this country. We have so many cafeteria style, and those that are only shitting themselves. You just have to listen to them speak, and after awhile you probably hear 4, or 5 things contradicting their Christian claims. Many support the death penalty, or think clothing, and feeding the poor just encourages them to be lazy. NEWSFLASH: Poor people aren't seagulls. Guns are not a God given right either, wannabes.

Trump realized what made America great, and it wasn't immigrants from shithole countries.

We have our own 3rd world level corruption/violence/wealth disparity shithole society thing, we don't need theirs. And besides, the economic system is so shitty now, we can get whites to do what we used to need them darkies fer.
Desh has proclaimed the Republican Party dead for over a decade now so you're late jumping on her bandwagon but maybe you can partner up.

She and others been hollering this for a while. Like this thread from ‘14:

Or this one from ‘11

Or perhaps this one from ‘08

Heavens to Betsy, that last one was started by Blackflag, our friendly Arizonan... I hadn’t thought of him in a coon’s age.

I’m no republican but I doubt they will disappear anytime soon.
She and others been hollering this for a while. Like this thread from ‘14:

Or this one from ‘11

Or perhaps this one from ‘08

Heavens to Betsy, that last one was started by Blackflag, our friendly Arizonan... I hadn’t thought of him in a coon’s age.

I’m no republican but I doubt they will disappear anytime soon.

Great finds! I remember Blackflag, vaguely.
So I wonder what kind of "utopia" idiot Lefturds like @guno would love to see with the Demoturds in complete control with one party rule? Just like the old Soviet Union I'm betting.
Actually real Christians are a lot more rare in this country. We have so many cafeteria style, and those that are only shitting themselves. You just have to listen to them speak, and after awhile you probably hear 4, or 5 things contradicting their Christian claims. Many support the death penalty, or think clothing, and feeding the poor just encourages them to be lazy. NEWSFLASH: Poor people aren't seagulls. Guns are not a God given right either, wannabes.

According to our founding document, our rights come from our Creator.
Thread translation:

The end of the bible thumping party of mutant crackers

Republicans know that the demographic tide is against them, and so they claw onto power by any means possible. While both political parties gerrymander, Republicans tenaciously fight to keep their rigged districts. They generally oppose campaign financing reforms and persistently push for voter restrictions that target demographic groups unlikely to support them.

Speaking of education , or lack of it

Trump lied to his Republican base and thought they were so stupid they would believe it, according to Jared Kushner. Mr Kushner, a property developer who is both President Trump's senior advisor and son-in-law,

WTF moron rednecks like you don’t know anything about our history or values and contribute the least to our national productivity and are the biggest drain on our social welfare system. Don’t know our values? Holy Shit you might try learning something about American values first as aspiring to be a welfare mooching uneducated peasant redneck has never been one of them.

You know what we like about immigrants? Unlike you semi-literates they not only work, they can adapt to change and don’t freak out cause life isn’t what it was like in 1832.

I mean you do realize what a hopeless loser you have to be that your skill set and cultural values are so pathetic that you have to be worried about being displaced by immigrants?

Talk about spewing hate..........