Yes I read the link and all the history of the entire links which bring us to the present.
I will now inform you that the current congress and congresses in the past have tried to reinstate the law and they were vetoed by republican presidents. You are right the republican congress , republican president and a few democratic congress critters gave us this war. The media beat the drums the whole way and fired people who were trying to question the lies.
If you read the links then you must realize this would not take ANYONE off the airwaves but would make it so someone who has lies told about them or their cause could request some rebuttle time from the liar. Rush may just have to stop telling blatent lies about people or allow them to have air time to correct the record.
What the right ALWAYS seems to ignore about this fairness act is that it applies to EVERYONE liberal and conservative and everything in between. Ifr you truely think the media is liberal then you would embrace the chance to have your side aired. The funny thing is you dont really think the media is liberal any more than I do or you would see this as a chance to thwart the liberal media bias.
There is no doubt that the mainstream media is Liberal. Are you saying that Dan Rather, just to mention one person, was not a Liberal? ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN all have the same thing to say. They are countered by Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, FOX news and the rest of what is the "Right Wing" media.
The "Right Wing" radio such as Rush, Hannity, and Laura Ingraham are what you consider "Equal Time". They contradict the mainstream media all the time.
And what about PBS? Are they of a Conservative bias. If not, then they should be required to have 50% of their air time devoted to the Conservative viewpoint.
Who is responsible for programing "Left Wing" opposing views for Rush, Hannity, and the rest of who you do not agree with? Why should a radio or TV station have to air a "Liberal minded" show that you will not watch? What happened to Air America. It failed and during the Bush Administration. Would you require CBS to hire Rush for a 30 minute show nightly? How many "Right Wing" shows are on the major news networks? Lets see, we could have Rush on CBS, Hannity on NBC, Laura Ingraham on ABC. What about CNN? No one could ever consider them to be "Right Wing". Maybe CNN could be required to have 12 hours daily for Rush, Hannity, Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage. If the fairness doctrine was to be fairly implemented, this is what you would have. Does that sound fair? While it would probably cause a rise in ratings for CNN, what business of the government's is it what CNN should be forced to air? Or does the fairness doctrine only apply to direct opposition to "Right Wing" or "Conservative" media counterparts?
What is the reason for the mandatory opposing views? After all, they are opinions of the host. You do not have to agree with them. You do not even have to listen to the show. Yet somehow, you seem determined to make it mandatory to have a counter opinion. If you search the channels of XM Radio or Satellite Radio, you will see several channels devoted to Conservative Talk and Liberal Talk. There you have your "Fairness Doctrine".