Faith in humanity nearly restored


Willin to be Chillin
Restaurant owner treats 20 employees and their families to 'priceless' Disney World trip

Last week, Gypsy Gilliam, owner of the State Farmers’ Market Restaurant in Raleigh, N.C.,*jetted all 53 people – 20 of her employees, plus their loved ones – to Orlando, Fla., for the highly anticipated vacation. Gilliam covered the hotel, transportation, meals and attraction tickets for her hardworking staffers, The News & Observer reports

Restaurant owner treats 20 employees and their families to 'priceless' Disney World trip
She makes nasty insults in every thread I make. I asked her to stop, she didn't.

Why do you care? She your girlfriend?

FYI,Jade is a guy.We know you pretend he is a girl,so your suppressed homosexual attraction doesn't come to the light of day.
anne frankle has been retro'd by the very wise yurt. may he continue to bless us with his good judgement.

I want to go to the hall of presidents and see an animatronic trump telling us to all maga!

I had the experience of going to Disney Land when they had the animatronic version of President Lincoln.

It was almost a religious experience.

All the seats were filled, people were talking, babies were fussing, and when the lights dimmed, the entire place went dead silent.

The curtains parted and then he stood up.

Even though I knew it was fake, listening to the speech and watching the motions that had been programmed in, were amazing.

At one point I noticed that while he was talking his right hand was picking at the seam of his pants, like he was nervous.

It was simply amazing.
I also really like carosel of progress lol. I fucking love the rides where you just sit in a cool air conditioned dark room and watch some robots

i also like the haunted house

and fucking space mountain like come on

disneyworld rules. it's true.
I also really like carosel of progress lol. I fucking love the rides where you just sit in a cool air conditioned dark room and watch some robots

i also like the haunted house

and fucking space mountain like come on

disneyworld rules. it's true.

The Helicopter "ride" was pretty cool.

The seats banked and some guy actually fell out of his seat. :laugh:
Grind - Yurt - Disneyland

Minds will be blown.

Side/true story :

My aunty took me there when I was 16 or 17 and I got hit on a few rides and she thought it was funny. I'm like funny? I'm the boss! She laughed and hugged me. Manhood deflation in 1 second.
I had the experience of going to Disney Land when they had the animatronic version of President Lincoln.

It was almost a religious experience.

All the seats were filled, people were talking, babies were fussing, and when the lights dimmed, the entire place went dead silent.

The curtains parted and then he stood up.

Even though I knew it was fake, listening to the speech and watching the motions that had been programmed in, were amazing.

At one point I noticed that while he was talking his right hand was picking at the seam of his pants, like he was nervous.

It was simply amazing.
You should visit his memorial in DC. When I did I found it to be a very moving experience.
I also really like carosel of progress lol. I fucking love the rides where you just sit in a cool air conditioned dark room and watch some robots

i also like the haunted house

and fucking space mountain like come on

disneyworld rules. it's true.

its all about the pirates ride