Fake racism vs Real racism

Lefties should round up a couple examples of real racism so they can have something to counter discussions of fake racism with.
Fake racism is a politically motivated assertion that a political opponent thinks his race is superior to another. Fake racism can not be substantiated with proof, it can only be backed up with assertions, allegations, accusations, propaganda, dismissed cases, association fallacy, or gish gallop.

Real racism is when somebody believes his race is superior to another. If somebody claims a race is superior to another, there is proof that he is a real racist. If he writes that he believes one race is superior to another, there is proof that he is a racist.

Another white fragility self-victimization thread, woe is whitey.
Lefties should round up a couple examples of real racism so they can have something to counter discussions of fake racism with.
The lawsuit was based on evidence gathered by testers for the New York City Human Rights Division, which alleged that black people who went to Trump buildings were told there were no apartments available, while white people were offered units.
Back then, Sheila Morse worked as one of those testers. When a black New Yorker was turned down for service and racial bias was suspected, Morse, who is white, would be dispatched to see if she received different treatment.

In this case, a black man in search of an apartment in Brooklyn in 1972 saw a sign on a building: "apartment for rent."
"He met with the superintendent, and the superintendent said, 'I'm very sorry, but the apartment is rented — it's gone,' " Morse says. "So the gentlemen said to him, 'Well, why is the sign out? I still see a sign that says apartment for rent.' And the superintendent said, 'Oh, I guess I forgot to take it down.' "

How The Man Created The Brand In 'Trump Revealed'
When Morse went to the building to ask about the same apartment, she says, "They greeted me with open arms and showed me every aspect of the apartment."

The Justice Department sued Donald Trump, his father, Fred, and Trump Management in order to obtain a settlement in which Trump and his father would promise not to discriminate. The case eventually was settled two years later after Trump tried to countersue the Justice Department for $100 million for making false statements. Those allegations were dismissed by the court.
These are Desh's posts:

I spit in the face of the black guy.
Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.
If you're black and you vote democrat, then you're a "nigger". If you're white and you vote democrat, then you're "white trash". If you're Asian and you vote democrat, then you're a "zipper head". If you're Hispanic and you vote democrat, then you're a "wetback".
and anyone who clicks on the little blue quote marks of each of those quotes will realize you are lying

Not so, Desh. They will see that Y O U posted these racist sentiments.

I spit in the face of the black guy.
Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.
If you're black and you vote democrat, then you're a "nigger". If you're white and you vote democrat, then you're "white trash". If you're Asian and you vote democrat, then you're a "zipper head". If you're Hispanic and you vote democrat, then you're a "wetback".

The Justice Department sued Donald Trump, his father, Fred, and Trump Management in order to obtain a settlement in which Trump and his father would promise not to discriminate. The case eventually was settled two years later after Trump tried to countersue the Justice Department for $100 million for making false statements. Those allegations were dismissed by the court.
The Justice Department sued Donald Trump, his father, Fred, and Trump Management in order to obtain a settlement in which Trump and his father would promise not to discriminate. The case eventually was settled two years later after Trump tried to countersue the Justice Department for $100 million for making false statements. Those allegations were dismissed by the court.

The allegations against DJ and Fred Trump were the ones that were dismissed as allegations. All real estate companies have to promise not to discriminate. The case against Trump was dismissed as allegations.