I have yet to be convinced you "see" anything.
It is easy to see that lefties resist isolating and discussing fake racism like a cat resists being shoved into a toilet.
I have yet to be convinced you "see" anything.
Fake racism is a politically motivated assertion that a political opponent thinks his race is superior to another. Fake racism can not be substantiated with proof, it can only be backed up with assertions, allegations, accusations, propaganda, dismissed cases, association fallacy, or gish gallop.
Real racism is when somebody believes his race is superior to another. If somebody claims a race is superior to another, there is proof that he is a real racist. If he writes that he believes one race is superior to another, there is proof that he is a racist.
Another white fragility self-victimization thread, woe is whitey.
It is easy to see that lefties resist isolating and discussing fake racism like a cat resists being shoved into a toilet.
You should change up your worthless posts a little by posting weather reports instead of just what your chinese fortune cookie fortunes say.
Hon, you even divide white folks up into groups, get real.
Don't just talk, say something!
we don't let racists define racism
its like letting child molesters define child molestation
silly racists
Decades-Old Housing Discrimination Case Plagues Donald Trump
I spit in the face of the black guy.
Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.
If you're black and you vote democrat, then you're a "nigger". If you're white and you vote democrat, then you're "white trash". If you're Asian and you vote democrat, then you're a "zipper head". If you're Hispanic and you vote democrat, then you're a "wetback".
Thank you for illustrating what fake racism is. This matches what was described in the opening post for fake racism. Can you also illustrate real racism?
These are Desh's posts:
and anyone who clicks on the little blue quote marks of each of those quotes will realize you are lying
I spit in the face of the black guy.
Obama was nothing more than another black failure in a government job and another black family in government housing. Stupid nigger.
If you're black and you vote democrat, then you're a "nigger". If you're white and you vote democrat, then you're "white trash". If you're Asian and you vote democrat, then you're a "zipper head". If you're Hispanic and you vote democrat, then you're a "wetback".
Decades-Old Housing Discrimination Case Plagues Donald Trump
The Justice Department sued Donald Trump, his father, Fred, and Trump Management in order to obtain a settlement in which Trump and his father would promise not to discriminate. The case eventually was settled two years later after Trump tried to countersue the Justice Department for $100 million for making false statements. Those allegations were dismissed by the court.