Falsely charged in another forum

Over at DP Captain Courtesy.....a Global Mod..... bragged over and over again about his ability to entice his victims onto the basement with his intent that he would abuse them till they departed DP......He considered this to be a service to DP....taking out the trash.

The word Demented comes to mind.
Sounds more like Get a fucking life you 'tard to me. Was the basement he enticed his victims into the one at his parent's house where he lived? :unsure:
After hearing two separate accounts of this, I almost want to purposely go on Political Hotwire now just to see if they'd get mad at me and ban me for being a sock. :LOL:

lol I got permbanned there 6 months after my last post there, for 'violating community standards', which of course they have none, other than being deviant and commie friendly. Apparently some deviant was just made a mod and never forgot how badly his ass was spanked.
Do it! I'm thinking of actually creating a sock over there just to troll the idiots, lol. I probably won't though. I waste enough time on the internet as it is.

Those boards go downhill fast, it's just another group grope now like most of them are, no real discussions, just parrots toeing the PArty line over an over and dumbasses wasting time pretending they're having real discussions and fightin duh libruls on the innernutz, as if those assclowns actually cared about debates n stuff. They don't..
I've already had one sock accusation and it's only been about an hour.
All you have to do is say Elon definitely did not give a Nazi salute, instant ban, lol! That's literally what happened to me at another place I tried to go to. That place was called, "Defending The Truth", ironically. Evidently the Elon is a Nazi position is the only truth. Detractors will not be tolerated.
If you do go over there, if you could just send a message to highway234 and Logo that I was banned and that they can find me here if they'd like to talk, would be appreciated. It seems that that forum doesn't actually make it clear when someone was banned. highway used to be an Admin there, before my time I think, and Logo's cool too, I considered them to be friends. A few others too, but my memory's bad with names.
I went over there and I've sent them both your message. I assume your user name over there is either the same as here (or very similar)?
No, that's a bullshit excuse they are using to ban conservatives. VPNs are ubiquitous these days and many people use them for privacy concerns. It's not a valid reason to ban somebody as a sock. Especially somebody with thousands of posts from years ago, who was a regular poster like I was at political hotwire. No they're obviously run by TDS addled leftist losers who don't tolerate anything conservative.
LOL love this for you.