Family of Ashlii Babbit suing the Capitol Police for killing their UNARMED DAUGHTER

I don't hate female humans, female pups, or female kittens.
I congratulate female bovines on being born female so they can live the easy life on dairy farms instead of being castrated and made into hamburger.

As for trumpanzees, their gender is hard to determine on casual observation, but it doesn't matter anyway.
I hate them all. Not doing so would be an irredeemable character flaw.

Says the faggot with a pic of a pussy dog for an avatar. Hate all you want, punk. You ain't gettin' shit in America.

Fuck You! :fu:
Why is Ashley Babbitt being covered like a victim? I hope this Trump MAGA terrorist was not buried with military honors?!!

“Can Ashli Babbit be switched to dishonorably discharged? She doesn't deserve a funeral with military honors,”

Also, I hope she is not buried in a military cemetery either!!!

Good luck on the law suit?
