Fantasy Island...Biggest Phoney?

Whois the biggest Phoney?

  • Topspin

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Darla

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • Lady T

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • Cypress

    Votes: 5 83.3%
  • Asshat

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Man I just can't even vote on this one if those who still support Bush are not included in those living in a phony world.
I'm so sorry..................

Man I just can't even vote on this one if those who still support Bush are not included in those living in a phony world.

I suppose I should have included you...ya are really a GW closet case...just mad because he did not respond to a letter to the editor in chief...relax us is not a open poll no one can see who ya voted for...honesty is the best policy...then again maybe ya are a fraud!

Yeah I am really Karl Roves doppleganger.

we know already..the gig is you can post honestly...aside from your horny approach... pleasing darla and Lady T for the kudos...ain't gonna happen...who knows if they are real foxes anyhoo...just playing their silly lib games to entrape y'all horny guys...just a fact jack!...Maybe desh can help ya...she is silly sometimes...but probably more real than the other two missfits!;)
I am honored to hang with your definition of misfits BB.
Your Bush moral compass is working just fine.

I am honored to hang with your definition of misfits BB.
Your Bush moral compass is working just fine.

this is internet..the only boing you are getting from>>> :mun::fogey::1up: in your shallow as they have become!

A fine moral reply there BB.

However I reserve moral replies to those who actually have/deserve them...ya got what ya asked for!...end of story!...Now go kiss cippie and darlas and Lady T's ass for more kudos...ya won't get em'from me!

Not Cypress's butt, but now Darla and LadyT's . hmmmm

once again...have you even been with much less actually saw darla and Lady T up close and personal?...they could be one and the same...cypress the Lassie man! The point being ya have fallin' for the ultimate sex trick in the book...internet sex...yeah baby call them there hot lines to talk to a ugly ,fat whatever pretending to be sexy...and posting pics of some fantasy babe...ya really need to get outta the proverbial backwoods once and awhile!:D
Pretty much the same thing as always Darla. He is calling the libs on here pinkos and such.

In't the ignore thing great for some ? Spinner finally earned my list.

I can only imagine what the drunken old perverted stalker is babbling about now. Ech.

Bimbo...ya are such a fraud...I can't even begin to wonder what you really look like or really represent and I really don't care...maybe a flunked out Nun...:gives:
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He is now speculating that you are a Nun Darla :D

His depth of perception astounds me, I must prostrate myself in the presence of his greatness.

anyway, enough fun for now, off to help the son and family on a building project.
Pretty much the same thing as always Darla. He is calling the libs on here pinkos and such.

In't the ignore thing great for some ? Spinner finally earned my list.

Yeah, ignore was definitely made for someone like BB, and thankfully there aren’t too many as disgusting and nonsensical as he is.

Really you put Top on IA? Well, I can understand that.