Farmers react to billions in COVID-19 relief bill for Black farmers:

It literally PAYS OFF to be a minority!

In truth, it hasn't paid off for minorities who have believed and voted for the Democratic Party of the Jackass. It's time for the black community to shed their party shackle and start voting for GOP candidates whose policies lift them out of poverty, not make them dependent wards of the State.

Chicago Black Activists: "Voting Democrat is Black on Black Crime"!--" Government's War On Family"
In truth, it hasn't paid off for minorities who have believed and voted for the Democratic Party of the Jackass. It's time for the black community to shed their party shackle and start voting for GOP candidates whose policies lift them out of poverty, not male them dependent wards of the State.

Chicago Black Activists: "Voting Democrat is Black on Black Crime"!--" Government's War On Family"
different issue, but I get the idea that vote buying is done by pandering to and paying off blacks.
The bad thing is it really does hurt the black community to keep re-electing the same worthless locals dweeb leadership that fails them decade after decade

Look at teh failure of our big cites run by minority leadership
suit was SETTLED. it was PAID OUT -so why more - not "it's about time"

here's what it really is from your link - Biden adm is driven by "equity czars"

USDA’s Senior Advisor of Racial Equity :palm:
Dewayne Goldmon says the money targeted for the USDA is meaningful “debt relief” for farmers that have been “long underserved.” According to Goldmon, it serves as an attempt to achieve equity.

when will trump stooges learn to read, then post? this is all part of a civil suit the black farmers won, you dumbass racist hillbillies-

The Pigford Cases: USDA Settlement of Discrimination Suits by Black Farmers
August 25, 2005 – May 29, 2013 RS20430

On April 14, 1999, Judge Paul L. Friedman of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia approved a settlement agreement and consent decree in Pigford v. Glickman, a class action discrimination suit between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and black farmers. The suit claimed that the agency had discriminated against black farmers on the basis of race and failed to investigate or properly respond to complaints from 1983 to 1997. The deadline for submitting a claim as a class member was September 12, 2000. Cumulative data show that as of December 31, 2011, 15,645 (69%) of the 22,721 eligible class members had final adjudications approved under the Track A process, and 104 (62%) prevailed in the Track B process for a total cost of approximately $1.06 billion in cash relief, tax payments, and debt relief.

Many voiced concern over the structure of the settlement agreement, the large number of applicants who filed late, and reported deficiencies in representation by class counsel. A provision in the 2008 farm bill (P.L. 110-246) permitted any claimant who had submitted a late-filing request under Pigford and who had not previously obtained a determination on the merits of his or her claim to petition in federal court to obtain such a determination. A maximum of $100 million in mandatory spending was made available for payment of these claims, and the multiple claims that were subsequently filed were consolidated into a single case, In re Black Farmers Discrimination Litigation (commonly referred to as Pigford II).

On February 18, 2010, Attorney General Holder and Secretary of Agriculture Vilsack announced a $1.25 billion settlement of these Pigford II claims. However, because only $100 million was made available in the 2008 farm bill, the Pigford II settlement was contingent upon congressional approval of an additional $1.15 billion in funding. After a series of failed attempts to appropriate funds for the settlement agreement, the Senate passed the Claims Resolution Act of 2010 (H.R. 4783) to provide the $1.15 billion appropriation by unanimous consent on November 19, 2010. The Senate bill was then passed by the House on November 30 and signed by the President on December 8 (P.L. 111-291).

Like the original Pigford case, the Pigford II settlement provides both a fast-track settlement process (Track A) and higher payments to potential claimants who go through a more rigorous review and documentation process (Track B). A moratorium on foreclosures of most claimants’ farms will remain in place until after claimants have gone through the claims process. On October 27, 2011, the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia granted final approval of the settlement agreement. Under the terms of the court order, claims could be submitted beginning on November 14, 2011, with a deadline for filing claims of May 11, 2012. Approximately 89,000 claim forms were mailed out. Nearly 40,000 of them ultimately were filed. Of those, approximately 34,000 were deemed complete and timely. A determination of the validity of the claims is expected to be completed in June/July 2013, after which the claims administrator will begin distributing payments to successful claimants. Preliminary estimates from the claims administrator suggest that 17,000-19,000 claims will be positively adjudicated under Pigford II, a lower proportion of successful claims than under Pigford I.
Anytime these programs are tried it usually ends up being a win for big business instead of the people the money was SAID to be intended for.

Pretty simple reason........When people get money do they just lock it away in a box somewhere and never touch it? Nope. They sure dont. Instead they tend to spend it. A lot of the time as fast as they get it because it is considered found, or free money. So yeah,...they blow it. When they spend it who owns the corporations that end up with that money? And there is your answer :laugh:....... Just another giveaway that ends up in the hands of big business.
when will trump stooges learn to read, then post? this is all part of a civil suit the black farmers won, you dumbass racist hillbillies-


the new guy is a racialist as is the entire Democratic Party

So disappointing, this coming from you.


My wife asked about you last night and asked how you seemed to be doing, and I told her that although he truly seemed to be a man of compassion and spirituality in my case, he doesn’t appear to live up to that anywhere else.

You have no idea what black farmers have been going through with OVERT racism for many, many years ... that has cost them billions. Not sure you even care.

[FONT="]“Black farmers had their share of financial ruin and devastation at the hands of the U.S. government. During the 1990’s, Black farmers filed a lawsuit against the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for discrimination in the loan program. Then-President Bill Clinton authorized the payment for the discriminatory practices for the Black farmers. [/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#000000][FONT="]However, the full restitution was not paid until the Obama presidency.”[/FONT]

Its about time

????.....really?.......Covid relief is the time? idiots are clearly out of your minds.....
Also from the imbecile's link:

The $1 billion fund for the USDA will include:

· Grants and loans to improve land access & address heirs’ property issues;

· Support for one or more legal centers focused on agricultural legal issues of farmers of color;

· Pilot projects that focus on land acquisition, financial planning, technical assistance, and credit;

· A racial equity commission and related activities to address systemic racism across USDA;

· Support for research, education, and extension at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other institutions of higher education that historically serve communities of color;

· Scholarships at 1890’s land grant universities and for indigenous students attending land grant institutions;

· Outreach, mediation, financial training, capacity building training, cooperative development training and support, and other technical assistance; and

· Assistance to farmers, ranchers, or forest landowners of color that are former farm loan borrowers and suffered related adverse actions, or past discrimination or bias
you know, all that covid stuff.....
So disappointing, this coming from you.


My wife asked about you last night and asked how you seemed to be doing, and I told her that although he truly seemed to be a man of compassion and spirituality in my case, he doesn’t appear to live up to that anywhere else.

You have no idea what black farmers have been going through with OVERT racism for many, many years ... that has cost them billions. Not sure you even care.


"paid in full during the Obama administration" why is it being paid again?......
The bad thing is it really does hurt the black community to keep re-electing the same worthless locals dweeb leadership that fails them decade after decade

What makes you think DEMOCRATS need to appeal to voters anymore?
So disappointing, this coming from you.


My wife asked about you last night and asked how you seemed to be doing, and I told her that although he truly seemed to be a man of compassion and spirituality in my case, he doesn’t appear to live up to that anywhere else.

You have no idea what black farmers have been going through with OVERT racism for many, many years ... that has cost them billions. Not sure you even care.

do you understand the concept of "made whole"?? that's what it did

This is Warnock regurgitating a settled suit for some weird aspiration of equity.
Tell me why equity is morally OK? I dont mean "equality of opportunity" but equity of outcome.

That is un-American. we have the "right to pursue happiness" NOT GUARANTEED.
Government is driving outcomes?? WTF?

Tell your wife for me I am glad to hear she is concerned about me, good brother.
I've lost weight and muscled up -healthier then ive been in years.

I am concerned about your familiy as well -the loss of your son, and how you all are holding up?
Don't forget that Trump wasted $30B trying to buy the votes of farmer trash whose businesses he killed with his dumb Trade War that anatta supported 100%.
do you understand the concept of "made whole"?? that's what it did

This is Warnock regurgitating a settled suit for some weird aspiration of equity.
Tell me why equity is morally OK? I dont mean "equality of opportunity" but equity of outcome.

That is un-American. we have the "right to pursue happiness" NOT GUARANTEED.
Government is driving outcomes?? WTF?

Tell your wife for me I am glad to hear she is concerned about me, good brother.
I've lost weight and muscled up -healthier then ive been in years.

I am concerned about your familiy as well -the loss of your son, and how you all are holding up?

Absolutely I’m going to pass along your good news to my wife and she will be glad to hear it. We both wish you and yours good health with our blessings .. and on that happy note, I’m going to put the politics aside to enjoy our camaraderie:)
Absolutely I’m going to pass along your good news to my wife and she will be glad to hear it. We both wish you and yours good health with our blessings .. and on that happy note, I’m going to put the politics aside to enjoy our camaraderie:)
that is real unity my good friend. put politics in it's place-it's divisive by nature.
But our humanity is a much more important common bond..and we should always recall such
[FONT=&quot]“Black farmers had their share of financial ruin and devastation at the hands of the U.S. government. During the 1990’s, Black farmers filed a lawsuit against the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for discrimination in the loan program. Then-President Bill Clinton authorized the payment for the discriminatory practices for the Black farmers. [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]However, the full restitution was not paid until the Obama presidency.”[/FONT]

Its about time

It's racist and descriminatory, as I am sure you know already!