I support a constitutional amendment that would seriously limit corporate and individual money donations to campaigns.
the republicans want CEOs running the country
the facts of history will not be rewritten for you to pretend Mussolini didn't use your right wing economic model to ready Italy for its slide into fascism
Funny you don't say anything about unions. You must love career politicians if you support this
Tell me if money is so powerful why didn't Adelson get Newt elected? Why didn't Corzine win after spending $60 million? Why is Bush mired in mediocrity after spending millions?
You have it backwards cawacko.
As usual.
and you base that on what FACTS.
the title of his thread is a Mussolini QUOTE
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”
Benito Mussolini quote
"The truth is that men are tired of liberty.”
Benito Mussolini quote
the right in his country wants CEOs to run this government