Nixon used EP to obstruct a criminal investigation. It was a transparent attempt at cover up. That being said, I think Obama's use of EP stinks to high heaven
you're so far off in left/right field. i don't even know where to start.Well the problem I see with your understanding of this, is that we didn't know Nixon was engaged in criminal politics until the information was turned over. You see, what we discovered with Nixon's usage of executive privilege, is that it CAN be used to keep damning information away from your accusers. I realize presidents aren't supposed to lie and cover up things, but with Nixon, we learned that this is entirely possible and can happen. They aren't SUPPOSED to use the right of executive privilege to hamper and hinder investigations, but sometimes they do. So now, whenever they withhold information by using EP, we have to assume they are doing this to avoid implicating themselves in criminal politics, much like what Nixon did. They only real way to confirm that's NOT what is happening, is to release the information in question and exonerate the president. If you believe Obama is innocent, you should welcome the release of the requested information, so he can be cleared.
What you are essentially offering as an explanation is this: You like Obama, and don't have a problem with him obstructing Congress because he shares your political philosophy. And the only reason you've opposed any presidential use of EP in the past, is because you didn't like them or their politics. In other words, this issue has absolutely nothing to do with honor and integrity in your mind, it has nothing to do with our right to know the truth or to get to the bottom of corrupt politics, yours is a purely political motivation. It's okay for your guys, not okay for the other guy!
you're so far off in left/right field. i don't even know where to start.
I am not voting for a warmonger, or the duopoloy -that includes Obama and Romney. As to "finding out" EP was used to withold the tapes, but recall Woodward and Bernstein's invetigative journalism in WAPO? Deep Throat? any of this ring a bell?
Yes I do agree todays "reporters" really can't investigate -everything is "classified", and it takes a mole to find out.
The difference is moles aren't tolerated, they'll get sanctioned by the Patirot Act, or some other loathsome NSA "card"
we knew of his criminal activity, the WaPo aricles described such: timeline:Well it's a relief to know you won't be an Obama vote, but that doesn't excuse you from the argument you have made. Yes, I recall Woodward & Bernstein and Deep Throat, but they have little to do with Nixon's use of EP to obstruct Congress. The argument has been, it was wrong for Nixon to use EP because he was covering up criminal political activity... but we didn't KNOW that until we had the information he was protecting. Even then, it wasn't CERTAIN because 18 minutes of tape were missing. Likewise, we don't know what criminal political activity Obama might be covering up, because the information isn't being released.
LMAO@ moles aren't tolerated! Maybe we should pass a Equal Rights for Moles Bill? So whenever a mole is discovered inside an organization, it would be against the law to out them or get rid of them? Yeah, that sounds like another award-winning liberal idea!
which establishes SCOTUS didn't rule on EP until well into the CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION.The Supreme Court stated: "To read the Article II powers of the President as providing an absolute privilege as against a subpoena essential to enforcement of criminal statutes on no more than a generalized claim of the public interest in confidentiality of nonmilitary and nondiplomatic discussions would upset the constitutional balance of 'a workable government' and gravely impair the role of the courts under Article III." Because Nixon had asserted only a generalized need for confidentiality, the Court held that the larger public interest in obtaining the truth in the context of a criminal prosecution took precedence.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Okay, let's take a quick dismantling of the OP's premise:
1. The Shrub claiming Exec Priviledge to shield Cheney's secret energy policy meeting pertains to withholding information regarding the economic determiners for the country....NOT about law enforcement agents working undercover who would be compromised if certain information was made public.
2. Nixon commited a violation of the very public trust regarding the integrity of the electoral campaign process, illegal surveillance of private citizens, an illegal, secret war in Cambodia, etc., etc. Contrary to his claim, Nixon was a crook, and tried to hide his crimes behind executive priviledge...NOT to protect law enforcement agents working undercover who would be compromised if certain information was made public.
3. Just recently, the neocon/teabagger politicos and their punditry all decried the Obama administration discussing publically the capture/kill mission on Osama Bin Ladin, claiming that military personnel and confidential informants in the region would be put in danger as Al qaeda would connect the dots. Yet, they seem to have NO problem in trying to get Holder to reveal infroamtion that would DEFINITELY do just that! Talk about hypocrits!
Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Nixon and Bush ALSO claim executive privilege on the grounds of sensitive national security? Isn't that generally WHY a president refuses to hand over documents to Congress? I don't recall Nixon saying he was exerting executive privilege because he was a crook.
Depends on what partiucluar subject your referring to....the particular incidences that I am referring to DID happen and are wholly & directly relevent to the subject of your OP. And either you were too young or they didn't teach you this in current history in school regarding the Nixon administration. Here's a little refresher:
Richard Nixon
The most famous invocation of executive privilege -- and the reason its assertion by modern presidents is typically followed by intense scrutiny -- occurred under President Richard Nixon in 1973 and 1974, during his attempt to shield Oval Office recordings from a congressional investigation into the Watergate scandal.
The standoff made its way to the Supreme Court, which, in an 8-0 decision, established the president's legal right to executive privilege, but ruled that the importance of the Watergate investigation outweighed Nixon's claim.
Then your third response seems to indicate your only reason or justification for supporting the president's obstruction, is because "they did it too!" That would suggest that the only reason you were opposed to "them" doing it back then, was that it wasn't YOUR SIDE doing it. That's quite a revelation.
Actually the revelation is in how YOU misconstrue what others write. Note that I NEVER declared guilt or innocents, I just merely pointe out the glaring hypocrisy and double standards of the neocon/teabagger driven GOP. To date, neither you or any of your like minded compadres can logically and factually prove me wrong on this point.
As I recall, it hasn't ever mattered before about national security or who would be put at risk, that was never an excuse for obstructing Congress. It wasn't allowed to stand for Nixon or Bush, or even Clinton for that matter, but you now believe that should work for Obama, huh?
As I proved above, your powers of recollection are not up to snuff as you would have yourself believe. Also, you have a bad habit of trying to insert your opinion/wishful thinking as it has NOT YET BEEN ESTABLISHED THAT THE OBAMA WHITE HOUSE HAS OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE BY USE OF EXECUTIVE PRIVILEDGE.
Oh, and by the way... I deleted your link, this thread isn't a place for advertising left-wing blogs. I have to be clear about this, because the moderator might confuse this with the left-wing blog site discussion, and merge the thread. Please refrain from such plugs here, thanks!
There was enough evidence -if it was followed up to prove Nixon knew and approved of Watergate. again llok at the timeline:annata, I am not arguing when the SCOTUS ruled on EP for Nixon. There is no logic in your argument, because if it had already been proven that Nixon was involved, there would have been no need in obtaining the tapes. It would have been academic... a moot point. The fact is, the tapes are what damned Nixon, and proved he was lying. Nixon knew that, which is why he used EP to block their release to Congress. YES, there was a great deal of evidence to suggest that Nixon was directly involved with Watergate... just as there is a great deal of evidence to suggest Obama is involved with Fast & Furious. The tapes were the PROOF, and until we had those, we really didn't KNOW anything.
As for the NSA hampering the press and it's ability to investigate, I think that has pretty much always been the case, we have a confidentiality afforded to national security matters, and we'd be really stupid to NOT have them. We don't live in a bubble, where only self-absorbed politicos see and hear this stuff, we are in the 21st century, where information is available instantly around the world to everyone. Most certainly, our enemies! We can't just willy-nilly open up our CIA files for the world to look at, that's insane. So we have a system which enables us to issue certain information we declassify, and the media can do whatever it wants to do. They aren't prohibited from investigating, they just aren't privy to sensitive information, and they aren't ever going to be.
April 30 - Nixon's top White House staffers, H.R. Haldeman and John Ehrlichman, and Attorney General Richard Kleindienst resign over the scandal. White House counsel John Dean is fired.Post Story
May 18 - The Senate Watergate Committee begins its nationally televised hearings. Attorney General-designate Elliot Richardson taps former solicitor general Archibald Cox as the Justice Department's special prosecutor for Watergate. Post Story | Post Analysis
June 3 - John Dean has told Watergate investigators that he discussed the Watergate cover-up with President Nixon at least 35 times, The Post reports. Post Story
June 13 - Watergate prosecutors find a memo addressed to John Ehrlichman describing in detail the plans to burglarize the office of Pentagon Papers defendant Daniel Ellsberg's psychiatrist, The Post reports. Post Story
July 13 - Alexander Butterfield, former presidential appointments secretary, reveals in congressional testimony that since 1971 Nixon had recorded all conversations and telephone calls in his offices. Post Story
There was enough evidence -if it was followed up to prove Nixon knew and approved of Watergate. again llok at the timeline:
If it were anyone but POTUS normal criminal investigations would surely have gotten subpeona, and folowed the trail.
But I also see your point Nixon's use of EP. did block the investigation. So I sort of aggree and disagree with you, i'll leave it at that.
as to NSA types - since 9-11 these acts NDAA/Patriot, etc. do effectively block any investigation - futher they enable the gov't to inhibit investigation in an active manner.
The real probles (IMHO) is we're in a perpetual state of war -so this is going to be the modus operandi for the forseeable future.
really . you're nit picking it to death. Narrowing the point that the tapes were the smoking gun. OK fine.Well it's good you're going to leave it at that, but the fact is, I am right and you were wrong. The release of the tapes was followed by his resignation for good reason. The tapes were the physical proof which condemned Nixon. Now you can speculate as to whether they may have been able to prove his guilt some other way, but that doesn't change the facts. The tapes are what did it. And until we had the tapes, we really didn't have "PROOF" that Nixon had lied or had been involved in the cover-up. It's also interesting to note, until Nixon resigned, he maintained his innocence and denied involvement.
So what you're saying is, these are just things we have to accept, especially if it's a Democrat in the white house, because Democrats didn't have anything to do with passing the Patriot Act? Because Democrats would never use obstruction to impede an investigation? What exactly is your point? You seem to be FINE with Obama obstructing Congress and refusing to hand over information. Something tells me, you sang a different tune when it was Bush or any other Republican.
Before release of the Nixon tapes, there was no evidence of white house involvement.
Woodward & Bernstein would some homework on their Washington Post articles.
I don't know how you managed to mess up what you read from me, but I said that Nixon DIDN'T come out and tell us he was a crook... you posting evidence he obviously did the exact opposite, and told us he was NOT a crook, doesn't refute what I said... it confirms it. Nixon was telling us he wasn't involved, the tapes proved he was a liar. The missing 18 minutes were probably more incriminating than if they had been there, in the end, it was a disastrous cover-up.
Stop babbling, go back and read carefully and comprehensively the chronology of the posts. My response clarified why Nixon was full of it from day one, why a comparison to Obama/Holder is incorrect in light of how the SCOTUS ruled on Nixon. And again, the sheer hypocrisy of the neocon/teabagger GOP wailing about use of executive priviledge in light of Nixon, Reagan and the Bush family is pathetic.
But we're not discussing Nixon, just his use of executive privilege to obstruct Congressional investigation. It sounds like you weren't for that, but with Obama, things are somehow different. The only difference I see, is that it turned out, Nixon was lying and had to resign in shame, and that hasn't happened with Obama yet. In both cases, Congress was investigating and requesting information from a reluctant white house, who claimed to have no involvement. In both cases, the Congress said they weren't alleging the white house was involved, they just needed to see the information to clear up everything. It wasn't until AFTER the information was released by the Nixon white house, that he resigned... it was over. The tapes are what damned him, is this true for Obama as well? That is the question!