Father of Newtown Victim Heckled

What you did provide was nothing more then emotional assumptions, emotional assertions, emotional accusations, etc.

You only keep telling yourself that you're right; because you FEEL you are.

Pleae seek help, for your unfounded fears; because you appear to be bordering on a phobia, ie: Hoplophobia.

I have no fear of guns. I have fired numerous weapons from a .45, a Lugar, a Glock, rifles and shotguns. I have been trap shooting numerous times and was halfway decent, especially when I used a side by side, because I shoot right handed, but I was born left handed, and when I started school they forced everyone to write right handed. So shooting right handed screws up my dominate eye.

My 'agenda' is no different from Neil Heslin, who supports the 2nd amendment, but believes assault weapons and large clips should be banned.

Now, let's talk about your fear...black helicopters.
I have no fear of guns. I have fired numerous weapons from a .45, a Lugar, a Glock, rifles and shotguns. I have been trap shooting numerous times and was halfway decent, especially when I used a side by side, because I shoot right handed, but I was born left handed, and when I started school they forced everyone to write right handed. So shooting right handed screws up my dominate eye.

My 'agenda' is no different from Neil Heslin, who supports the 2nd amendment, but believes assault weapons and large clips should be banned.

Now, let's talk about your fear...black helicopters.

To further address your fear; are you able to explain what your description of an "assault weapon" is, without cutting and pasting others opinions?

What exactly is a "large clip"?
To further address your fear; are you able to explain what your description of an "assault weapon" is, without cutting and pasting others opinions?

What exactly is a "large clip"?

Any weapon and clip size you fear infested, conspiracy theory right wing cowards believe you need to fend off a tyrannical government.

We will bankrupt ourselves in the vain search for absolute security.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Any weapon and clip size you fear infested, conspiracy theory right wing cowards believe you need to fend off a tyrannical government.

We will bankrupt ourselves in the vain search for absolute security.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

So basically you have nothing; except your fear.
You could have admitted that you were stupid and uninformed, several posts ago, and save yourself the humiliation of having your cowardice exposed.
So basically you have nothing; except your fear.
You could have admitted that you were stupid and uninformed, several posts ago, and save yourself the humiliation of having your cowardice exposed.

It is just as much an 'answer' as the hecklers hurled at Neil Heslin.
It is just as much an 'answer' as the hecklers hurled at Neil Heslin.

But the "hecklers" are a figment of your fevered imagination, while your fear is real.
It's obviously so real, that it interfers with your ability to give cognitive replies.