FB page for independents and independent minded people

We actually have a 3 party system. We have the Democratic party, the Republican party, and the Trump party. Trump took a big chunk of the Reds and they only answer to him. When the Reds leader McCarthy talks, they laugh and ridicule him.

then there are multiple parties........don't pretend Bernie, Biden and Bill Clinton have anything other than 'D' in common........
Check out The Radical Independent: https://www.facebook.com/MilitantIndependent/

Non-Partisan, Anti-Duopoly, Pro-Independent. Reset the system to 'We the People'

I see a problem......I've read a couple of pages.......it would appn=ear your #1 issue is you hate both Republicans and Demmycrats.......you oppose division.......but apart from bridging the divide. it appears your only solution is NOT taking a stand on any issues.......where do you stand on immigration?.....where do you stand on federal spending and deficits?.......where do you stand on border protection.......you can find a lot of people who are against division, but you need to have a platform to get people to actually support you......