FBI Going After Right-Wing Militias

Sounds like something out of Inglorious Basterds.

Sounds like in 1 hand, and poop in the other. One night the old man grabbed me by the throat in the yard thinking I was the enemy. That was not pretty. It's a fine line between respecting your elders and stopping someone from crushing your trachea.
What is really getting me pissed.

Is not as much Che.

It's that Dutch thinks he's a Libertarian.

What a fcked up fraud or a babbling retard who doesn't know what a Libertarian even is.
Sounds like in 1 hand, and poop in the other. One night the old man grabbed me by the throat in the yard thinking I was the enemy. That was not pretty. It's a fine line between respecting your elders and stopping someone from crushing your trachea.

So you don't believe that WW2 soldiers ever took off stuff from German soldiers and kept them?
So you don't believe that WW2 soldiers ever took off stuff from German soldiers and kept them?

Obviously fucktard, I grew up with knowing it happened.
A guy my age still owns 2 8mm Mausers and a Luger.
I knew his dad, his dad did not bullshit. To the point of almost like me. I liked his dad. His dad killed Nazis.
It also drove him crazy.
I also saw the 3 dried ears on a dogtag chain. You ever seen anything like that?
You ever seen golden ashtrays with Nazi symbols made from jewfillings?
Solid gold.
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He didn't come out & say it was for a historical collection.

He puts it on his fridge & then refuses to call Che a bad character.

Well then he'll have to explain it to you.

My another anecdotal story, I had a "Big Brother" who fought in the Vietnam War. He showed me scars on his legs from falling in a bamboo trap. He also gave me his helmet that had a bullet dent on it. I always touched that dent to feel it. It was unreal.
I think the best evidence of Dutch being a radical Leftist & not a Libertarian.

Is that he attacks Libertarian leaning posters like In the night or Darth Omar or Bull & Terrier , but cozies up to the far Left like Guno,, Evince & Owl Woman.
Then what is your problem?

What's yours? My problem is unAmerican pieces of shit that disrespect the sacrifice my friend's father made.
They should die. Not only he did that, my uncle, my cousin..my grandfather..motherfuckers have no respect for America or those that have fought, bled, and died for it.
For that matter, been traumatized for life for it, I know how it really is.
They didn't do all that for pieces of shit to just waltz in and take over the country via fraud.
If you want my 2 cents.

Dutch is a Commie Totalitarian.

My father said watch what people do, not what they say.

Dutch does as a radical Leftist.
You think Dutch Uncle is disrespecting his sacrifice? How?

It feels that way to me.

You're all talkin' 'bout "Inglorious Bastards", and shit. well..without the people that came before me, Inglorious Bastards wouldn't be a fucking thing at all, k?
They would have nothing to write about, understand?
Well then he'll have to explain it to you.

My another anecdotal story, I had a "Big Brother" who fought in the Vietnam War. He showed me scars on his legs from falling in a bamboo trap. He also gave me his helmet that had a bullet dent on it. I always touched that dent to feel it. It was unreal.

Dutch could easily tell us that it's all historical collecting.
That he doesn't support Che Guevara.
Che wasn't a nice man.

He hasn't.
Probably because he can't hide from the truth of him being a Communist.

We have rights, he can be a Commie.
Not a very American way.

However, he's trash for telling us he's a Libertarian.
I guess the Democrats are just stuck on stupid. The last time they sicced the feds on "Right-wing militias" was in Clinton's early days in office. Ruby Ridge, Waco, and then the Oklahoma City bombing in revenge. Janet Reno ended up a complete moron for her inept handling of it. The ATF looked like compete fools. The nation was mortified at the sight of tanks trashing the Waco compound.
And, those were just the worst of that stupidity.

At least Clinton was smart enough to recognize the utter stupidity of going after the radical Right when just leaving them alone left them irrelevant. Looks like we're in for another repeat of history and Biden will suffer heavily for not paying attention to history.
Dutch could easily tell us that it's all historical collecting.
That he doesn't support Che Guevara.
Che wasn't a nice man.

He hasn't.
Probably because he can't hide from the truth of him being a Communist.

We have rights, he can be a Commie.
Not a very American way.

However, he's trash for telling us he's a Libertarian.

So you think Libertarians shouldn't have pictures of Che of any form around his/her house?
You are a radical Leftist the Che Guevara sh!t you have is just the icing on the cake...
...you're A trashy savage.

I've been to Israel a couple times. Witold now thinks I'm Jewish.
Wait until I tell him how many times I've been to Mexico and Canada.
I guess the Democrats are just stuck on stupid. The last time they sicced the feds on "Right-wing militias" was in Clinton's early days in office. Ruby Ridge, Waco, and then the Oklahoma City bombing in revenge. Janet Reno ended up a complete moron for her inept handling of it. The ATF looked like compete fools. The nation was mortified at the sight of tanks trashing the Waco compound.
And, those were just the worst of that stupidity.

At least Clinton was smart enough to recognize the utter stupidity of going after the radical Right when just leaving them alone left them irrelevant. Looks like we're in for another repeat of history and Biden will suffer heavily for not paying attention to history.