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If that is what you think moron. I gave you an answer. Your stupid is showing big time.
You should spend less time posting in different colors and more time reading my questions and responding to them.
If that is what you think moron. I gave you an answer. Your stupid is showing big time.
An example poor, poor Sybil not being able to differentiate between the MAGA movement and the MAGAt members of said movement. Sad.
That’s a nice fantasy from Planet Pinkie, but if it was true, why hasn’t the entire Republican Congress done something about it?
Ah yes. Your predictable tap dancing and avoiding is in full bloom! It began when I asked you to support your claims but, rather than actually supporting your claims, you resort to "You can't deny history, Sock."
Well, I'll try again.
Here are your assertions (with my requests for a link to support your claims):
Fauci mandated masks. - Link?
State governors colluded. - Link?
Some States rebelled, like FL.
Here's my response :
Fauci doesn't have the power to mandate masks. Fauci/CDC make recommendations. Some states NEVER had mask mandates.
Neither Fauci, nor the government, has the power to force lockdowns... that's why some states NEVER locked down.
Are you going to defend your claims or continue tap dancing?
Why did Trump hold a rally on that day? No right wingers seems to know.
So,you have no idea why Trump held a rally on that day. Thanks for admitting it.
You have no idea why Trump held a rally on that day.
That’s a nice fantasy from Planet Pinkie, but if it was true, why hasn’t the entire Republican Congress done something about it?
You should spend less time posting in different colors and more time reading my questions and responding to them.
You should spend less time posting in different colors and more time reading my questions and responding to them.
Color bothers a whining fairy like you? Say it is not so. You must be racist.
You have no idea why Trump held a rally on that day.
it was a free speech exercize that got a little out of hand.
thats all.
everyone knows that.
^^^Though you may try, Sybil.
MAGA isn't a person, Sybil.
Wow. Why do you think Trump and the Republican Congress were complicit?Why would they when the majority and the leadership were complicit? That excuse means nothing.
You can't deny history, Sock, nor blame me for YOUR problems.
Wow. Why do you think Trump and the Republican Congress were complicit?
Trump had two weeks to pardon the Insurrectionists. Instead, he threw them under the bus. Your theory that he was complicit explains it. Kudos!
it was a free speech exercize that got a little out of hand.
thats all.
everyone knows that.
Wow. Why do you think Trump and the Republican Congress were complicit?
Trump had two weeks to pardon the Insurrectionists. Instead, he threw them under the bus. Your theory that he was complicit explains it. Kudos!