FBI Orchestrated Jan 6 Riots ‘to Entrap MAGA Americans,’ Explains Congress’ Homeland

It is that they followed Trump's orders and used force to stop the certification of the electoral votes. While there, they trashed the capitol building. If they caught some politicians, the charges would have been murder. Stopping Congress from doing its sworn duty is by definition Insurrection.

no it isn't that.

please provide photo evidence of trashed capitol.

that didn't happen either.
georgia audited?

Audit seems like an accurate term. Whatever you want to call it, they refuted the lies that Trump referenced when he called Georgia and tried to steal the state from Biden.

State debunks voter 'fraud' claims line-by-line

Q: How many dead people actually 'voted'? A: Only two.

ATLANTA — On Wednesday, state officials took on specific allegations of voter fraud during a legislative hearing and told lawmakers that while some are still under investigation, none have been substantiated.

Despite attacks on Georgia’s election from President Donald Trump and some of his backers, state election officials say the 2020 election was free of any significant fraud.

According to the Trump campaign, 2,056 felons still under sentence in the state of Georgia voted illegally. State officials said they are investigating a total of 74 potential felons who may have cast ballots.

The Trump campaign claims that some 66,000 underage people voted during the 2020 general election. The state says the actual number of underage voters was zero.

"There were four people who requested a ballot before they turned 18," Secretary of State counsel Ryan Germany told the state House Government Affairs Committee on Wednesday. "And they all turned 18 prior to November 3 -- which means they’re allowed to vote."

According to Germany, the Trump campaign complained that 2,423 unregistered people were allowed to vote. He said the actual number was zero.

Germany said that the Trump campaign complained that 30,000 people voted in Georgia and another state. Investigators have only found three such voters.

He said that the Trump campaign complained that 10,000 dead people voted during the general election. Germany said they have found a total of two.

"Usually, that’s somebody who died recently, and a family member votes with (the name)," Germany said. "That handful of instances are consistent with what we see in every election. Again, it’s not ok,."

He added the cases would be referred to the state election board for possible penalties.

The Trump campaign also complained about absentee drop boxes, where they insisted that alleged “ballot harvesting” took place, by people illegally dropping off "armloads" of ballots. Germany says video reviews found none.

The Trump campaign has also complained a lot about signatures on absentee ballots.

Audit seems like an accurate term. Whatever you want to call it, they refuted the lies that Trump referenced when he called Georgia and tried to steal the state from Biden.

State debunks voter 'fraud' claims line-by-line

Q: How many dead people actually 'voted'? A: Only two.

ATLANTA — On Wednesday, state officials took on specific allegations of voter fraud during a legislative hearing and told lawmakers that while some are still under investigation, none have been substantiated.

Despite attacks on Georgia’s election from President Donald Trump and some of his backers, state election officials say the 2020 election was free of any significant fraud.

According to the Trump campaign, 2,056 felons still under sentence in the state of Georgia voted illegally. State officials said they are investigating a total of 74 potential felons who may have cast ballots.

The Trump campaign claims that some 66,000 underage people voted during the 2020 general election. The state says the actual number of underage voters was zero.

"There were four people who requested a ballot before they turned 18," Secretary of State counsel Ryan Germany told the state House Government Affairs Committee on Wednesday. "And they all turned 18 prior to November 3 -- which means they’re allowed to vote."

According to Germany, the Trump campaign complained that 2,423 unregistered people were allowed to vote. He said the actual number was zero.

Germany said that the Trump campaign complained that 30,000 people voted in Georgia and another state. Investigators have only found three such voters.

He said that the Trump campaign complained that 10,000 dead people voted during the general election. Germany said they have found a total of two.

"Usually, that’s somebody who died recently, and a family member votes with (the name)," Germany said. "That handful of instances are consistent with what we see in every election. Again, it’s not ok,."

He added the cases would be referred to the state election board for possible penalties.

The Trump campaign also complained about absentee drop boxes, where they insisted that alleged “ballot harvesting” took place, by people illegally dropping off "armloads" of ballots. Germany says video reviews found none.

The Trump campaign has also complained a lot about signatures on absentee ballots.


an audit is not "disputing trump".

there never is a real audit of any of this.

the elections and judges are both crooked.
So, you're saying that the numbers GEORGIA provided are made up. Where did Trump's numbers come from? Did he or his team have access to the ballots?

MAGAts believe that Georgia's Republican governor and Republican Congress are constantly being outsmarted by the Democrats.
MAGAts believe that Georgia's Republican governor and Republican Congress are constantly being outsmarted by the Democrats.

And they're apparently ok with losing....and risking lengthy prison sentences to fabricate voting data...for one state?

We also know that neither Raffensperger or Germany did the analysis themselves, which means that they've convinced several people in the Georgia government to stay quiet about their fabricated numbers.
And they're apparently ok with losing....and risking lengthy prison sentences to fabricate voting data...for one state?

We also know that neither Raffensperger or Germany did the analysis themselves, which means that they've convinced several people in the Georgia government to stay quiet about their fabricated numbers.
Some are, but they've proved to be nutjobs. Trump claimed he'd only hire the best people. What he clearly meant was only hire the best nutjob people loyal to him over the Constitution of the United States. As proved by the number of Americans testifying against Trump, not everyone is willing to break their oaths, or go to prison, for the clown-faced traitor.
Some are, but they've proved to be nutjobs. Trump claimed he'd only hire the best people. What he clearly meant was only hire the best nutjob people loyal to him over the Constitution of the United States. As proved by the number of Americans testifying against Trump, not everyone is willing to break their oaths, or go to prison, for the clown-faced traitor.

number of people testiying to anything proves nothing dipshit.
has there been an audit?

As I said earlier, I consider it to be an audit, at least of certain aspects of the ballots, even if not every aspect.. If you don't like that term, you can call it whatever you'd like or no term at all.

You are asserting that Georgia is falsifying the numbers. Based on what? Where did Trump's team get their numbers?
Ray Epps was an idiot like Fredo, except braver since he actually showed up on 1/6. He was caught up in a conspiracy theory among a large group of nutjob conspiracy theorists like himself. TBH, I don't have much sympathy for any of them. They all participated in attacking Congress. If one half killed the other half and then the killers sent to prison for life, I'd consider it a win-win.

The Democrat party is a conspiracy, Sock.
If Trump does not win something is going to happen. They will have to kill people to silence them. I do not put it past them or do I put it past the traitors here supporting it.
Quite right. What you are describing is civil war.

If Trump wins, the Democrats are going to go ape, and there will be civil war.

The outcome of the 2024 election cycle makes no significant difference here. There will be civil war. It will be started by the Democrats. Several Democrats here on JPP call for it as well.

They should be careful what they start. They will lose. Of course, they can't see that.
I see this coming war as being worse then the War of Secession (what many folks call the 'Civil War'), since this war is religiously based.

I hope I'm wrong.