FBI refuses to release documents in probe into possible nationwide voter registration

Blatant lie.

Arizona never determined their electors in 2020. The election faulted there.
It faulted AGAIN in the 2022 governor election. Both were due to election fraud by Democrats.

You can't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear.

If that's a blatant lie, how many fake ballots have been found?

Are you saying Arizona didn't officially submit their vote at a federal level, since they didn't have electors? I ask because I found them online with virtually no effort:

Electors pledged to former Vice President Joe Biden (D) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D):

Steve Gallardo
Luis Alberto Heredia
Constance Jackson
Sandra D. Kennedy
Stephen Roe Lewis
James McLaughlin
Jonathan Nez
Ned Norris
Regina Romero
Felecia Rotellini
Fred Yamashita
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If that's a blatant lie, how many fake ballots have been found?
Unknown. The election faulted.
Are you saying Arizona didn't officially submit their vote at a federal level, since they didn't have electors?
I ask because I found them online with virtually no effort:
There aren't any.
Electors pledged to former Vice President Joe Biden (D) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D):

Steve Gallardo
Luis Alberto Heredia
Constance Jackson
Sandra D. Kennedy
Stephen Roe Lewis
James McLaughlin
Jonathan Nez
Ned Norris
Regina Romero
Felecia Rotellini
Fred Yamashita
These are not electors. The legislature in AZ never selected them.
Unknown. The election faulted.


There aren't any.

These are not electors. The legislature in AZ never selected them.

The AZ legislature never selected them? Well, that's odd. Maybe someone should inform the AZ legislature that their site was hacked. Interestingly, the hackers picked the same people I listed. Weird.





Whereas, it is the constitutional and legal obligation of the Legislature of the State of Arizona to ensure that the state's presidential electors truly represent the will of the voters of Arizona; and

Whereas, pursuant to the direction of Congress as set forth in United States Code title 3, section 1 as authorized by article II, section 1, clause 4 of the Constitution of the United States, and state law adopted pursuant thereto, Arizona conducted an election for presidential electors on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November 2020—that is, on November 3, 2020; and

Whereas, that election was marred by irregularities so significant as to render it highly doubtful whether the certified results accurately represent the will of the voters; and

Whereas, Congress has further directed in United States Code title 3, section 2 that when a state "has held an election for the purpose of choosing electors, and has failed to make a choice on the day prescribed by law, the electors may be appointed on a subsequent day in such manner as the legislature of such State may direct"; and

Whereas, that provision implicitly recognizes that article II, section 1, clause 2 of the United States Constitution grants to each state legislature, with stated limitations, the sole authority to prescribe the manner of appointing electors for that state; and

Whereas, the United States Supreme Court and other courts have explained that when a state legislature directs the manner of appointing electors, it does so pursuant to a grant of authority from the United States Constitution rather than by reason of any state constitutional or other legal provision, that this authority may be exercised by the legislature alone without other aspects of the normal lawmaking process, and that the state legislature's authority over the appointment of presidential electors is plenary and may be resumed at any time; and

Whereas, because United States Code title 3, section 7 mandates that all presidential electors vote for President and Vice President of the United States on December 14, 2020, it is impossible to pursue this Legislature's preferred course of action, which would be for Arizona's voters to participate in a new, fair and free presidential election before that date; and

Whereas, in view of the facts heretofore recited, the Legislature is required to exercise its best judgment as to which slate of electors the voters prefer.


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Arizona, the Senate concurring:

That the following individuals be and are hereby appointed presidential electors for the State of Arizona for the presidential election of 2020, any other certification or provision of law notwithstanding:

1. Tyler Bowyer.

2. Nancy Cottle.

3. Jake Hoffman.

4. Anthony Kern.

5. Jim Lamon.

6. Robert Montgomery.

7. Sam Moorhead.

8. Loraine Pellegrino.

9. Greg Safsten.

10. Kelli Ward.

11. Mike Ward.

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The AZ legislature never selected them? Well, that's odd. Maybe someone should inform the AZ legislature that their site was hacked. Interestingly, the hackers picked the same people I listed. Weird.





Whereas, it is the constitutional and legal obligation of the Legislature of the State of Arizona to ensure that the state's presidential electors truly represent the will of the voters of Arizona; and

Whereas, pursuant to the direction of Congress as set forth in United States Code title 3, section 1 as authorized by article II, section 1, clause 4 of the Constitution of the United States, and state law adopted pursuant thereto, Arizona conducted an election for presidential electors on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November 2020—that is, on November 3, 2020; and

Whereas, that election was marred by irregularities so significant as to render it highly doubtful whether the certified results accurately represent the will of the voters; and

Whereas, Congress has further directed in United States Code title 3, section 2 that when a state "has held an election for the purpose of choosing electors, and has failed to make a choice on the day prescribed by law, the electors may be appointed on a subsequent day in such manner as the legislature of such State may direct"; and

Whereas, that provision implicitly recognizes that article II, section 1, clause 2 of the United States Constitution grants to each state legislature, with stated limitations, the sole authority to prescribe the manner of appointing electors for that state; and

Whereas, the United States Supreme Court and other courts have explained that when a state legislature directs the manner of appointing electors, it does so pursuant to a grant of authority from the United States Constitution rather than by reason of any state constitutional or other legal provision, that this authority may be exercised by the legislature alone without other aspects of the normal lawmaking process, and that the state legislature's authority over the appointment of presidential electors is plenary and may be resumed at any time; and

Whereas, because United States Code title 3, section 7 mandates that all presidential electors vote for President and Vice President of the United States on December 14, 2020, it is impossible to pursue this Legislature's preferred course of action, which would be for Arizona's voters to participate in a new, fair and free presidential election before that date; and

Whereas, in view of the facts heretofore recited, the Legislature is required to exercise its best judgment as to which slate of electors the voters prefer.


Be it resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of Arizona, the Senate concurring:

That the following individuals be and are hereby appointed presidential electors for the State of Arizona for the presidential election of 2020, any other certification or provision of law notwithstanding:

1. Tyler Bowyer.

2. Nancy Cottle.

3. Jake Hoffman.

4. Anthony Kern.

5. Jim Lamon.

6. Robert Montgomery.

7. Sam Moorhead.

8. Loraine Pellegrino.

9. Greg Safsten.

10. Kelli Ward.

11. Mike Ward.


Sorry, dude. You can't appoint electors for a 2020 election in 2021!
If that's a blatant lie, how many fake ballots have been found?

Are you saying Arizona didn't officially submit their vote at a federal level, since they didn't have electors? I ask because I found them online with virtually no effort:

Electors pledged to former Vice President Joe Biden (D) and Sen. Kamala Harris (D):

Steve Gallardo
Luis Alberto Heredia
Constance Jackson
Sandra D. Kennedy
Stephen Roe Lewis
James McLaughlin
Jonathan Nez
Ned Norris
Regina Romero
Felecia Rotellini
Fred Yamashita

You’re trying to enter into an argument with a QAnon level person. Don’t waste your time.
As of today, approximately zero have been found and that includes the those ballots that were apart of a forensic audit, by Cyber Ninjas, in AZ. Millions of dollars wasted to come up with a mind-blowing 35 "questionable" ballots. Not fraudulent, just questionable.

I think the AZ GOP spend 2 million on that one... that's about $57k per questionable ballot.

If it is an ongoing investigation how do you know?
Give it up rube, stop reading ass hat right wing kook publications. Trump's own attorney general said the election wasn't fixed or tampered with

Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud

WASHINGTON (AP) — Disputing President Donald Trump’s persistent, baseless claims, Attorney General William Barr declared Tuesday the U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election.

Barr’s comments, in an interview with the The Associated Press, contradict the concerted effort by Trump, his boss, to subvert the results of last month’s voting and block President-elect Joe Biden from taking his place in the White House.


I find it interesting that the FBI seemed to think it serious enough that they had to take the investigation away from the Michigan State Police, but not serious enough to actually do anything......
They are dragging their feet again to protect Biden and the Democrats

It seems pretty clear that there was an effort to protect at least Hunter, probably Joe and potentially other Bidens in regard to foreign money. That is a completely separate issue from the election fraud claims.
If it is an ongoing investigation how do you know?

The current investigation involves hundreds of voter registration forms in Michigan. Has nothing to do with ballots in Michigan, AZ or anywhere else. This story was reported years ago.

Police investigating after Muskegon clerk finds irregularities in voter registration applications

Meisch said no ballots were issued to any application with suspected voter registration irregularities.

MUSKEGON, Mich. — Police are investigating after voter irregularities were found at the City of Muskegon.

According to Muskegon City Clerk Ann Meisch, the office found irregularities in hundreds of applications. However, none of these irregularities resulted in ballots being sent out incorrectly.

Meisch said the office started receiving boxes of voter registrations about three weeks ago from an organized drive they were unaware of. The office received several of those boxes and estimated 6,000 applications were inside.

While most of the applications were valid, Meisch said several irregularities were recognized in a portion of them, including applications with wrong birthdays, addresses, driver’s license numbers and signatures that did not match their driver’s license.

“In all, we estimate we received several hundred applications that had such irregularities,” Meisch said.

The irregularities were detected via the office’s Qualified Voter File (QVF). The database allows voter information to be matched with information from the Secretary of State’s Office, including signature and driver’s license number.

“If this information was not correct, we called the phone number on the application to speak to the voter,” Meisch said. “Any information that we were not able to verify, we gave to the SOS Office who ran additional checks. Once this happened and we could not verify the application, the information was removed from the voter registration files.”

So what is the FBI hiding. Is this more cover because Biden actually lost the election. Sounds like more Democrat dirty tricks


Can you NOT read?

The FBI took over a 2020 probe into voter registration fraud that began in Michigan but has denied a Freedom of Information Act request regarding the investigation, citing an exemption in that law regarding ongoing investigations.

Or are you unable to comprehend what ongoing investigation means?
I find it interesting that the FBI seemed to think it serious enough that they had to take the investigation away from the Michigan State Police, but not serious enough to actually do anything......

They "took" it, or were more likely given the case by Michigan State Police, because the people involved with GBI, which is based out of Tennessee, had left the state, so State Police have absolutely no jurisdiction.
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