So what is the FBI hiding. Is this more cover because Biden actually lost the election. Sounds like more Democrat dirty tricks
I think we know the answer. Sad.
So what is the FBI hiding. Is this more cover because Biden actually lost the election. Sounds like more Democrat dirty tricks
You brain dead simpleton of a claimed lawyer. LEARN TO READ.
From the TS own OP and article can you not read the above? Are those words too big for you to comprehend?
These same accusations and facts are bridging MULTIPLE SWING STATES all of which the Trump team was pushing the fake fraud claim.
God you are dense.
Name one Dem lie I’ve defended.
You defend Biden so you defend his lies
Where did I defend Biden?
Post 122 and 125 you defend Biden and condemn Trump
Fake ballots are not legally cast votes.
Democrats already riot.
I can't help that you require no proof to believe something. That doesn't mean I'M supporting a Dem lie. That just means you need to up your requirements for belief.
Believe me, I am not trying to get out of anything. You claimed that fraudulent votes don't count. I absolutely agree. How many fraudulent ballots were found so far?
Do you mean in the real world? Extremely few. Some people used dead spouse's ballots. In right-wing circles, there were millions and millions. When Trump first ran, he said there were, and he was going to be cheated. It was his start at destroying the American system. There were more fraudulent ballots for Trump than Biden.
Hey you short, read the thread title...
FBI refuses to release documents in probe into possible nationwide voter registration
If it starts of State but then has NATIONWiDE IMPLICATIONS, it will often be yielded to the countries Nation wide policed force, the FBI.
Yet another situation where you create reality based on what you want to believe. You believe the election was stolen and you can convince yourself of that even though the that facts don't bear it out.
Where did I defend Biden?
121 and 129
Another Democrat lie. Argument of the Stone fallacy. I have already shown you some of the evidence of election fraud by Democrats.
The fraud is being uncovered here and there in several states. No thanks to the FBI, though.
We all know there has never been that many vote before. So how many were fake ballots
So, the FBI isn't releasing documents related to an ongoing investigation.
What's the issue?