FDA: Zicam can permanently damage smell

Equally scary was the revelation that there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of such products out there that are not regulated or monitored. That can mean that the concentrations of some ingredients may greatly exceed what a previous batch might have contained, and also that some ingredients may not be present at all.

There are no inspections, and quality control is at the pleasure of the manufacturer, there's no oversight. We know how well that works out, don't we! (e.g. peanuts).
The principles behind homeopathy are that if you have a sickness, you can treat yourself with extremely small amounts of something that causes the same illness, and it will heal you. Why? There's no reason why. It was just a guess. Of course, if you actually ate arsenic, it would just kill you. That would disprove the medicine theory right there. So that's why they invented the rule that it has to be diluted massively, because otherwise the sham would've never gotten off the ground. There's no real resason for it. It was just another piece of guesswork.

They do start out with arsenic, poison, or a medicine in the mix, but it is diluted to such a ridiculous degree that it is completely and totally chemically pure water. I guess some remedies add alcohol to the mix to make it seem less like water and more medicinal tasting, though.

Zicam, however, is not a true homeopathic remedy.