Fed cuts .75 this morning

sweet.. i hope this works. i got 25% out of market now. was planning to just ride the rest out but if we get a nice pop i may got 50% out.
dude don't try to be a hero, Pro's can't even time the market.
You pull your money out your not buying when it's low, and it's not low yet.
Just like I explained on the real estate 6% long term, long term P/E is 15ish and we're still higher than that.
well i pulled the 25% out a couple months ago.. out of china and a few stocks.

timed that pretty good. tho the rest of my shit is down quite a bit still.
and we'll see some fiscal stimulus in the next comming weeks if Congress wants to save face.:clink:

They are not saving face with me. They screwed it up for a quick buck at our expense--and now our expenses are coming back to bite them in the ass.

The levers the feds can pull to try to fix it are very numbered and we have nothing of value enough in this country to stop the downward spiral. We gave it away and sold it. They gave away what you worked for. Time to go on a social program?

Yea---that's the answer---socialism rule. How about a revolution?
come on now. lets not talk foolish. Its a correction and perhaps recession. this happens. Great thing about this country tho is ability to adapt. We are needed in the world. Dont miss the ride up.
It is a band aid to try to buy time that is running out---the dollar will drop more as a result. Is that right Topspin? You do know that--right?
Minority, your a glass empty guy. I'm a glass overfilled guy.
We have the best economy by 30%, it's funny watching all the novices shed tears when we're still growing. What the hell are you babies going to do when we actually have a recession??????
come on now. lets not talk foolish. Its a correction and perhaps recession. this happens. Great thing about this country tho is ability to adapt. We are needed in the world. Dont miss the ride up.

There may be another trend going up or a half dozen---but that is about it. It is because of irresponsible globalization, and we may be past the point of no return IMO.
i don't think America will be falling into dire straights any time soon. not in our lifetimes or our kids life times. In fact we are right now getting a huge infusion of hard ass worker immigrants and a babyboon.
Minority, your a glass empty guy. I'm a glass overfilled guy.
We have the best economy by 30%, it's funny watching all the novices shed tears when we're still growing. What the hell are you babies going to do when we actually have a recession??????

Enough talk--It is as cheap as a liberial hippies talk-----lets bet.

You tell me when there is no more talk about a recession on the liberial media. Some believe we are already in one, and they feel when the most recient data comes out, it will meet the techinical requirements.

your pocket book is not a good relfection of our economy----yet.
i don't think America will be falling into dire straights any time soon. not in our lifetimes or our kids life times. In fact we are right now getting a huge infusion of hard ass worker immigrants and a babyboon.

Ohh boy. That is the answer to a good economy for the people that live in a country--making the majority of the people into slave labor? I told you we can not compete with China the way we are, and not drop down to their populas level. That is exaclty what is happening in a nut shell. Do not doubt me whan I say poor mortage lending is NOT the only reason why people are being forclosed right and left. It has a lot to do with losing jobs and making less money also.

We are on the edge of a cliff--and coporations who jumped ship or are jumping ship now are still pushing us.

Is it just OK for you to make money, and not everybody else?

IMO, the only way we are getting out of this is to only deal with countries that are close to the same level as we are as a society--anybody else will be a boat anchor. IMO, all industrial established countries that developed a good life for their own people all have to be on board with this one, or it will not work. Let the thrid world countries deal with other third world countries. When they want to pick it up to our level--we will be happy to deal with them--and our businesses will not jump borders.

Shit---other than oil--we can totally support ourselfs if we stopped all trade. We could have our own little eco economy and we can all chase our American dream. yea--that is extreem---but damn it --we can do it---we can do anything---even get much of our own oil.

We are the leaders of the world---but we alowed other countries to grab our shirt tails--and crawl down our pants for a good fucking. The country is now a sick porn show--with the rich corps watching as they eat popcorn and jack off.
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Ohh boy. That is the answer to a good economy for the people that live in a country--making the majority of the people into slave labor? I told you we can not compete with China the way we are, and not drop down to their populas level. That is exaclty what is happening in a nut shell. Do not doubt me whan I say poor mortage lending is NOT the only reason why people are being forclosed right and left. It has a lot to do with losing jobs and making less money also.

Is it just OK for you to make money, and not everybody else?

there will be an evening out a little bit but we definitely still have a class structure in place. but once America, Canada, Mexico, and then south America are regionalized i don't think any other region of the world will be able to compete. if we sit back in isolationism and watch globilization occur from the sidelines with a protective stance... that will spell our downfall.

but again this shit is way way down the road. not any time soon.
MINORITY what community college did you go to?
It takes 2 qtrs for a recession, we haven't had one down one yet.
there will be an evening out a little bit but we definitely still have a class structure in place. but once America, Canada, Mexico, and then south America are regionalized i don't think any other region of the world will be able to compete. if we sit back in isolationism and watch globilization occur from the sidelines with a protective stance... that will spell our downfall.

but again this shit is way way down the road. not any time soon.

You support the NAFTA super highway for economic reasons? That is the problem. I would rather be self supporting and not deal with slave contries the way we are.

China will then take Taiwan--and so on and so on. I can see the friction man.

Don't forget the fact that Canada, Mexico and the USA cna't compete with slave labor of one country with more people (probably). China will copy anything we do within 6 months, and do it cheaper.

The bottom line is, we can afford good quality USA made products----if we gt paid more. We can't get paid more if we compete against slave labor--so we will become slave labor also. I know you see that happening right now.
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Minority, your a glass empty guy. I'm a glass overfilled guy.
We have the best economy by 30%, it's funny watching all the novices shed tears when we're still growing. What the hell are you babies going to do when we actually have a recession??????

how very true.

When the glass is half empty you tell everyone its overflowing instead of telling the the truth which is that its half full.

Its not the end of the world but it is the end of the arguement that the Market will take care of its self without oversite and proper regulations.

It is also the end of a Republican majority for some years to come. People are tired of the corporations making out like bandits at their expense. Look for a long period of left leaning control. To call it socialism is just stupidity.
Today will not be as bad as expected, but the comming weeks will be. I have about half of my money sitting in a savings account because Ive been too busy to do anything with it (Equity from the sale of my home plus some stock I sold because I took gains). Anyway I am real happy about being mostly out today and for the next few days.

All I have in is some Gold, half of which I sold over the past three weeks.