Fed cuts .75 this morning

MINORITY what community college did you go to?
It takes 2 qtrs for a recession, we haven't had one down one yet.

That is not what I hear on the news I listen to.

West shore Community college for a machine tool degree

Grand Rapids Community college for a bunch of classes to fill for

Two Bachalors in manufacturing at a university called Ferris State.

I paid for all of it myself---fucker.

I did not go to a brain washing liberial university that want to turn this country into a communist country, and join the world. I have enough American integerity and wisdom not to let myself believe that BS.

Your a DUPE, and your taking me and USA down with your commie solutions. that are probably not your own solutions--but what you have been force fed.
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I am about 25% in gold right now. Most of it I have had for some time though and I will hold my gold for now.
You support the NAFTA super highway for economic reasons? That is the problem. I would rather be self supporting and not deal with slave contries the way we are.

China will then take Taiwan--and so on and so on. I can see the friction man.

Don't forget the fact that Canada, Mexico and the USA cna't compete with slave labor of one country with more people (probably). China will copy anything we do within 6 months, and do it cheaper.

The bottom line is, we can afford good quality USA made products----if we gt paid more. We can't get paid more if we compete against slave labor--so we will become slave labor also. I know you see that happening right now.

not necessarily. as a nation we have become a service industry.. what we do well is we have best hospitals and doctors, best financial services, best universities, forefront of technology. What we don't have is factories and production anymore because we cant compete today with the 'slave labor' in other countries.

with Mexico, Latin, south America areas we pick up the ability to regionalize compete some of that industry again. With canada we pick up some important natural resources. As a country we can continue focusing on being the forefornt of the world with technology, education, banking, and medicine.
That is not what I hear on the news I listen to.

West shore Community college for a machine tool degree

Grand Rapids Community college for a bunch of classes to fill for

Two Bachalors in manufacturing at a university called Ferris State.

I paid for all of it myself---fucker.

I did not go to a brain washing liberial university that want to turn this country into a communist country, and join the world. I have enough American integerity and wisdom not to let myself believe that BS.

Your a DUPE, and your taking me and USA down with your commie solutions. that are probably not your own solutions--but what you have been force fed.

technically speaking we need to have 2 full quarters of negative gdp for it to be considered a recession. we are already in a market correction. have been for months now. GDP for December was positive. all indications is for jan its positive, and feb-the rest of the year the forecast is positive. I do however believe we may start seeing some negative months soon. can we string 6 negatives together in a row? im not sure. I almost hope we do just to get it out of the way instead of a long period of up and down like the 70's
not necessarily. as a nation we have become a service industry.. what we do well is we have best hospitals and doctors, best financial services, best universities, forefront of technology. What we don't have is factories and production anymore because we cant compete today with the 'slave labor' in other countries.

with Mexico, Latin, south America areas we pick up the ability to regionalize compete some of that industry again. With canada we pick up some important natural resources. As a country we can continue focusing on being the forefornt of the world with technology, education, banking, and medicine.

best finiancial services???? :shock:

It is volitle--but precious metals may be the best investment you can make.

US(my ass)citizen--wern't you telling us how good the economy is? Why so much gold?

Come on folks---even the people that tell you everything is fine--are protecting themselfs and circling the wagons. The people that have the money still and telling you everything is going to be fine---are buying gold and silver.

I wonder how much our banks have bought?
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It is volitle--but precious metals may be the best investment you can make.

US(my ass)citizen--wern't you telling us how good the economy is? Why so much gold?

Come on folks---even the people that tell you everything is fine--are protecting themselfs and circling the wagons. The people that have the money still and telling you everything is going to be fine---are buying gold and silver.

you must have me confused with topspinner or some other retard.

I am known here as the Job Doomer becuase I saw this coming for a long time. Just did not know exactly when it would hit, but an economy based on excessive credit was bound to fall.
not necessarily. as a nation we have become a service industry.. what we do well is we have best hospitals and doctors, best financial services, best universities, forefront of technology. What we don't have is factories and production anymore because we cant compete today with the 'slave labor' in other countries.

with Mexico, Latin, south America areas we pick up the ability to regionalize compete some of that industry again. With canada we pick up some important natural resources. As a country we can continue focusing on being the forefornt of the world with technology, education, banking, and medicine.

You show me a country that does not produce product, and I will show you a country full of poor people. Somebody has to support that service industry. Producing things adds value--service does not. If you think it does---so me one country that has a good economy that does not produce stuff. there is none. You have been DUPED.
You show me a country that does not produce product, and I will show you a country full of poor people. Somebody has to support that service industry. Producing things adds value--service does not. If you think it does---so me one country that has a good economy that does not produce stuff. there is none. You have been DUPED.
Hence their sudden wish to add Canada and Mexico into a North American Union...
you must have me confused with topspinner or some other retard.

I am known here as the Job Doomer becuase I saw this coming for a long time. Just did not know exactly when it would hit, but an economy based on excessive credit was bound to fall.

so did I (see it coming about 10 years ago). I tell ya what--I do give you a lot of credit for recogonizing that. I don't know if your involved in manufacturing, but only those people seem to have tha ability to understand how we hurt ourselfs.

I tell ya--If Romney does not bend to the coporations like we have in the past--he may be our best shot. Hillery on the other hand said "I want to give people money to heat their homes---to help the economy". WHAT??? She is the front runner? She knows less about the economy than I do--and that was a heart string ploy to get votes from the poor. It is not possible to help the economy in anyway (accept the oil companies) by helping people with their oil bill. We believe that dumb bitch?
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MINORITY what community college did you go to?
It takes 2 qtrs for a recession, we haven't had one down one yet.

It takes two to declare a recession, but that is always in hindsight. It doesn't mean we are not currently in a recession mr mba guru master.
Dow, started 450 down, but is slowly comming back up, it will not go further down today but will only regain about a third of todays innitial drop.
I don't like the "official" term for recession, to me if prices are increasing faster than wages and unemployment is on the rise it is a recession. That is where we are now.
so did I (see it coming about 10 years ago). I tell ya what--I do give you a lot of credit for recogonizing that. I don't know if your involved in manufacturing, but only those people seem to have tha ability to understand how we hurt ourselfs.

I tell ya--If Romney does not bend to the coporations like we have in the past--he may be our best shot. Hillery on the other hand said "I want to give people money to heat their homes---to help the economy". WHAT??? She is the front runner? She knows less about the economy than I do--and that was a heart string ploy to get votes from the poor. It is not possible to help the economy in anyway (accept the oil companies) by helping people with their oil bill. We believe that dumb bitch?

romney was an investment banker or somesuch, so I figure he will do us no favors. Those are the types that contributed the most to this mess.